Schedule - COMP150 Programming Language Design


Schedule and content finalized through:
Lecture - Nov 25th
Homework - All .
Version: 20 Tangerine
Last updated: Nov 24th
Changed: ic22
Full change log can be found here


Final Project and paper due @ 11:59pm Wednesday

HW25 changed to hopefully be fairer and due @ 11:59pm Monday instead.

Date By class start (or 9am): During today's class we will: Notes
Wednesday Sept. 4th This homework will be accepted until 9am Monday Sept 9th.
Monday Sept. 9th
Wednesday Sept. 11th
Monday Sept. 16th Laptops recommended
Wednesday Sept. 18th Laptops recommended
Monday Sept. 23rd ic05 Discussing Slideshow
Wednesday Sept. 25th HW due Thursday @ 9am
Monday Sept. 30th
Wednesday Oct. 2nd
Monday Oct. 7th
Wednesday Oct. 9th
Monday Oct. 14th Indigenous People's Day (No Class)
Tuesday Oct. 15th Monday Schedule
Wednesday Oct. 16th
Monday Oct. 21th hw13-2 can be turned in by Wednesday 9/23 instead of Monday
Wednesday Oct. 23rd Video answering common concerns about the metaprogramming homework.
Monday Oct. 28th Laptops Recommended
Wednesday Oct. 30th Laptops Recommended; Homework due Friday
Monday Nov. 4th
Wednesday Nov. 6th Laptops Recommended; HW due Friday
Monday Nov. 11th Veteran's day (No Class)
Wednesday Nov. 13th hw19-1 Due Friday
Monday Nov. 18th hw20-2 is a chance for extra participation and learning objective credit
Wednesday Nov. 20th hw21-1 Due Friday
Monday Nov. 25th
Wednesday Nov. 27th - Sunday Dec. 1st Expect to receive feedback on your drafts Thanksgiving Break (No Class)
Monday Dec. 2nd
  • ic23 Special Topic: Usability + Evaluation
Wednesday Dec. 4th Due Wednesday @ 11:59pm
Monday Dec. 9th
  • ic25 Freeform Retrospective
Last Class
Wednesday Dec. 18th
Thursday Dec. 19th (8:30am - 10:30am) Have gotten a good night's sleep Watch supercut of final presentation videos Final Exam Block; Participation extra credit for attendance