HW1: Practical Introduction to Regression

Last modified: 2019-01-29 16:40

Due date: Wed. Jan 30 at 11:59PM EST.

Turn-in links:

Files to Turn In:

ZIP file of source code should contain:

  • hw1.ipynb : Jupyter Notebook file containing your plotting code and markup
  • LeastSquaresLinearRegression.py : Python file
  • evaluate_perf_metrics.py : Python file
  • COLLABORATORS.txt : a plain text file [example], containing
    • Your full name
    • Estimate the hours you spent on each of Problem 1, Problem 2, and Problem 3
    • Names of any people you talked to for help (TAs, students, etc.). If none, write "No external help".
    • Brief description of what content you sought help about (1-3 sentences)

PDF report:

  • Please export your completed hw1.ipynb notebook as a PDF (easiest way is likely in your browser, just do 'Print as PDF' or similar)
  • This document will be manually graded

Evaluation Rubric:

See the PDF submission portal on Gradescope for the point values of each problem. Generally, tasks with more coding/effort will earn more potential points.

Starter code:

See the hw1 folder of the public assignments repo for this class:


Jump to: Problem 1   Problem 2   Problem 3

Best practices

Across all the problems here, be sure that all plots include readable axes labels and legends if needed.

Problem 1: Predicting the Age of Abalone Sea Creatures given Physiological Measurements

Your ecologist colleagues from Australia have given you a dataset of physiological measurements related to abalone, an abundant shellfish [Wikipedia article on abalone]. Your colleagues are interested in monitoring abalone population health by tracking various measurements (length, weight) of these creatures, as well as their age. While the physical measurements are somewhat easy to obtain in the field, directly measuring age is a boring and time-consuming task (cut open the shell, stain it, count the number of rings on the sheel visible through a microscope). The age is known to be equal to 1.5 plus the number of rings.

You have been asked to build an ring count predictor for abalone, which is naturally a regression problem. You'll have the following input measurements for each abalone:

column name type unit description
is_male binary 1 = 'male', 0 = 'female'
length_mm numeric mm longest shell measurement
diam_mm numeric mm diameter of shell, perpendicular to length
height_mm numeric mm height of shell (with meat inside)
whole_weight_g numeric gram entire creature weight (shell + guts + meat)
shucked_weight_g numeric gram weight of the meat
viscera_weight_g numeric gram weight of the guts (after bleeding)
shell_weight_g numeric gram weight of shell alone (after drying)

If you like, you can browse the web to see visually what meat, guts, and shells look like.

In the starter code, we have provided an existing train/validation/test split of this dataset, stored on-disk in comma-separated-value (CSV) files: x_train.csv, y_train.csv, x_valid.csv, y_valid.csv, x_test.csv, and y_test.csv.

Get the data here: https://github.com/tufts-ml-courses/comp135-19s-assignments/tree/master/hw1/data_abalone

Loading \(y\): You'll want to load in the \(y\) data into separate NumPy arrays for training, validation, and test. You can read from CSV files into arrays via the following:

    y_tr = np.loadtxt('path/to/y_train.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    y_va = np.loadtxt('path/to/y_valid.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    y_te = np.loadtxt('path/to/y_test.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)

Loading \(x\): You'll want to load in two versions of the \(x\) data:

  • all 8 features : all columns in x_train.csv, x_valid.csv, etc.
  • only 2 features : only the columns diam_mm and shucked_weight_g

Probably it's easiest to load the full dataset, then make a copy that has only the two relevant columns.

1a: Response Variable Exploration

1a(i): Produce one figure with three subplots, showing histograms of the \(y\) values on training, validation, and test sets. Be sure to set the bin width of the histogram to 1.0 to show the essential features of the distribution.

1a(ii): Describe the training set distribution you see in a few sentences. Is it unimodal or multimodal? What kind of shape does it it have? Are there noticeable outliers?

1a(iii): Quantify the training set's descriptive statistics. What is the mean? The median? Minimum value? Maximum value?

1b: Data Exploration for Prediction

Using the training set \(x\) data, consider only the two features 'diam_mm' and 'shucked_weight_g'.

