slink - maintain virtual images of installed software packages.


slink [options] [command]







Filename Options

Behavioral Options


Protecting filesystems from Slink

Specifying image contents



Normal command summary

Direct command summary

Maintenance command summary

Behavior option summary

Filename option summary

Normal commands

Direct commands

Maintenance commands

Behavior options

Filename options




Finer points of package creation

Special cases in package creation



Designing administrative policy


Completing a filesystem from a remote master

Utilizing copy support

Embedding frequently used files in images

Replicating master files on clients

Creating writable images of read-only filesystems


Links and slinks

Properties of slinks

Promotions and optimal linking

Condensing directories





Slink is a utility program that allows the system administrator of a UNIX system to create and maintain filesystems that are unions of disjoint package trees of installed software. Each package tree may be installed and maintained by a separate person. Slink makes it seem as if all packages are part of one coherent whole, by creating one image tree that looks as if it contains all the packages intermixed. Users refer to this image tree rather than to separate package trees, and thus automatically gain access to new packages as Slink installs them in the image.


Slink-5.0 is written in perl-5.001m and works on 4.2 BSD, System VR4, and later UNIX systems supporting the concept of a symbolic link. It has been tested extensively under perl-5.001m on SunOs(SUN), Solaris(SUN), IRIX(SGI), Linux(PC),and OSF(dec) UNIXes.

To make optimal use of Slink, one must install software in disjoint package trees from which Slink constructs a coherent user view. The efficiency of using Slink depends upon how much discipline is employed in constructing these packages, though Slink can integrate almost any package into the image regardless of structure.


The following is a compressed and simplified user guide to Slink's basic features. Detailed information is provided in later sections of this document. The intent of this section is to give novice users of Slink enough information to perform simple tests and to determine whether Slink is appropriate for their specific uses.

Slink allows the administrator to construct an image tree of software packages that are actually installed as disjoint subtrees. For simplicity, Slink considers itself to be providing an image of files, and fluidly modifies directory structure of the image tree it constructs in order to make files available through symbolic links.

To utilize Slink one first installs a group of packages in private subtrees, taking care to separate files that the user needs to see from files the package uses secretly and files that are not needed while using the package. Slink's job is to create an `image tree' that appears to contain all the disjoint packages, but in actuality consists entirely of symbolic links to those packages.

To construct this image, we construct a `configuration file' slink.conf that tells Slink what to include in the image. In this configuration file, a line like

relink /local

allows Slink to erase and correct symbolic links in the image tree /local. There are other protection models that allow Slink more or less freedom depending upon the outcome desired.

To add a package to the image, one includes a configuration line of the form

link /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2/bin /local/bin

This command says to include all commands from the Gnu C compiler in the image directory /local/bin. Note that this command specifies not one symbolic link, but an assertion that the structure of the image should contain appropriate links to make all source nodes available to arbitrary recursive depth. If /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2/bin contains a directory, it and its contents will appear to be contents of /local/bin as well. This allows one to make complex assertions about structure in a single command if source and image have parallel structure.

If, for example, in /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2 there are only subdirectories bin , lib , and man with parallel structure to those subdirectories of /local, then the single directive

link /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2 /local

duplicates all the structure of /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2 in /local.

In other words, the efficiency of specifying structural mappings is directly proportional to whatever parallelism in structure you enforce in installing packages.

One great power of Slink is reversibility. If one decides that the above directive should be undone, all one has to do is change the above command to

unlink /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2 /local

This has the effect of only undoing links from the image that happen to point to the source. Links with the same name that do not point to the source will remain untouched. To change the revision of a package without worry, simply add the revision changing command before the unlink:

link /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.3 /local unlink /loc/gnu/gcc-2.7.2 /local

This will have the effect of replacing all links in /local that should go to gcc-2.7.3 with the appropriate ones, followed by cleaning up any links from gcc-2.7.2 that are no longer required.

Of course, deleting a package is easy. Just unlink it and delete it. Slink also provides maintenance commands to clean up after deletions that occurred without prior unlinking.

These three commands, the protection directive relink and the action directives link and unlink , form the basis for using Slink for maintaining complex filesystems. To add something to an image, one links it, and to remove something one unlinks it. One may maintain multiple images by linking one package to multiple images, or leave an installed package invisible until users require it.

The commands link and unlink are implemented by fluidly modifying the directory structure of the image tree /local while embedding symbolic links in that tree that point to full pathnames in various package trees. The result is that accessing any path in the image tree actually refers one to a path in a package tree, while a package program that relatively addresses its own files will always locate them, regardless of whether the relative link is expanded within the image or package trees.

However, one must be cautious about utilizing relative addressing within the image tree between files in distinct packages, because those relative references may at Slink's discretion actually be resolved within an individual package tree, making the reference invalid. Fine points of PACKAGE CONSTRUCTION are discussed below.


