Aurum: A Data Discovery System

December 6, 2018
3:00 PM
Halligan 102
Speaker: Raul Castro Fernandez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Host: Remco Chang


Data has the potential to substantially improve many areas of our lives, from advancing scientific research to making people more productive to understanding society better. However, most data is sequestered in silos or stored in formats that are hard to understand by machines and that limits its value. One big challenge is to discover datasets that are relevant to answer analysts' questions. In this talk, I'll present Aurum, a system for doing data discovery that helps organizations use all their data and extract its maximum potential.


In my research, I build high-performance and scalable systems to discover, prepare and process data. I'm a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, working with Sam Madden and Mike Stonebraker. Before, I completed my PhD at Imperial College London with Peter Pietzuch.