1b(i): Create one figure with two subplots. First subplot: scatter plot of diam_mm vs rings. Second subplot: a scatter plot of shucked_weight_g vs rings.

1b(ii): Describe the trends you between diameter and rings (1-2 sentences). Could you predict rings from diameter?

1b(iii): Describe the trends you see between shucked weight and rings (1-2 sentences). Could you predict rings from shucked weight?

1c: Baseline Predictions

Given a training set of values \(\{y_n \}_{n=1}^N\), we can always consider two simple baselines for prediction that return the same constant values regardless of the input \(x_i\) feature vector:

  • predict-mean-of-y : \(\hat{y}(x_i) = \text{mean}( y_1, y_2, \ldots y_N)\)
  • predict-median-of-y : \(\hat{y}(x_i) = \text{median}(y_1, y_2, \ldots y_N)\)

We have provided fully-function Python classes to do this prediction, MeanPredictor and MedianPredictor. They follow the template for scikit-learn regression objects discussed in class, meaning they offer fit and predict methods.

For each of MeanPredictor and MedianPredictor, you should construct an regression object instance, fit it to the training set by calling fit, and then obtain predictions on training, validation, and test by calling predict.

To evaluate predictions, you'll need to implement the most common regression performance metric, mean squared error (via the calc_perf_metric__squared_error function). You should complete this template functions within the starter code file evaluate_perf_metrics.py

1c(i): Make a table of the mean-squared-error for each of the MeanPredictor and MedianPredictor predictors when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

1d: Linear Regression Prediction

Now, we'll try linear regression to predict the number of rings given physical measurements.

Look at the starter code file LeastSquaresLinearRegression.py. This file defines a LeastSquaresLinearRegressor class with the two key methods of the usual sklearn regression API: fit and predict.

You will edit this file to complete the fit and the predict methods.

Coding Step 1/2: The fit method should take in a labeled dataset \(\{x_n, y_n\}_{n=1}^N\) and instantiate two instance attributes:

  • w_F : 1D array of weights, shape (n_features = F,)
  • b : scalar bias

Nothing should be returned. You're updating the internal state of the object.

These attributes should be set using the formulas discussed in class for solving the "least squares" optimization problem (finding \(w\) and \(b\) values that minimize squared error on the training set).

Hint: Within a Python class, you can set an attribute like self.b = 1.0.

Coding Step 2/2: The predict method should take in a set of feature vectors \(\{x_n\}_{n=1}^N\) and produce (return) the predicted responses \(\{ \hat{y}(x_n) \}_{n=1}^N\)

Recall that for linear regression, we've defined the prediction function as \(\hat{y}(x_n) = w^T x_n + b\).

Back to the Notebook: The starter code notebook has already imported your LeastSquaresLinearRegressor class (you might need to restart the notebook / reimport after any edits). Construct two instances of your LeastSquaresLinearRegressor class, one for each of the versions of the \(x\) data ("2 features" and "all 8 features").

1d(i): Apply your linear regression code to the "2 features" \(x\) data, and add a column to our results table showing the mean-squared-error when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

1d(ii): Apply your linear regression code to the "8 features" \(x\) data, and add a column to our results table showing the mean-squared-error when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

1d(iii): Does using more features seem worthwhile? Do you think the improvement on the test data is significant? Why or why not?

1e: K-Nearest-Neighbor Regression

Now, we'll apply some more flexible machine learning to this problem: K nearest neighbors regression to the full "8 feature" version of the abalone dataset. You should use the KNeighborsRegressor class provided by sklearn.

You will explore various values for the number of neighbors \(K\): 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 201, 401, 801. Also include \(N\), the total size of the training data.

For each value, train a KNeighborsRegressor object and evaluate it on the training set and the validation set.

1e(i): Make a line plot showing the trend between mean-squared-error (MSE) and \(K\) on the validation set (use line style 'rs-', a solid red line with square markers). Include a line plot representing the K-NN training set MSE vs \(K\) (use line style 'r:', a thin dashed red line). Include two flat lines representing linear regression (solid blue) and guess-mean baseline (solid black).

