
This homework is due at 11:59PM on Tuesday, November 26. Submit your solutions in a single file using the COMP 50 Handin button on DrRacket; the homework is the trigrams homework.

All the exercises should be done using the Intermediate Student Language with lambda.


This homework is a little different from your others. Instead of focusing on a particular skill or aspect of the design recipe, it asks you to apply all your skills to a problem: identifying what natural language a given text is written in. You will be learning a couple of new techniques, including a lot of math and a little input and output.

There is only one problem: design a function that is given a URL and figures out what language it is written in. I actually want three versions:

Domain knowledge: Document classification

The general problem of deciding “what kind of thing is this document?” is called classification. The underlying principles are the same whether you are trying to tell French from English or whether you are trying to decide if a newspaper article is about business or sports. The story looks something like this:

Trigram models

We’ll focus on models that look at trigrams. A trigram is a three-character string, or equivalently, a sequence of three one-character strings.2 The sentence "See Spot run." has these trigrams:

    (list "See" "ee " "e S" " Sp" "Spo" "pot" "ot " "t r" " ru" "run" "un.")

In larger documents, trigrams are duplicated. We can build a model of a large text by keeping track of each trigram and how often it occurs. For example, if the text is "The cat in the hat", we can represent a trigram model using an association list:

    '((" ca" 1) (" ha" 1) (" in" 1) (" th" 1) ("The" 1) ("at " 1)
      ("at." 1) ("cat" 1) ("e c" 1) ("e h" 1) ("hat" 1) ("he " 2)
      ("in " 1) ("n t" 1) ("t i" 1) ("the" 1))

Larger texts result in larger models. Here are the 10 most common trigrams in Mr Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address:

    ((" th" 34) ("the" 20) ("at " 18) ("hat" 15) ("ed " 13) 
     ("her" 13) ("tha" 13) (" de" 12) ("he " 11) ("re " 11))

It turns out that some languages are more likely to use certain trigrams than others. Here, for example, are trigrams that are found in English texts but are much more likely to be French:

("un " "une" "tou" "ais" "uel" "eur")

By contrast, here are some trigrams that are found in French texts but are much more likely to be English:

("the" "ing" "you" " th" "one")

I recommend that you define a model by parts, and that when you build a model, you keep track of the following information:

Don’t ever store a trigram with a zero count—instead, assume that if a trigram is not found in the binary-search tree, it was never observed.

Structure of a document classifier

With this background, you can probably break down the problem a little further:

  1. Get your hands on a several corpora from known languages.

  2. Build a trigram model of each corpus.

  3. Get a sequence of bytes from a URL—that’s your test document.

  4. Examine the trigrams in the test document and decide which model best fits the test document.

There are a couple more steps that are easy to overlook:

  1. Not all URLs point to text documents. You will need a model for “none of the above.”

  2. Building a model from training data is expensive. To avoid repeating that expense each time you want to classify a URL, I will ask you to save your models to disk. In general, being able to save data on disk is a valuable skill.

    To save and restore, you will serialize and unserialize your models:

    Serialization is most commonly done by converting a data structure to a sequence of bytes or characters. In COMP 50, we will take advantage of the facilities that Racket provides and instead convert data to and from S-expressions, which Racket can read and write on our behalf.

Access to data on disk

This section of the homework gives a short tutorial that explains some of the terminology and organization of files on disk. If you have used “drives” and “folders,” you have already encountered the organization.

What’s on disk is organized into filesystems. (On Windows, a filesystem is called a “drive”. I use the Unix terminology, which is appropriate to both Linux and OSX, because they are Unix dialects.) A filesystem is a kind of tree; the internal nodes are called directories3 and the leaf nodes are called files. A file stores a sequence of bytes. A byte is kind of like a character or a string of length 1, except there are exactly 256 possible bytes. (A byte is not exactly the same thing as a character; BSL and ISL support very large character sets by using one, two, or even three or more bytes to represent a single character.)

Within a filesystem, both files and directories are referred to using pathnames. A pathname gives a sequence of directory names starting at the root of the filesystem. Here are some examples of pathnames:

That second path means “in the root directory, in the directory home contained within the root, in the directory nr contained within home, the file .profile.” Windows uses different notation for pathnames; Windows notation uses horrible colons and backslashes:

This is about all you need to know to start using the trigrams teachpack.

