Evolutionary computation is an emerging field that seeks to solve difficult problems by using analogies to natural processes such as mutation, crossover, and natural selection. Evolutionary approaches maintain a population of proposed or partial solutions, modifying them from generation to generation using evolutionary operators and evaluating them using a fitness function. If the members of the population are executable programs, this approach is known as genetic programming. If the members of the population are better viewed as strings of parameters, this approach is known as genetic algorithms.

These approaches can be viewed as performing a randomized beam search, ie. a search that always keeps its best k hypotheses.

    The Genetic Algorithm
  1. Initialize the population to contain s individuals
  2. while (stopping condition not satisfied)
    1. Select (1-r)s individuals at random from the current generation according to fitness
    2. Select another rs/2 pairs of individuals at random from the current generation. Each pair participates in crossover, producing two offspring.
    3. The next generation consists of the (1-r)s individuals selected in the first step plus the rs offspring from the second step
    4. Mutate the next generation at rate m

Machine Learning
Tom M. Mitchell
McGraw-Hill, 1997