The advantages of this approach are severalfold:

Slink's strategy works equally well when there is one installer and one machine as when there are one hundred of each. One can learn how to utilize Slink and its configuration file in less than a day for almost all applications. This makes Slink suitable for very small sites as well as very large ones, unlike more powerful `repository management' systems.

Slink imposes minimal stylistic restrictions upon the packages it installs. Unlike object-based configuration systems such as Depot, Slink relies upon the discipline of the administrator to enforce stylistic consistency; it is simply a powerful tool whose function is unencumbered by trying to enforce a particular style of use. In particular, Slink can manage access to any package regardless of the vendor's lack of compliance with appropriate package conventions, without requiring modification of the package to suit reasonable conventions.

Any number of people can be simultaneously installing software without danger of conflicting with one another. If they do manage to try to install the same file in the user's view, Slink will warn them, and, since no files are overwritten, the problem is easily correctable.

Slink provides an easy and intuitively obvious mechanism for replicating installed software on multiple machines of the same architecture, simply by copying package trees and linking them into local images as appropriate. One can also construct slave package trees that are a union of local copies of crucial software and remote copies of packages deemed less crucial. See ADVANCED USAGE for details.

Software installers need not have administrative privilege, but can be regular users with no administrative privileges, members of an administrative group, or people with root access. This establishes a promotion and training path for new installers, from unprivileged use, through apprenticeships, to root access and beyond. See ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT below.

One can add and retract packages in the user's view without corrupting the user's filesystem with undetectable useless files, and without modifying each user's environment for each modification. Most software installations can be safely performed while the affected systems are running in multiuser mode, with no effect on users.

One can maintain several versions of the user's environment for use by different kinds of users. One might have novice, expert, and data-entry user classes, each of which should have access to a particular set of commands. Slink can maintain several `images' of the package hierarchy as easily as one.

One can always determine the source of a file in the user's environment by referring to Slink's configuration file or the path of the file itself if that path was created using a symbolic link.



Slink consists of several Perl programs and libraries. There are three steps in installing Slink:

edit the source code to all commands (slink, slinkls, slink-convert, truename) to reflect the correct location of perl.

Edit Slink/ (Slink::Config) to change any defaults desired.

Edit Makefile.PL to change the destination directories in which to install Slink


perl Makefile.PL make install

to actually install Slink.

In, options to Slink are specified as.associative array entries in the variable %Slink::Config. There are both filename and behavioral options.

Filename Options

The path of the ps(1) command. This is used to determine whether a lockfile is out of date.

The root directory for all files Slink requires or provides. This is prepended to any relative pathname in the following path variables.

Slink's configuration file (default slink.conf). This file consists of a list of assertions about filesystem structure that Slink implements when invoked with no arguments. This file is read by Slink but hand-edited. For format see CONFIGURING SLINK .

Slink's error log (default slink.err). Here Slink describes every error it encounters in trying to do what you ask. Normally these errors are also echoed to standard error on the controlling terminal.

Slink's log file (default slink.log). Here Slink appends every action it takes, in a running log. Slink only writes to this file.

Slink's lockfile (default This file contains the process ID of the current Slink process, if any. It is used to avoid running multiple copies of Slink. It is both read and written by Slink.

Slink's map file (default This file keeps a record of the current state of all filesystems, and what Slink has done on each. Entries list a file, an operation, and a source, where operations are either copy or link . This file is used for consistency checking after each Slink operation, and for checking filesystems for corruption not created by Slink. It is both read and written by Slink.

Slink's protection model file (default slink.mod). This file contains human-input directives on the limits of Slink's rights to modify filesystems. By default Slink has no rights. You must give it some by editing this file.

Slink's list of new configuration lines (default This file is written during filesystem checking, and contains new configuration lines whose contents Slink discovered during checking. If these lines are added to the configuration file, Slink will no longer complain about these links when checking.


Behavioral Options

A reference to an array of pathnames that should not be allowed as components of a fully expanded pathname. In forming links, Slink always uses the most efficient form of each link. This entails expanding the source path it's given so that no components are links. Unfortunately, older versions of automount(8) require use of symbolic links, and resolving links into the automounter trees will render the automounter nonfunctional. To avoid this, we specifically trap references to the automounter tree and refuse to expand those links in expanding the source path. If you don't have an automounter, or have a more recent one that does not utilize symlinks, this line has no effect. You may leave this option empty to expand all symlinks fully.

A reference to an array of hosts on which Slink can execute. These hosts should be entered in the same format that appears in the $HOST environment variable. If this list is empty Slink can execute on any host. Of course, this option only applies if Slink is installed in a shared disk partition.

A default umask with which to create files and directories; see umask(1) . By default this umask denies write permission to others, but gives it to both group and user. In normal use, Slink exploits BSD-like group inheritance (via chmod g+s or whatever mechanism) to keep contents of each image directory in the same group as the parent. You can make this mask more severe, but will have to run Slink as root at all times.

