Instructor: Mr. Dan Hebert
Email: dhebert{at}mitre{dot}org
Location: Halligan 102

TA: Bradley A. Wangia
Email: bwangia{at}eecs{dot}tufts{dot} edu
TA’s office hours: Tue. 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Halligan 122

Course Description: This course will cover the fundamental concepts of the XML family of technologies. It will focus on understanding the details of each of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) technologies, how to utilize each of the technologies, and will cover industry best practices.

Topics: XML fundamentals, XML Schemas, XQuery, XSL, DOM, RDF, Namespaces, SOAP, WSDL, OWL, and XML Best Practices

The course will be taught at the pace of an advanced undergraduate / graduate class.

Prerequisite: COMP 15.
Familiarity with programming is assumed. Students should be comfortable with elementary storage concepts (e.g. disk files), data structures (e.g. hash tables, binary trees), control statements (e.g. nested loops), sorting algorithms (e.g. MergeSort), basic techniques for analyzing and expressing algorithmic time complexity (e.g. big-O notation), and elementary discrete mathematics (e.g. set operations such as union, intersection, difference and cross-product).

Required Text: No textbook will be required

Homework 30%
Project 10%
Midterm Exam 25% (open book, notes)
Final Exam 35% (open book, notes)

Homework will be assigned weekly (each Thursday) and will be due at the start of lecture the following Thursday. Unless otherwise indicated, homework assignments are individual (as opposed to group) efforts. Late policy: Homework turned in up to one week after the due date will accrue a 20% penalty. Homework turned in anytime later will receive no credit (100% penalty).

How to Submit Homeworks and Projects:
If you wrote your program on another machine, first you will need to upload it to andante or one of the other Suns and then use the provide command to send it. To use provide from one of the Sun computers, first collect the files you wish to submit, plus an optional readme file.

Then go to the directory where you have them and at the prompt type

%>provide comp150xml hw1 YOUR FILES HERE

where %> is your unix prompt, hw1 is for homework 1, hw2 for homework 2, etc., and YOUR FILES HERE are the names of the files you want to submit. You can use unix filename globbing (e.g., *.xml *.xsl readme) if you like.

How to check Homework and Project grades:
At the prompt type

%>progress comp150xml

where %> is your unix prompt

Computing Environment:
Each student will have access to a computer account on the Tufts EECS UNIX server. Students will also have access to the EECS lab facilities.

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