Intersections, Reflections and Closest Distance

March 6, 2020
Halligan 209
Speaker: Courtenay Wilson
Host: Karen Edwards


In this mock lecture we will discuss three related topics in Game design that are fundamental to building an interactive world, namely the concepts of intersections, reflections and closest distance. First off, we start with the mathematical theories behind the intersections of lines and planes using vector and implicit representation of each. We will then extend this topic to reflections of lines and other objects across surfaces such as planes. If time permits, we will then describe how to calculate the closest distance between a line and a plane. After each topic we will discuss how the mathematics is incorporated into an algorithm, and which parts can be compartmentalized for repeated calls. Then we will go over an example of how this can be implemented computationally. Students can expect to practice some examples of these topics at the end as part of group work.