This lab gives you supervised practice at two completely different kinds of code simplification:

Simplifying code fragments

Work on this part for at most 15 minutes.

  1. Simplify each of these following code fragments. Write the simplified version directly into your lab.

    1. Simplify this expression:

      (append (list1 (first a-lon)) (nub (rest a-lon)))
    2. Simplify this expression:

      (boolean=? true (world-start? a-world))
    3. Simplify this expression:

      (boolean=? false (world-hit? a-world)
    4. Simplify this definition:

      (define (atom-element? atom)
          [(string? atom) true]
          [(not (string? atom)) false]))
    5. Simplify this definition:

      (define (format-check sl)
          [(symbol? (first sl)) (list-of-elements? (rest sl))]
          [(not (symbol? (first sl))) false]))
    6. Simplify this expression:

          [(and (is-element? (first lov)) (is-loe? (rest lov))) true]
          [else false])

Exploiting built-in “loopy” list functions

Work on this part for an hour. If we got reasonably far in lecture, and if you worked on the nub problem last week, you can hope to finish the first two problems.

  1. Selecting Scrabble words
    The goal in this problem is to get permissible Scrabble words from a longer list of words that includes impermissible contractions, possessives, and capital letters. Permissible Scrabble words are made from lower-case letters only.

    1. If we didn’t finish this problem in class, design and implement a reusable function for purpose statements of the form “to produce a list of all somethings on this list that satisfy property.”

      Be sure to write a signature with type variables (representing the unknown data that is abstracted over).

    2. If we didn’t finish this problem in class, design and implement a reusable function of them “to tell if all the somethings on this list satisfy property.”

      Be sure to write a signature with type variables (representing the unknown data that is abstracted over).

    3. Using your functions from parts a and b, together with the ISL functions string->list and char-lower-case?, define a function that is given a list of words and produces another list containing those words on the given list that are made from all lower-case letters.

  2. Eliminating duplicates, loosely defined.
    This problem has four parts. You’ve seen the first part before.

    1. Define a function nub-numbers which removes duplicates from a list of numbers. Your function may remove any duplicate numbers it likes, but the order of non-duplicate numbers must not be disturbed.

      Here are some functional examples:

      (check-expect (nub-numbers '(1 2 3 4 5)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
      (check-expect (nub-numbers '(1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
      (check-expect (nub-numbers '(2 1 2 4 5 2)) '(2 1 4 5))
    2. Define a function nub-strings which removes duplicates from a list of strings. The order of non-duplicate strings must not be disturbed.

    3. Define a function nub-images which removes duplicates from a list of images. The order of non-duplicate images must not be disturbed.

    4. Define a function nub-last-digits which takes a list of nonnegative whole numbers and returns that same list with “last-digit duplicates” removed. Two numbers are last-digit duplicates if they have the same last digit. The order of other, non-duplicate numbers must not be disturbed.

      Here are some functional examples:

      (check-expect (nub-last-digits '(1 2 3 4 5)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
      (check-expect (nub-last-digits '(10 20 30 40 50)) '(10))
      (check-expect (nub-last-digits '(11 12 17 32 39 21)) '(11 12 17 39))

      Domain knowledge: the last digit of a nonnegative whole number is its remainder when divided by 10.

    5. Generalize your functions by defining a general-purpose duplicate-removal function that can be specialized to handle all of the cases above.

    6. Using your new general function, remove “same-digits duplicates” from a list of numbers. Two numbers are same-digits duplicates if they are made from the same digits.

      Hint: use number->string, explode, and anagrams?.

  3. Testing for Scrabble words
    A typical Linux distribution ships with a dictionary that contains around a half a million words. You can test your code on a list of that size, but you wouldn’t want to look at the results. In this problem you’ll find a way to look at a fraction of the results.

    Define a function take that takes as arguments a natural number and a list, and it returns the given number of elements from the start of the given list. If it runs out of elements, take should return the entire list.

    For take, use the design recipe for multiple complex arguments. Remember the conditions zero? and positive?, and use sub1 as a “selector function” for positive natural numbers.

    Try out your permissible words function with

    (take 100 (produce-permissible-words (read-lines "/usr/share/dict/words")))

    To get the read-lines function, you will need the batch-io teachpack from 2htdp (the middle list of teachpacks.)

  4. More testing for Scrabble words
    How many words are in /usr/share/dict/words? What percentage (to the nearest whole percent) of those words are permissible in Scrabble?

Submitting the lab

Ten minutes before the end of the lab, put the following text at the beginning of a DrRacket file. You may use an empty file or the source code you have been working on:

What I did during this lab:
   (you fill in this part)

What I learned during this lab:
   (you fill in this part)


The lab staff will help you articulate what you learned.

Finally, submit this file through the handin server as lab-simplify. You will need to submit it using two usernames connected by a + sign, as in


You submit using Jane Doe’s password.