1e(ii): Based on this plot, which value of \(K\) would you recommend and why?

1e(iii): Add a column to our results table showing the mean-squared-error of the selected best K-NN regressor from 1e(ii) when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

1f: Analyzing Residuals (not required; bonus points possible)

We'd like to understand what kinds of mistakes we're making. Using the validation set, we can scatter plot the ground truth \(y\) values (x-axis) versus the predicted \(\hat{y}\) values (y-axis). This can tell us if our model might be underperforming on a specific subset of data.

1f(i): Create a figure with two subplots, one showing the \(y\)-vs-\(\hat{y}\) scatter plot for linear regression (using all features), the other showing the best \(K\)-NN regressor.

1f(ii): Describe your conclusions from these plots. What kinds of systematic errors does each method make?

Problem 2: Predicting the Number of Doctor Visits for Elderly People

Your public health colleagues are keen to estimate how often elderly populations might visit their primary-care physician. They'd like to have an individual-subject-level predictor that can take in basic information about a subject and predict how many total doctor visits they'll have in a year. Given such a predictor, you could improve estimates that help decide the allocation of resources (budgeting dollars, number of doctors, etc) for a local clinic.

Important note: For this analysis, your stakeholders care about your choice of evaluation metric. They say that this is mostly a budgeting problem, and thus if they make a mistake in resource allocation, costs accrue linearly (e.g. if they schedule 2 extra visits than necessary for the year, the cost is 2x the cost of 1 extra doctor).

This doctor visits per year predictor is naturally a regression problem. You'll have the following input measurements for each subject:

column name type unit description
age_in_decades numeric decade
health_excellent binary 1 if health is rated 'excellent', 0 otherwise
health_poor binary 1 if health is rated 'poor', 0 otherwise
n_chronic_cond numeric count of subject's chronic health conditions (such as asthma, heart disease, obesity, etc.)
n_years_schooling numeric year total years of schooling
income_in_10k_dollars numeric dollars annual income for household/family (measured in $10,000s of dollars)
limited_daily_activity binary 1 if health limits daily activities like walking, 0 otherwise
employed binary 1 if has employed, 0 o.w.
has_private_insurance binary 1 if on private health insurance policy, 0 o.w.
has_medicaid binary 1 if on Medicaid (US govt insurance for low-income), 0 o.w.

In the starter code, we have provided an existing train/validation/test split of this dataset, stored on-disk in comma-separated-value (CSV) files: x_train.csv, y_train.csv, x_valid.csv, y_valid.csv, etc.

Get the DoctorVisits data here: https://github.com/tufts-ml-courses/comp135-19s-assignments/tree/master/hw1/data_doctorvisits

2a: Baseline Predictions for DoctorVisits

To evaluate predictions, you'll need to implement another common regression performance metric, mean absolute error (via the calc_perf_metric__absolute_error function). You should complete the template function within the starter code file evaluate_perf_metrics.py

2a(i): Given your stakeholder's preferences (defined above), which error metric is most appropriate for this problem, and why?

2a(ii): Make a table of the mean absolute error for each of MeanPredictor and MedianPredictor when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

2b: Linear Regression for DoctorVisits

Now, we'll try your linear regression implementation on this dataset. Construct an instance of your LeastSquaresLinearRegressor class, and fit it to two versions of the dataset:

  • "2 features", which uses only age and number of chronic conditions
  • "all features", which uses all 10 features

2b(i): Apply your linear regression code to the "2 features" \(x\) data, and add a column to our results table showing the mean absolute error when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

2b(ii): Apply your linear regression code to the "all features" \(x\) data, and add a column to our results table showing the mean absolute error when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

2b(iii): Does using more features seem worthwhile? Do you think the improvement on the test data is significant? Why or why not?

2c: Decision Tree Regression for DoctorVisits

Now, we'll apply some more flexible machine learning to this problem: decision tree regression. You should use the DecisionTreeRegressor class provided by sklearn.

You should use the "all features" version of the dataset throughout 2c. You will explore various values for the parameter min_samples_leaf, which as discussed in class controls the complexity of the learned decision tree.

