% COMP 150TW: Summary of Midterm Evaluations % The Engineering Method of Technical Writing % October 28, 2016 ### Aspects of the course that enhance learning Multiple mentions: - Group discussions [4 students] - Seeing our own work used as examples in class [3 students] - Seeing other people's writing; getting peer feedback [2 students] - Exercises, especially on specific editing skills [3 students] - Assigned exercises, which blend well with daily life - The lab notebook, which forces me to reflect on what I just did, further clarifying what I'm understanding and what's working [2 students] - The encouragement of regular practice; being forced to write [2 students] - Using regular practice to discover what works best in a student's daily routine - The pace of the class, which allows time to assimilate ideas and to practice (one class per week allows in-depth learning to happen and to have great substance) [2 students] Single mentions: - Class time going in depth into principles applied on assignments (can acknowledge difficulties as well as share viewpoints and epiphanies) - Gaining mindfulness (also helps with research and other work) - The quieting response (focus on a good memory and smile) - The ideas, skills, and exercises, which help with other classes and projects - The assigned readings (viewed as valuable, especially Williams) - Guided reading - Keeping a portfolio to track progress - Helps me create time to write and think about my project - The course handbook (teaches the methods) - My peers, who let me feel comfortable with writing and confident of writing - The [ACTION] emails, which help stay on track with tasks - Seeing the instructor's solutions - Talking to the instructor ### Things that could improve learning Multiple mentions: - Consolidating email announcements with the course calendar [2 students] - Knowing beforehand how work will be evaluated - Clarify expectations for writing outside of the assigned practice - Do more writing - Do more prewriting and try different types of prewriting - More guidance from the instructor on prewriting Single mentions: - Using Williams's techniques in greater depth - More focus (course appears to meander in terms of concepts learned) - More targeted feedback (though that may be happening anyway) - Inviting Donna Qualters back to teach another session in the spring - Pair homework (e.g., trade editing) - Get thoughts or feedback on writing success and practice from people (instructors, colleagues, or peers) outside the class - More help developing good habits, especially in the face of other responsibilities - Exercises which do not assume that my writing project is at a certain stage - Utilize Piazza more or better - Extra help for international students - Knowing the instructor's office hours Things that are not possible at this time: - A smaller classroom - A better version of Boice (which would be short and concrete and not drag on) ### Things students could do - Be more active on Piazza; respond to requests there [3 students] - Get to know each other; share writing, thoughts, feelings, and experiences; meet regularly with a group [3 students] - Share small bits of progress outside of class - Share revisions with before/after examples [2 students] - Continue to have well balanced, intellectual discussions in class - Continue to facilitate healthy and equal discussion - Volunteer students' own writing for analysis and discussion - When struggling with a concept, speak up early and often - Arrive on time - Help set up the classroom (board, chairs) - Read syllabus more thoroughly