
The purpose of this lab is to prepare you to work independently with the Beginning Student Language and with DrRacket.

Vocabulary and Background: Beginning Student Language is a programming language. Other examples of programming languages include Python and C++. DrRacket is a programming environment. Other examples of programming environments include Eclipse and Visual Studio. All these programming environments are interactive development environments, usually abbreviated IDEs. Programming languages are cheap to build; IDEs are much more expensive.


Beginning Student Language provides a uniform syntax 1 for the sorts of math you might have studied in a pre-algebra course, plus a collection of predefined functions like expt and log.

In a pre-algebra course where you work on paper you can write anything you want. This means that you can write down things that aren’t even formulas, and the first time you’ll know there’s a problem is when you get your paper back and it is bleeding red ink. But when you write expressions and function definitions in Beginning Student Language, DrRacket checks them right away, and if they are not well formed, you get an error message. All beginners make mistakes; an error message is DrRacket’s way of letting you know that you’ve made a beginner’s mistake. Nobody likes getting an error message, but for a programmer, error messages help: you can fix your mistake early, without wasting a lot of time building on something that is wrong.2 A key outcome of this lab is that by the time you finish, you must have seen error messages, you must know how to read them, and you must know how to react to them.

In this lab, you will experiment with DrRacket’s three most important tools:

  1. the Definitions area, where you define functions, state tests, and write down expressions your program must evaluate

  2. The Interactions area, where you ask DrRacket to evaluate expressions and to experiment with ideas

  3. The Stepper, which helps you step through the evaluation of function definitions and expressions from the Definitions area

When you walk out of the lab, you must feel comfortable using all three tools.

The best programmers, like the best craftsmen, understand the tools they use. —Jack W. Davidson

Structure of the lab

When you enter the lab, hand in your signed copy of the Bargain to the copilot TA. The copilot will match students in pairs.

Pair programming

During most labs you will work with a partner. In the partnership, one of you is the pilot and the other is the copilot The pilot types at the keyboard while the copilot looks over the pilot’s shoulder. During the lab, as during an airplane flight, pilots and copilots switch back and forth.

Launching DrRacket at your own computer

Launch DrRacket. If you’re lucky, DrRacket will be in the Applications menu under Programming. Otherwise you will probably need to open a Terminal window and type drracket.

Choose the Beginning Student Language from the {Language | Choose Language} drop-down menu.

Interacting with DrRacket

[45 min]

The lab teacher will use DrRacket’s interactions area as a calculator. You’ll see a range of operations on numbers, booleans, strings. You’ll see big numbers and complex numbers. In the future, you don’t need a calculator; use the interactions area.

It is now your time to play with a partner.

The lab leader will use DrRacket’s definitions area to write down expressions. Nothing happens! Now it’s time for Run and for Step.

Your time to play again. Define the following function in the Definitions area:

Run. Interact. Add an application of how-far to the definitions area. Use the stepper.

You’ve Got Errors

When you program, you encounter three kinds of errors. From least difficult to most difficult, we classify them as follows:

Syntax errors and run-time errors you can learn to deal with. To defined yourself against logical errors, you must use check-expect, check-within, and check-error.

The lab teacher will call for a solution to how-far and will demonstrate all three kinds of errors.

Switch partners


The lab teacher will demonstrate a conditional function:

The function how-hot consumes a temperature (number) and produces one of three strings: “cold” for temperatures below 45 (inclusive), “comfortable” for temperatures between 45 (exclusive) and 75 (inclusive), and “hot” for temperatures above 75.

The lab teacher will explain cond and will explain the use of square brackets. Ask the lab teacher to use Step. Beware the stepper and check-within—it skips a step!

It is your turn.

Define the function letter-grade. It consumes a score (number) between 0 and 100 and produces a letter grade (“A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F”). Choose your own grading scale.

Stretch problem: Conversion to English units for handheld GPS

The Garmin eTrex handheld GPS renders distances in three ways:

Implement function meters->english which converts a distance in meters to a string showing the English units as on the Garmin GPS.

Domain knowledge: 1 inch is 2.54 centimeters. 1 foot is 12 inches. 1 mile is 5280 feet.

  1. Vocabulary: Syntax is a set of rules that govern or explain how something is written. It is a work shared with computer science and linguistics. Programming-language syntax says what utterances constitute well-formed programs. Natural-language syntax says what utterances constitute well-formed (grammatical) sentences. (Note: well-formed is different from meaningful.) The syntax of Beginning Student Language is described in Intermezzo I of your book. You will study it later.

  2. Hint: Any time you are designing and building software, you will do better if you develop the habit of clicking Check Syntax and Run early and often. This habit carries through to many other classes.