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Simulate an HMM

First, build an HMM simulator so that you have a source of ``observations'' and a target to compare against. To do this, we will build an MM, and then we will proceed to ``hide'' it from the HMM trainer. I suggest creating code that can manage N states, numbered 0, ...  N - 1, and M different kinds of observations, numbered 0, ...  M - 1, and which produces observations of length T. In other words, N, M and T are parameters of your Markov model. Initially, I suggest that we attempt to train models where N = 3, M = 4 and T varies from 3 to 5. Here is an example.


If this above model splits its transition probabilities 3:1 in favor of going ``right'', then the transition probability matrix is as follows.

ai, j 0 1 2
0 0.25 0.75 0
1 0 0.25 0.75
2 0 0 1.0

Let's assume that this model always starts in state 0.

$ \pi_{i}^{}$ 0 1 2
  1.0 0 0

Finally, there are four observations, 0, 1, 2 and 3, with the following probabilities per state.

bi(k) 0 1 2 3
0 0.5 0.5 0 0
1 0 0.5 0.5 0
2 0 0 0.5 0.5

To build the MM, use a Monte Carlo simulation. First, you'll need a random number generator. In C, use the random() function (see manual page), seeded by srandom() using the data from a call to time() (see manual page).1 Once random() is seeded, you can easily define a function randomint(lb, ub) that returns a random integer x in the range lb$ \leq$ x <ub.2

  int randomint (int lb, int ub) { 
     return lb + random() % (ub - lb); 

You can also define a function that returns a random floating point number x in the range 0 $ \leq$ x $ \leq$ 1.

  double randomreal () { 
     return ((double) random()) / RAND_MAX; 

To generate a random choice over a given distribution, simply do the following. Assume we wish to generate the initial state according to $ \pi$.

  1. Generate a random number x such that 0 $ \leq$ x $ \leq$ 1.
  2. i $ \leftarrow$ 0.
  3. x $ \leftarrow$ x - $ \pi_{0}^{}$
  4. While i < N and x > 0 do
  5.    i $ \leftarrow$ i + 1
  6.    x $ \leftarrow$ x - $ \pi_{i}^{}$
  7.   End while loop.
  8. If i < N then i is the randomly selected state else error (sum of probabilities is < 1).
Use the above method to:

You are now ready to define a function that produces a single observation sequence.

function newsequence ( N, M,$ \pi$, a, b, T)

  1. Create an HMM according to the given model.
  2. Let s be the initial state, chosen according to $ \pi$.
  3. Let O be the empty sequence of observations.
  4. While length(O) < T do
  5.   Let o be the observation for current state s, chosen according to bs.
  6.    O = concatenate(O, o) (i.e., add o to the end of O).
  7.    s $ \leftarrow$next state according to as.
  8.   End while loop.
  9. Return O.

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