The trigrams teachpack

To give you access to training corpora and to web pages, I’ve bundled a number of tools into a special teachpack, which you can install from Once you’ve installed it, you can put the directive

(require comp50/files)

into your programs.

Functions in the teachpack

With the teachpack installed, you’ll get the following goodies:

;; A path-string is one of:
;;  - A path
;;  - A string

;; directory-names : path-string -> (listof string)
;; list the names in the given directory, in alphabetical order

;; build-path : path-string path-string -> path
;; create a path by combining parts using the native notation

;; comp50-path : path-string -> string
;; return the full path of a file relative to a comp50 collection

;; basename : path-string -> string
;; returns the last name in a given path

;; A `1string` is a string of length exactly 1

;; read-1bytes : path-string -> (listof 1string)
;; return the contents of a given file, interpreted as bytes

;; geturl-1bytes : string -> (listof 1string)
;; produce the list of bytes served by the given URL, which must be good

;; An sx is one of:
;;   - A string
;;   - A number
;;   - A symbol
;;   - A (listof sx)

;; write-file-sexp : string sx -> string
;; write the given S-expression to the given named file, returning the file's name

;; read-file-sexp : string -> sx
;; read the given S-expression from the file of the given pathname

To help you use the teachpack, here are some functional examples:

> (directory-names (comp50-path "language-test"))
(list "abcxyz")
> (directory-names (comp50-path "tiny-language-training"))
(list "English" "French" "German" "Polish")
> (directory-names (comp50-path "language-training"))
> (read-1bytes (comp50-path (build-path "language-test" "abcxyz")))
(list "a" "b" "c" "x" "y" "z")
> (geturl-1bytes "")
(list "N" "o" "t" "h" "i" "n" "g" "'" "s" " " "h" "e" "r" "e" "." "\n")
> (basename "/home/nr/.profile")
> (basename "/comp/50/www/homework")
> (write-file-sexp "/tmp/test.rktd" '(An S-exp ("string" 7 9)))
> (read-file-sexp "/tmp/test.rktd")
(list 'An 'S-exp (list "string" 7 9))
> (write-file-sexp "/tmp/image.rktd" (circle 5 "solid" "black"))
write-file-sexp: expects a S-expression as second argument, given #<image>

Data in the teachpack

In addition to the functions you will use to work with paths, directories, files, and URLs, the teachpack also provides data. The data are organized into the following directories:

Underlying math: Probability

Probability basics and vocabulary

When working with probability, don’t trust your intuition. There is ample evidence that human brains are especially bad at reasoning with probability and statistics. Our brains are wired with built-in biases and heuristics that routinely overestimate the probabilities of some kinds of events and underestimate the probability of others. For example, if a story sounds good, our brains are going to think it more likely. For more on this phenomenon you can see the Wikipedia article on the conjunction fallacy; for lots more, read Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Since you can’t trust your brain, who can you trust? Trust yourself to work out the math. Here’s the vocabulary:

Notations and vocabulary of probability
Formula Thing or pronunciation
A A proposition, like “Linda is a bank teller”
B Another proposition, like “Linda is active in the feminist movement”
H Another proposition, often a hypothesis, like “this document is in French”
O Another proposition, often an observation, like “this document contains the letters oue
E Another proposition, often evidence (e.g., from an observation)
A ∧ B Pronounced “A and B
A ∨ B Pronounced “A or B
P(A) Pronounced “Probability of A
$P(A \and B)$ Pronounced “Probability of A and B
P(AB) Pronounced “Probability of A given B
P(HO) Pronounced “Probability of H given O
P(OH) Pronounced “Probability of O given H

The critical bit here is the vertical bar pronounced “given.” That bar is meaningful only inside the context of a P(. . . ), The technical name for a probability with given is a conditional probability. The condition is what’s given:

You won’t quite get to the stage of computing these probabilities—the arithmetic is just a little too complicated to be worth it. But you’ll compute similar probabilities.

Mathematical reasoning about probability

The keys to the whole kingdom come from just one equation:

P(A ∧ B) = P(A)P(BA)

which says "The probability of A and B is the same as the probability of A times the probability of B given A. Examples:

Because order doesn’t matter, A ∧ B is exactly the same as B ∧ A. We therefore often write

P(A ∧ B) = P(A)P(BA) = P(B)P(AB)

In other words, when you have two things occurring together, you get to choose which one is given.


