new h/w: - findmin (two-argument function) - what is the data description and signature - more HO signatures - list fun applications - standard list functions; use them to implement - (make-event time name) - findnext, deletenext (simulations) 7. What general-purpose list-processing functions might match each of these signatures? 7. *Define a function* `vowel?` which tells whether a 1-character string is a vowel. Instead of a complex conditional, find a way to use this list: > `'(list "a" "e" "i" "o" "u" "y" "A" "E" "I" "O" "U" "Y")` 1. *Define a function* `has-multiple-vowels?` which is given a string and determines if that string has different vowels: (check-expect (has-multiple-vowels? "awash") false) (check-expect (has-multiple-vowels? "ahoy") true) Convert the string to a list, and find a way to use a `local` definition with `ormap`. 1. *Define a function* that takes a list of strings and returns only those strings that don't have different vowels. 1. *Define a function* that takes a nonempty list of strings and returns the string on the list that has the most different consonants. *Hint*: Remember the examples in class. Remember the `nub` function from the [templates lab](../labs/templates.html). 1. *Define a function* that takes a nonempty list of integers and returns the integer on the list with the most 7's in its decimal representation. *Hint*: you can use `number->string`. 1. *Define a function* that takes a nonempty list of images and returns the image with the fewest total pixels. 1. *Define a function* that takes a nonempty list of images and returns the image with the shortest long dimension. (If an image is in portrait orientation, its long dimension is height; if the image is in landscape orientation, its long dimension is width.) 1. *Define a function* that takes a mile number and a nonempty list of *stations* (from the railway) and returns the station that is closest to the given mile marker. 1. *Define a function* that takes a mile number and a list of *stations* (from the railway) and returns all the station that are within 50 miles of the given mile marker.