Tufts CS 117 (Fall 2024):
Internet-scale Distributed Systems

Tufts CS 117 Reading Assignment:
Reflections on Trusting Trust


This reading assignment is in two parts due on different days: the first reading is one of the most famous and thought-provoking papers on security, Ken Thompson's Reflections on Trusting Trust. Ken is renowned as the co-inventor of Unix, an achievement for which he won the ACM Turing Award, and this paper is his Turing award lecture. His talk and this paper shocked the computing field with it's startling demonstration of the vulnerabilities of software systems, and it's a really enjoyable paper to work through. You must submit answers to a brief set of questions on Thompson's paper.

The second reading was suggested by our guest lecturer, security expert Mary Ellen Zurko. There are no questions for this second reading.


Please do the following:

Due dates

Due dates are as follows:

Getting the Questions

As with the distribution models assignment, short response True/False questions about the Ken Thompson paper are provided in an HTML files copies of which you can download. You must supply your answers by inserting them in the spaces provided in the downloaded HTML file, and when you are done, you must submit your answers using the usual Tufts CS department "provide" command. See instructions below. Your responses will be graded automatically by a script. Please respond only with the single letter T or F for True/False questions, or with the required word or term for others. Do not add commentary or explanations! The script will ignore them, and we will have to grade your work manually.

Review questions for this assignment - Download questions for this assignment

Submitting your answers

Download the HTML file with the questions using the link above. Fill in your answers, use your local browser to check formatting, and the HTML validator to make sure your HTML is correct. You may ignore warnings about character encodings. Then use provide to submit:

provide comp117 security securityquestions.html

Note that comp117 is lowercase; provide will choke if you get that wrong. As always, detailed grading will be done only on your final submission.