In class we showed that the binary-search trees for the trigrams project are far out of balance. In this lab, you will try two different ways to balance them.


Any inorder listing of a binary-search tree can be converted back to a binary-search tree using generative recursion as follows:

Balance by node count

For this part you will use three measures of quality:

The first and third codes, you have implemented.

  1. Design a function to compute the average path length to a node in a nonempty tree. The signature of this function should be (bst X) -> number.

    Like other functions that compute averages, this function can’t be implemented using simple structural recursion.

  2. Record the goodness of your models on these three measures.

  3. Design a function that takes a list of key-value pairs and produces a balanced binary-search tree. The first step should be to sort the pairs by key so that you have an inorder listing. You will find take and drop useful.

    The signature of your function should be (alist string X) -> (bst X).

  4. Balance the trees used in your models, and record their goodness on each of the three measures above.

Balance by frequency (aka weight)

It is possible to do better then a perfectly balanced binary-search tree. The key is to recognize that because some trigrams are more common than others, their nodes will be visited more frequently than others. By putting the more frequently visited nodes in smaller trees, we get them closer to the root and save time overall.

And we already have the data! In the trigrams project, the value associated with a node is exactly equal to the number of times that node is visited during training. So we can use that data as an assumption.

  1. Design a function to the compute the weighted average path length in a nonempty tree. Its signature should be (bst number) -> number.

  2. Design a function that takes a list of key-value pairs and produces a weight-balanced binary-search tree. As before, the first step should be to sort the pairs by key so that you have an inorder listing.

    To balance the weights, the idea is that you choose the root node such that as closely as possible, the left and right subtrees have the same total weight. You will find it useful to define functions take-weight and drop-weight. Craft their purpose statements carefully.

    The signature of your function should be (alist string number) -> (bst number).

    Note: this problem is not like the fish-distribution problem: you have to preserve the order of the nodes, or the result won’t be a binary search tree.

  3. Weight-balance the trees used in your trigram models, and record their weighted average path length and the time needed to classify

Submitting the lab

Five minutes before the end of the lab, put the following text at the beginning of a DrRacket file. You may use an empty file or the source code you have been working on:

What I did during this lab:
   (you fill in this part)

What I learned during this lab:
   (you fill in this part)


Finally, submit this file through the handin server as lab-final. Submit it as lab, not as homework. You will need to submit it using two usernames connected by a + sign, as in


You submit using Jane Doe’s password.