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Class weka.classifiers.m5.Measures


public final class Measures
extends Object
Class for performance measures

$Revision: 1.2 $
Yong Wang (

Constructor Index

 o Measures()
Constructs a Measures object which could containing the performance measures

Method Index

 o incremental(Measures)
Adds up performance measures for cross-validation
 o toString(double, double, String, String)
Converts the performance measures to a string


 o Measures
 public Measures()
Constructs a Measures object which could containing the performance measures


 o toString
 public final String toString(double absDev,
                              double sd,
                              String set,
                              String smooth)
Converts the performance measures to a string

absDev - the absolute deviation of the class attribute
sd - the standard deviation of the class attribute
smooth - either "u" or "s" for unsmoothed or smoothed
the converted string
 o incremental
 public final void incremental(Measures m)
Adds up performance measures for cross-validation

m - performance measures of a fold

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