What if B is independent of A? Then the probability of B given A is the same as the probability of B without any knowledge of A:

P(BA) = P(B) (when independent)

If A and B are independent, then P(A ∧ B) = P(A)P(B).

From trigram counts to probabilities

OK, so you’ve got a model that tells you how many times each trigram occurs in a corpus. We’re going to make an outrageous assumption and pretend that all trigrams in a model are independent. This assumption is absolutely not true—but the results are still good enough to classify a lot of documents.

What we’ll compute is the probability of seeing a given document E (evidence) under the hypothesis (H) that the document was generated using the given model. The second outrageous assumption is that the probability of producing a document is the same as the probability of producing all its trigrams. Under these two assumptions, we have

P(EH) = P(E1EnH)

P(EH) = P(E1H) × P(E2H) × ⋯ × P(EnH)

Where E1 is the first trigram, E2 is the second trigram, and so on.

The arithmetic of unlikely events

The World-Wide Web contains more than a billion web pages. Therefore probability of producing any one of them is on average no more than one in a billion. A billion is 109 so immediately we’re talking  − 90 decibans. But it gets worse: the trigram models are far more likely to produce gibberish than to produce real web pages.5 So the probabilities you will compute are much, much smaller. Tiny probabilities present some computational problems:

The solution is your old friend (or enemy) the logarithm. You will calculate the log of all probabilities, in decibans. The equations reduce to

logP(EH) = logP(E1H) + logP(E2H) + ⋯ + logP(EnH)

You can compute logarithms in decibans using the function log-decibans:

(define log-10/10 (/ (log 10) 10))

;; log-decibans : number -> number
;; return the 10 times the base-10 logarithm of the given number
(define (log-decibans x)
  (/ (log x) log-10/10))

(check-within (log-decibans 1)      0 EPSILON)
(check-within (log-decibans 10)    10 EPSILON)
(check-within (log-decibans 100)   20 EPSILON)
(check-within (log-decibans 1/10) -10 EPSILON)

The probability of a single trigram

So given a model H and a trigram Ei, we can estimate the probability P(EiH) very simply: the number of times Ei was observed divided by the total number of observations. There’s just one problem with this idea:

The solution to this problem is to take some probability away from the observed trigrams and assign it to the unobserved trigrams. This technique brings the probabilities of observed and unobserved trigrams closer together, making the probability distribution less jagged, and so it is called smoothing. I’m recommending you use a simple method called Laplace smoothing.

With Laplace smoothing, you pretend to have an additional α observations of each possible trigram. The α is a smoothing parameter, and I recommend you set α = 1 (although you are welcome to try smaller values). The Wikipedia page uses an equation

$\hat \theta_i = \frac {x_i + \alpha} {N + \alpha d}$


θi is your best estimate of P(EiH)
xi is the number of times trigram Ei is observed in the corpus H
α is the smoothing parameter, often 1
N is the total number of trigrams observed in the corpus H
d is the total number of possible trigrams, which is 2563

So your estimate should be

$\hat P(E_i|H) = \frac {\mathrm{count}(E_i, H) + \alpha} {\mathrm{observations}(H) + \alpha 256^3}$

where count(Ei, H) is the number of times trigram Ei was observed in model H and observations(H) is the total number trigrams observed in model H.

Classification using bit vectors

There is an alternative method of classification that uses bit vectors instead of probabilities. It can be relatively fast, and depending on the training corpora and the actual documents being classified, it sometimes does better than a probabilistic classifier and sometimes worse. The good news is that the code is fairly simple. That bad news is that it is based on linear algebra in high-dimensional spaces—math you may not be familiar with, and that I won’t be able to explain very well.

Imagine a hypercube in 2563 dimensions. That’s one dimension for every trigram. We can summarize an entire corpus by a single vector in this high-dimensional space:

The length of this vector is the square root of the sums of the squares of the dimensions of the vector, which is just the square root of the number of distinct trigrams observed. (I told you the code would be fairly simple.)

Using exactly the same technique, you can also compute a vector for a document.

Your classifier can then compare the corpus and the document by looking at whether the vectors are pointing in roughly the same direction. That is, we want to know if the angle between the vectors is small. Lo and behold, if we want to know the angle between two vectors, there is a lovely (if inexplicable) mathematical fact:

The dot product of two vectors it is the product of the lengths of the two vectors and the cosine of the angle between them.

