Comp150-07: Intelligent Robotics
Homework 5: Configuration space
Due Tuesday, February 24th, in class

This homework is 100% individual. You are welcome to discuss ideas and solutions with others, but you have to write up (and draw) everything on your own to hand in.

Consider the following rhombic robot in a closed workspace with polygonal obstacles. The robot's starting point is in the upper-left corner.

Print or copy the image several times in order to hand in one image per question.

  1. Draw the configuration space
  2. Draw the visibility graph in c-space
  3. Choose a heuristic function, and draw a path planned using A* using your heuristic on the visibility graph. Separately, draw the search tree constructed by A*. Is your heuristic admissible? Is it consistent? Justify your answers. Is the path found optimal?

  4. Which is better: behavior-based or planning-based navigation architecture? What is either better for? Justify your answer.
Make your answers concise, but make sure to answer the questions. Please hand in all your answers as one document.

Tips and things to think about

Configuration space is an abstraction of the robot workspace for planning purposes. It is the result of reducing the robot's footprint and degrees of freedom to a point and correspondingly augmenting the obstacles in the world. Read these notes on c-space for a better understanding of c-space.

A* is an informed search algorithm on any graph that is guaranteed to find the optimal path from start to goal if the heuristic function used is both admissible (optimistic, never greater than the actual distance) and consistent (obeys the triangle inequality). For a better understanding of the algorithm, read the A* wikipedia article, the first 20 slides or so of the lecture on informed search from Comp131 last Fall, or these notes from Trinity College.

Extra credit

We have not covered this in class. You can research the following question on your own for extra credit:
  1. Draw as good an approximation as you can to the Generalized Voronoi Diagram for the same c-space; plan a path through the GVD and draw the result

  2. What is the difference between a plan and a policy? When should you use either one?
The Voronoi diagram or tesselation is a decomposition of a metric space into convex regions according to a set of generating points, such that every point in a region is closer to that region's generating point (called the Voronoi centroid of that region) than any other generating points. Details, for example on Wolfram MathWorld.

Generalized Voronoi Diagrams (GVD) are used in c-space motion planning, as a kind of abstract decomposition from continuous c-space to a graph representation. In GVD convex regions are generated not from points, but from c-space obstacles. So, all points inside a GVD region are closer to its generating obstacle than to any others. And so, the demarkation line between two GVD regions is made of points equidistant from the corresponding two obstacles. The intersections of these demarkation lines form the nodes of the graph, and the lines its edges. The motion planner can then use these lines as "highways", planning a path from start to the closest point on the "highway system", a path from goal to the closest point, then a path along the "highways" between these two points. The advantage is that the robot will mostly be as far away from obstacles as possible when moving. For more on GVD and other decomposition and planning techniques, look for example at Chapter 5: Roadmaps of Choset et al. Principles of Robot Motion, 2005.

Paulina Varshavskaya, paulina [at]