This homework is due at 11:59PM on Monday, October 21. Submit your solutions in a single file using the COMP 50 Handin button on DrRacket; the homework is the mutual-reference homework.

All the exercises should be done using the Beginning Student Language with list abbreviations.


The point of the homework is to help you learn, by repetition, the full design recipe for mutually self-referential data. If you follow the design recipe, you will take some time over the first problems, blitz through problems 2 to 4, then take a little time over problem 5. If you don’t follow the design recipe, you will get bogged down and you won’t finish.

Data Description


An X-expression models information that you would find in an XML or HTML document, such as a web page.

A tag is a symbol which is one of

An element is one of

A list-of-elements is one of

Here is a data example for element

'(html (header (title "COMP 50 Home page"))
         (body (h1 "Welcome to COMP 50")
               (p "The following information is available:"
                   (ul (li "Lecture notes")
                       (li "Lecture and deadline schedule")
                       (li "Homework problems and solutions")))))

Finger exercises

From the first edition textbook, I am recommending these finger exercises:

I am also recommending the following finger exercises:

  1. Define a function that counts the number of strings in an X-expression element (including all nested elements).

  2. Define a function that returns a list containing every tag used in an X-expression element (including all nested elements). Even if a tag occurs more than once, make sure it occurs only once in the output list.

Problems to submit

Exploring how HTML is rendered by web browsers

  1. In HTML, elements tagged with li are supposed to appear only inside ordered or unordered lists (tagged with ul and ol).

    Define a function that tells if anywhere in a given element, there are “bad” li elements that occur outside any ordered or unordered list element. As a couple of examples,

  2. When ul lists are nested, li elements are tagged with different markers. Here is an example:

    The printed version uses a bullet, a dash, a star, and a dot. Your web browser probably shows something different.

    Define a function that returns the deepest nesting depth of ul elements in a given X-expression element. This number should equal the number of markers needed to distinguish different levels of nesting. If the element contains no ul elements, the function should return zero, since no markers are needed.

    If ul and ol elements are nested within each other, your function should count only ul elements.

    BSL vocabulary: built-in BSL function max returns the largest of its numeric arguments.

  3. When ol lists are nested, li elements are tagged with different kinds of numbering systems. Here is an example:

    1. Level Two ordered: alphabetical (the numbered problems are Level One)

      1. Level Three ordered: roman
      2. Level Three again
    2. Level Two again

      1. Level Three restarts
      2. Level Three again

        1. Level four ordered: capital alphabet
    3. Level Two yet again

    Define a function that returns the deepest nesting depth of ol elements in a given X-expression element. This number should equal the number of different kinds of numbering systems needed to distinguish different levels of nesting. If the element contains no ol elements, the function should return zero, since no numbered lists are needed.

    If ul and ol elements are nested within each other, your function should count only ol elements.

  4. Every kind of list, whether ordered or unordered, requires indentation to the right. Define a function that computes the maximum list indentation required by an X-expression element. This example, combined with the problem number, shows a maximum list indentation of four:

    This function should count both ul and ol elements

  5. Read the next paragraph, so you will know where you are going, then proceed as follows: analyze the data “all possible BSL values” and break it down into choices that make sense for solving the problem. Then write a data definition for “all possible BSL values.” The data definition may include the choice “any value other than those listed above.” Your data definition may need to be mutually self-referential with another data definition.

    Define a function that takes any BSL value and returns a Boolean that says whether the value respects the data definition for element. Your function may assume that any symbol is a valid tag. If your data definition includes a choice “any value other than those listed above,” then for that choice you may use else.

Karma Problems

  1. Define a function that removes all tags from an XML element, leaving only a list of strings.

  2. Define a function that removes all tags from an XML element except the ol, ul, and li tags. The result value should be a list of elements. Elements whose tags are removed should be preserved, so for example the element

    '(html (header (title "COMP 50 Home page"))
             (body (h1 "Welcome to COMP 50")
                   (p "The following information is available:"
                       (ul (li "Lecture notes")
                           (li "Lecture and" (b "deadline") "schedule")
                           (li "Homework problems and solutions")))))

    should be converted into something like this:

    '("COMP 50 Home page"
       "Welcome to COMP 50"
       "The following information is available:"
       (ul (li "Lecture notes")
           (li "Lecture and" "deadline" "schedule")
           (li "Homework problems and solutions")))

    In addition to the usual tests, test your function by confirming that removing the tags does not change the answers produced by the functions you wrote for problems 2 to 5.