Introduction to Computer Graphics (COMP 0175)

Ray traced image by Brandon
Lucia (Spring 2005)
This course explores the fundamentals of computer graphics, including representing digital images, 2D rasterization and anti-aliasing, 3D rendering via ray casting, ray tracing and radiosity, viewing transformations, 3D shape representation, and an introduction to modeling and computer animation. Assignments and projects require a good working knowledge of the C programming language.

Advanced Computer Graphics (COMP 0275)
Spring 2007

A molecule rendered in a volumetric style using an ADF (by Perry and Frisken) for the NOVA documentary "The Search for a Safe Cigarette", produced by Carl Charleson, October, 2001.
This course investigates a specific topic in computer graphics at an advanced level. The specific topic will vary from year to year; some examples of topics include physics-based simulation, geometric modeling, advanced rendering, and scientific visualization. The course is project based; students will apply concepts from the classroom and research papers to individual and group projects. In the spring of 2007, the course will focus on implicit modeling. Students will design and implement a 3D graphical modeling system for creating and rendering 3D computer models.
Spring 2006

3D simulation of clouds animated and rendered interactively. From Interacting with Smoke and Fire in Real Time by Jos Stam.
Emphasis will change from year to year and may include physics-based modeling (including particle systems, animation kinematics, deformation, fluid modeling), advanced rendering techniques, shape representation and modeling, and computer animation.

Graphics Reading Seminar (COMP 0250-GRH)
Spring 2006

From “Water drops on surfaces" by Wang, Mucha, Turk
In this course, we will read and analyze a set of important research papers in computer graphics, with a focus on physics-based modeling and simulation. These papers will include a selection of seminal papers that have had a fundamental impact on the field as well as papers representing the latest research results.
Fall 2005

Mr. Incredible from Disney's "The Incredibles"
In this course, we will read and analyze a set of important research papers in computer graphics. These papers will include a selection of classic, seminal papers that have had a fundamental impact on the field as well as papers representing the latest research results.