You should try the following values for min_samples_leaf: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, \(N\), where \(N\) is the size of the training set.

For each value of min_samples_leaf, train a DecisionTreeRegressor object as follows:

tree_regr = DecisionTreeRegressor(min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, random_state=42)
tree_regr.fit(x_tr_NF, y_tr_N)

FYI: providing an explicit random state is a good practice for any algorithm that might break ties at random. Then, you can always reproduce any results from earlier experiments.

Given a "trained" tree regression object, please evaluate its mean absolute error performance on the training, validation, and test sets.

2c(i): Make a line plot showing the trend between the validation set mean-absolute-error (MAE) on the y-axis and min_samples_leaf on the x-axis (use line style 'rs-', a solid red line with square markers). Include a line plot for training set MAE vs min_samples_leaf (use line style 'r:', a thin dashed red line). Include two flat lines representing linear regression (solid blue) and the guess-median baseline (solid black).

2c(ii): Based on the plot from 2c(i), which value of min_samples_leaf would you recommend and why?

2c(iii): Add a column to our results table showing the selected best decision tree regressor from 2c(ii) when evaluated on all 3 dataset splits (training, validation, and test).

2d: Decision Tree Regression with MAE criterion

Repeat steps (i) - (iii) of 2c, but use the following constructor instead

tree_regr = DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion='mae', min_samples_leaf=min_samples_leaf, random_state=42)
tree_regr.fit(x_tr_NF, y_tr_N)

2d(i): Repeat 2c(i) but with setting criterion='mae' in constructor

2d(ii): Repeat 2c(ii) but with setting criterion='mae' in constructor

2d(iii): Repeat 2c(iii) but with setting criterion='mae' in constructor

2d(iv): Read the sklearn documentation for DecisionTreeRegressor. Why is there a noticeable change in performance between 2d and 2c? What was the default criterion used in 2c? What makes the approach in 2d better for this task?

3: Regression Concept Questions

3a: Limits of \(K\)-NN

Question: When \(K\) equals the total training set size \(N\), the \(K\)-nearest-neighbor regression algorithm approaches the behavior of which other regression method discussed here? Why?

3b: Modifications of \(K\)-NN

Question: Suppose in problem 2, when trying to minimize mean absolute error on heldout data, that instead of a DecisionTreeRegressor, we had used a \(K\)-NN regressor with Euclidean distance (as in Problem 1e).

Would we expect \(K\)-NN with large \(K\) to always beat the strongest constant-prediction baseline (e.g. guess-median or guess-mean)? To get better MAE performance using a nearest-neighbor like approach, should we change the distance function used to compute neighbors? Or would we need to change some other step of the \(K\)-NN prediction process?

3c: Linear Regression with Categorical Features

Question: Your colleague trains a linear regression model on a subset of the DoctorVisits data using only the has_medicaid and has_private_insurance features. Thus, all features in the vector have a binary categorical type and can be represented via a redundant one-hot encoding.

To your dismay, you discover that your colleague failed to include a bias term (aka intercept term) when training the model. You recall from class that including a bias term can be important.

To be concrete, you wish that predictions were made via \(\hat{y}(x_i) = w^T x_i +b\), where each feature vector \(x_i\) was represented as a length-two vector:

$$ x_i = [ \texttt{has_medicaid} \quad \texttt{has_private_insurance} ] \quad \quad \quad ~ $$

However, your colleague made predictions \(\hat{y}(\tilde{x}_i) = \tilde{x}_i^T \tilde{w}\) and used the following feature vector representation:

$$ \tilde{x}_i = [ \texttt{has_medicaid} \quad \texttt{not(has_medicaid)} \quad \texttt{has_private_insurance} \quad \texttt{not(has_private_insurance)} ] $$

Your colleague has delivered to you a length-4 feature vector \(\tilde{w}\) for the 4 features above, but then left for vacation without giving you access to the training data.

Can you manipulate the \(\tilde{w}\) vector to estimate an appropriate \(w\) and \(b\) such that for all possible inputs \(x_i\):

$$ w^T x_i + b = \tilde{w}^T \tilde{x}_i $$