Elephant Tracks 2.0
Elephant Tracks is a garbage collection tracing tool for java programs. For an arbitrary
java program, it will produce a trace file with the following features:
- Produces an in-order trace of object allocation, death, method entry, method exit, and pointer update events.
- Time measured by method entry/exit
- Uses the Merlin Algorithm by Hertz et. Al to compute object death times accurate to the nearest method call/exit,
described here
- Works on most java code (now including native methods)
- Connects to any JVM that supports JVMTI
2.0 Beta release available for download.
Known Issues
- Not compatabile with Java 1.7 (does work with 1.6)
- A bug prevents operation with HotSpot 1.6 ("Unable to find class ElephantTracks"). The
work around is to use IBM's J9.
Information on 0.x versions (and the old trace format) is available here.
- Elephant Tracks: Portable Production of Complete And Precise GC Traces. ISMM 2013. Available here
- Tool Demonstration: Elephant Tracks: generating program traces with object death records. PPPJ 2011. Available here
Building, Running Using
Documentation for building, running, and using Elephant Tracks 2.0-beta-3 is available here.
Updated March 13, 2014