Depth Explorer XML Specification

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Be sure to check out the XML introduction if you're not familiar with how XML documents are formed.

Also check out the examples page to get an idea of how Depth Explorer uses XML.

How Depth Explorer Uses XML

In version 1.0 only:

Depth Explorer XML Elements and Descriptions

The rest of this page will list each of the valid XML element names with descriptions, a list of attributes and possible attribute values.

Element Quick Jump:
canvas, cloud, contour, contours, csv, highlight, proximitytree, transform


This is the root element for a Depth Explorer XML document. It allows the user to specify layout of the rendered image.

Optional Attributes

  • width - width in inches of rendered scene - default[8.5]
  • height - height in inches of rendered scene - default[11]
  • margins - border margins in inches of rendered scene - default[1]
  • minrange - span in visible cartesian units of smallest dimenstion - default[5]
  • title - add a title to the document in 24pt times font - default[""]


Generate a cloud of points according to some distrobution, centered at (0,0).

Optional Attributes

  • type - distribution points are drawn from - enum[normal, uniform] - default[normal]
  • points - number of points in cloud - default[0]
  • seed - seed for random number generator, use this to get the same image repeatedly - random default


Given n points, draw the convex hull around the deepest fraction * n points.

Optional Attributes

  • type - depth measure to use - enum[beta, chp, delaunay, gabriel, halfspace, l1, pcal1] - default[chp]
  • fraction - what fraction of points to include in the contour - range[>0.0 - 1.0] - default[.5]
  • color - color of contour drawn in 'r,g,b' format with each component between 0 and 1 - default[0,0,0]


Just like the <contour> element, but draws contours at integer multiples of frequency from 0 to 1.

Optional Attributes

  • type - depth measure to use - enum[beta, chp, delaunay, gabriel, halfspace, l1, pcal1] - default[chp]
  • frequency - how often to draw a contour - range[>0.0 - 1.0] - default[.2]
  • color - color of contours drawn in 'r,g,b' format with each component between 0 and 1 - default[0,0,0]


Loads points from a file using the comma separated values. Each non-empty line of the file represents 1 point. Only the first 2 values per line are used; others are ignored.

Optional Attributes

  • filename - width in inches of rendered scene - no default


Given n points, highlight the deepest fraction * n points.

Optional Attributes

  • width - width in inches of rendered scene - default[8.5]
  • height - height in inches of rendered scene - default[11]
  • margins - border margins in inches of rendered scene - default[1]
  • minrange - span in visible cartesian units of smallest dimenstion - default[5]


Draw a proximity graph and the set of trees generated while computing the corresponding proximity depth of all points.

Optional Attributes

  • type - proximity graph to base tree on - enum[beta, delaunay, gabriel] - default[delaunay]
  • treecolor - color of tree edges in 'r,g,b' format with each component between 0 and 1 - default[0,0,0]
  • graphcolor - color of graph edges in 'r,g,b' format with each component between 0 and 1 - default[0,0,0]


Perform an affine transformation of all nodes under this one.

Optional Attributes

  • xscale - scale factor for width (x) dimension - default[1]
  • yscale - scale factor for height (y) dimension - default[1]
  • xtrans - horizontal translation amount - default[0]
  • ytrans - vertical translation amount - default[0]
  • angle - angle to rotate in degrees - default[0]

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© 2006 John Hugg, Tufts University