The dot product of two vectors V and Vʹ is the sum over all dimensions of the components of V and Vʹ from the given dimension. For the restricted vectors we’re talking about, that dot product is simply the number of distinct trigrams that the document and the model have in common:

With this information you can easily compute the cosine of the angle between two vectors. Because smaller angles lead to larger cosines, you can use the cosine itself as the score. You can also easily test that when you compare a document with itself, you correctly get a cosine of 1.


A classifier is given a list of models and a document and tells which model best explains the document.

I intend for you to write two classifiers: one based on probability, and one based on bit vectors and dot products. A classifier should take a URL as input and return an (alistof number) that associates each model to a score. Include a model of every training corpus, plus the "Other" model.

For testing purposes, you probably will also want to be able to classify strings.

Data definition

An (alistof X), aka association list of X, is either

Expectations and advice for the homework

I expect you to submit a solution that contains these functions:


I have lots of advice.

Binary search trees

Incorporate your binary-search-tree solutions wholesale. You’ll need insertion, search, and conversion to and from lists. Don’t forget to include your tests!

Models vs trees

Your main data structures will be model and search trees of type (bst number). The tree stores trigram counts and will be part of a model. Any time you create a function on your wish list, you’ll need to think about whether trees or models go in and come out. If your code seems awkward, don’t be afraid to change decisions!

When possible, avoid recursive functions

My solution uses the standard list functions aggressively, and I recommend you do the same.

Your BST tools will include a number of recursive functions, but these functions are already written. Don’t revisit them: they work; they are tested; and they are ready to use. Treat your BST tools as you would treat a teachpack.

The one place you absolutely must use recursion is when you are visiting all the trigrams in a list of bytes. You will need to do this in more than one context, so if you can do it, I encourage you to create an abstraction for “combine all trigrams.” It should not look that different from the fold function in the book or the my-foldr function we developed in class.

Depending on how you choose to tackle the construction of models, you might also want a small number of recursive functions that consume binary trees. Or you could equally well choose to convert the trees to lists and use the standard list-abstraction functions.


In many respects the most difficult part of this assignment is writing the functional examples and tests. You can write a very few tests using models and trees directly. But if everything that goes into your tests is a model or tree that is fully written out using make-model and make-node, you probably will not finish. What I recommend instead is that most of your tests be built using data that is constructed by other functions (which are themselves tested).

For example, let’s suppose I want to test the a function that counts how many times a trigram appears in a model, and I already have a tested function that builds a model from a list of 1-character strings. Then I might write a test something like this:

  (trigram-count "at " (model-of-chars (explode "A fat cat and a rat ate that")))

Here’s what I want you to notice about this test:

Save your full-data tests for two situations:

URLs to try

I have put up eleven samples at this URL:

You can change one, to two, three, and so on up through eleven. I may add more. Most of these samples use the UTF-8 character set, but you can train on whichever character set you want.

Sample output

Here are my results classifying a famous text.

Here’s a different sample, from a text that mixes two languages:

'(("English" #i-258080.31739165334)
  ("French"  #i-259023.08641358386)
  ("Spanish" #i-270013.69208337733)
  ("German"  #i-271836.10062956245)
  ("Italian" #i-273627.51560851745)
  ("Hungarian" #i-281419.25852654263)
  ("Czech"   #i-281716.0129245808)
  ("Polish"  #i-284114.33976111293)
  ("Unknown" #i-307050.5955772443))

Although a thousand decibans looks like a lot, the quantitative probabilities are not to be trusted; this one should be considered a tie between English and French.

I also classified a mystery document in which that most likely outcome was -1703 decibans and the least likely was -1712 decibans. In this case the classifier has no idea what is going on.

  1. Corpus is the Latin word for “body;” corpora is the plural form.

  2. DrRacket uses something called Unicode characters. For reasons that are not obvious to the amateur, we will instead use “bytes” as characters.

  3. On Windows and in some graphical desktops, directories are called “folders.”

  4. It’s no accident that these examples are from gambling. The theory of probability was invented by gamblers.

  5. Think of the trigram models as monkeys trying to type Shakespeare. Only we have some English monkeys, some French monkeys, and so on.