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Class weka.classifiers.CostSensitiveClassifier


public class CostSensitiveClassifier
extends Classifier
implements OptionHandler
This metaclassifier makes its base classifier cost-sensitive. Two methods can be used to introduce cost-sensitivity: reweighting training instances according to the total cost assigned to each class; or predicting the class with minimum expected misclassification cost (rather than the most likely class). The minimum expected cost approach requires that the base classifier be a DistributionClassifier.

Valid options are:

Minimize expected misclassification cost. The base classifier must produce probability estimates i.e. a DistributionClassifier). (default is to reweight training instances according to costs per class)

-W classname
Specify the full class name of a classifier (required).

-C cost file
File name of a cost matrix to use (required).

-S seed
Random number seed used when reweighting by resampling (default 1).

Options after -- are passed to the designated classifier.

$Revision: 1.1 $
Len Trigg (

Constructor Index

 o CostSensitiveClassifier()

Method Index

 o buildClassifier(Instances)
Builds the model of the base learner.
 o classifyInstance(Instance)
Classifies a given instance by choosing the class with the minimum expected misclassification cost.
 o getClassifier()
Gets the distribution classifier used.
 o getCostMatrix()
Gets the misclassification cost matrix.
 o getMinimizeExpectedCost()
Gets the value of MinimizeExpectedCost.
 o getOptions()
Gets the current settings of the Classifier.
 o getSeed()
Get seed for resampling.
 o listOptions()
Returns an enumeration describing the available options
 o main(String[])
Main method for testing this class.
 o setClassifier(Classifier)
Sets the distribution classifier
 o setCostMatrix(CostMatrix)
Sets the misclassification cost matrix.
 o setMinimizeExpectedCost(boolean)
Set the value of MinimizeExpectedCost.
 o setOptions(String[])
Parses a given list of options.
 o setSeed(int)
Set seed for resampling.
 o toString()
Output a representation of this classifier


 o CostSensitiveClassifier
 public CostSensitiveClassifier()


 o listOptions
 public Enumeration listOptions()
Returns an enumeration describing the available options

an enumeration of all the available options
 o setOptions
 public void setOptions(String options[]) throws Exception
Parses a given list of options. Valid options are:

Minimize expected misclassification cost. The base classifier must produce probability estimates i.e. a DistributionClassifier). (default is to reweight training instances according to costs per class)

-W classname
Specify the full class name of a classifier (required).

-C cost file
File name of a cost matrix to use (required).

-S seed
Random number seed used when reweighting by resampling (default 1).

Options after -- are passed to the designated classifier.

options - the list of options as an array of strings
Throws: Exception
if an option is not supported
 o getOptions
 public String[] getOptions()
Gets the current settings of the Classifier.

an array of strings suitable for passing to setOptions
 o getMinimizeExpectedCost
 public boolean getMinimizeExpectedCost()
Gets the value of MinimizeExpectedCost.

Value of MinimizeExpectedCost.
 o setMinimizeExpectedCost
 public void setMinimizeExpectedCost(boolean newMinimizeExpectedCost)
Set the value of MinimizeExpectedCost.

newMinimizeExpectedCost - Value to assign to MinimizeExpectedCost.
 o setClassifier
 public void setClassifier(Classifier classifier)
Sets the distribution classifier

classifier - the distribution classifier with all options set.
 o getClassifier
 public Classifier getClassifier()
Gets the distribution classifier used.

the classifier
 o getCostMatrix
 public CostMatrix getCostMatrix()
Gets the misclassification cost matrix.

the cost matrix
 o setCostMatrix
 public void setCostMatrix(CostMatrix newCostMatrix)
Sets the misclassification cost matrix.

the - cost matrix
 o setSeed
 public void setSeed(int seed)
Set seed for resampling.

seed - the seed for resampling
 o getSeed
 public int getSeed()
Get seed for resampling.

the seed for resampling
 o buildClassifier
 public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception
Builds the model of the base learner.

data - the training data
Throws: Exception
if the classifier could not be built successfully
buildClassifier in class Classifier
 o classifyInstance
 public double classifyInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception
Classifies a given instance by choosing the class with the minimum expected misclassification cost.

instance - the instance to be classified
Throws: Exception
if instance could not be classified successfully
classifyInstance in class Classifier
 o toString
 public String toString()
Output a representation of this classifier

toString in class Object
 o main
 public static void main(String argv[])
Main method for testing this class.

argv - should contain the following arguments: -t training file [-T test file] [-c class index]

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