% Plane-geometry problems Plane geometry -------------- Here are a bunch of problems with eventual applications to **map-drawing** and **visualization of geographic data**. Two points $A$ and $B$ define a line. Compute the directed distance from that line to a third point $C$. There are many ways to solve this problem. - The most satisfying solution involves drawing a line parallel to $AB$ through point $C$ and then looking at the triangles and the angles. You can bring some trigonometry into play. - The lazy person's solution is to look for the MathWorld article on the area of the triangle $ABC$ and then to realize that the area of a triangle is half the length of the base $AB$ multiplied by the distance from the base to the point $C$. Computations involving trigonometric functions or square roots involve *inexact* numbers. You will want to write test cases using `check-within`. Given a set of points in the plane, find the closest point to a query using linear search (requires lists) Given a set of points in the plane, find the closet point to a query using generative recursion in the form of a kd-tree (requires generative recursion) Draw a ray from a given point to infinity. Decide if the ray intersects the line segment $AB$. Given a sequence of points that define a polygon, decide whether a query point lies inside the polygon (requires at least lists; other requirements unclear)