Predicting Spatiotemporal Counts of Opioid-related Fatal Overdoses via Zero-Inflated Gaussian Processes

December 13, 2022
1:30 pm ET
Cummings #280
Speaker: Kyle Heuton
Host: Michael Hughes


Quals talk:

Overdose has recently become the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, ahead of vehicle crashes and gun violence. Working with public health collaborators, we provide a machine learning model with an intervention-aware performance metric that can address this problem by guiding the investment of limited intervention resources. This talk will explore a zero-inflated Gaussian Process (GP) model that can learn from historical death records to predict near-term risk of future opioid-related overdose deaths in all 1620 census tracts across the state of Massachusetts. We find zero- inflated GPs can prioritize regions in need of near-term public health interventions better than alternative models at finer spatial and temporal resolutions than most prior efforts. We will discuss an extension of this model to use a zero-inflated Poisson likelihood that is more conceptually appropriate to predict count data, preliminary findings, and future directions for this research.

Please join meeting in Cummings 280.

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