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Class weka.gui.explorer.AssociationsPanel


public class AssociationsPanel
extends JPanel
This panel allows the user to select, configure, and run a scheme that learns associations.

$Revision: 1.7 $
Eibe Frank (

Constructor Index

 o AssociationsPanel()
Creates the associator panel

Method Index

 o main(String[])
Tests out the Associator panel from the command line.
 o setInstances(Instances)
Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.
 o setLog(Logger)
Sets the Logger to receive informational messages


 o AssociationsPanel
 public AssociationsPanel()
Creates the associator panel


 o setLog
 public void setLog(Logger newLog)
Sets the Logger to receive informational messages

newLog - the Logger that will now get info messages
 o setInstances
 public void setInstances(Instances inst)
Tells the panel to use a new set of instances.

inst - a set of Instances
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])
Tests out the Associator panel from the command line.

args - may optionally contain the name of a dataset to load.

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