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Class weka.associations.Associator


public abstract class Associator
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Serializable
Abstract scheme for learning associations. All schemes for learning associations implemement this class

$Revision: 1.1 $
Eibe Frank (

Constructor Index

 o Associator()

Method Index

 o buildAssociations(Instances)
Generates an associator.
 o forName(String, String[])
Creates a new instance of a associator given it's class name and (optional) arguments to pass to it's setOptions method.
 o makeCopies(Associator, int)
Creates copies of the current associator.


 o Associator
 public Associator()


 o buildAssociations
 public abstract void buildAssociations(Instances data) throws Exception
Generates an associator. Must initialize all fields of the associator that are not being set via options (ie. multiple calls of buildAssociator must always lead to the same result). Must not change the dataset in any way.

data - set of instances serving as training data
Throws: Exception
if the associator has not been generated successfully
 o forName
 public static Associator forName(String associatorName,
                                  String options[]) throws Exception
Creates a new instance of a associator given it's class name and (optional) arguments to pass to it's setOptions method. If the associator implements OptionHandler and the options parameter is non-null, the associator will have it's options set.

associatorName - the fully qualified class name of the associator
options - an array of options suitable for passing to setOptions. May be null.
the newly created associator, ready for use.
Throws: Exception
if the associator name is invalid, or the options supplied are not acceptable to the associator
 o makeCopies
 public static Associator[] makeCopies(Associator model,
                                       int num) throws Exception
Creates copies of the current associator.

model - an example associator to copy
num - the number of associators copies to create.
an array of associators.
Throws: Exception
if an error occurs

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