A default mode to give to created image directories. Of course this should be world-readable. I also make mine group-writable so that others in my group can also update it. I then ensure that group inheritance is enabled, and that top-level directories in my image tree have appropriate groups. This means that people in my group can execute Slink to update their parts of the image tree without being root.



The next step in installing Slink is to edit control files slink.mod and slink.conf so it will behave properly. The file slink.mod contains protection directives that slink will obey even as root. The file slink.conf contains assertions about filesystem structure that Slink will try to enforce. When Slink starts executing, it reads slink.mod first, followed by slink.conf if appropriate.

In both files, comments are distinguished by having a # as the leftmost non-space character. Non-comment lines are commands, either protection commands (in either slink.conf or slink.mod) or assertions about image structure (in slink.conf only).

Protecting filesystems from Slink

The first task in configuring Slink is to define which subtrees of the global filesystem Slink is allowed to modify, and how. Unlike UNIX, in Slink there are two kinds of protection for filesystem nodes:

physical protection
that UNIX provides; protection based upon user, group, other-users flags. This protection is overridden if one is root.

virtual protection
that Slink provides; each file has a protection state that determines whether or not any administrator should be able to change that file. This protection is the same for root as for normal users.

The problem with physical protection is that it is effectively.nonexistent when one is working as root. Slink's protection scheme was created to allow one to safely use Slink as root with no danger that it will corrupt filesystems unexpectedly.

For example, with appropriate protections in place, it's safe to use Slink to merge two copies of /usr. Overlaps are not errors; if a file already exists, we use it in place of the new source. See ADVANCED USAGE for details.

In error messages and verbose logging, Slink distinguishes between the two kinds of protection and their failure. If physical protection fails, Slink says it `cannot' do something, whereas if virtual protection fails, Slink says it `may not' do it. In general, physical protection failures are errors, while virtual protection failures are not; Slink simply refuses to write anything where it's not permitted to do so. To receive a list of virtual protection violations, execute Slink in verbose mode.

Slink assigns every file and directory in the system a `protection model' that determines what Slink will do to that file. There are five protection models in order of increasing permissiveness. Each protection model is the first word in a configuration command with syntax

<protection> <image> [<image>...]

that can be placed in either slink.conf or slink.mod. Some protection models are only meaningful for files; others control actions on directories or links to files. The protection for a particular file or directory is either specified explicitly, or is inherited from the most immediate parent for which a protection is specified. The protection models are:

Under no circumstances should Slink modify these nodes, neither by adding nor deleting information.

Slink can add files, links, and directories to existing directories, but may not remove pre-existing files, links, or directories.

Slink may change or delete pre-existing symlinks, or add to directories.

Slink may convert directories of links back to links to directories, as well as changing links or adding files or links.

Slink may do anything local, including removing files, directories, or links.

This table summarizes the protections and their meanings:.

permitted? freeze protect relink redirect replace prune may add nodes no yes yes yes yes yes may remove links no no yes yes yes yes may convert dirs no no no yes yes yes may remove files no no no no yes yes may remove dirs no no no no no yes

Protection commands may occur in two places.

in Slink's configuration file (default slink.conf). In this case, protection commands are executed as the file is scanned, and the protection in effect for a directive is the sum of all protection directives encountered so far.

in the special protection model file (default slink.mod). This file is scanned before the configuration file to determine defaults. It is also definitive for direct commands executed outside the auspices of the configuration file.

The formats for these commands are the same in both places: a.directive followed by a list of images to which it applies. In these images, a `*' matches zero or more characters, a `?' matches exactly one character. All other shell metacharacters are disabled. To allow a literal `*' or `?', precede either with a `\'.

If an image is a directory, then the protection applies to all subdirectories and contents of its whole subtree, unless specifically overridden by other protection commands for subtrees, which then apply to everything beneath them.

For example, the protection directives

freeze / relink /local freeze /local/emacs/lock

have the effect of

freezing everything in / and every subtree, except /local.

allowing relinking in all of /local except for the lock directory /local/emacs/lock.

not allowing additions to the lock directory /local/emacs/lock.

This scheme is designed to make specifying protections as easy as possible..For our purposes the above lines suffice to appropriately protect everything from Slink. As another example, the protection directives

freeze / protect /usr relink /local

allow Slink to add missing files to /usr but not to destroy any vendor-supplied files.

The default in the absence of any other information is to freeze everything. You must therefore include at least one directive in slink.mod in order to be able to execute direct commands, or at least one directive in slink.conf in order to be able to process configuration file requests. If conflicting protections are specified for the same path, the last one encountered is binding. In the model file, this simply cancels earlier assertions, while in the configuration file, the protections binding at time of an assertion are the protections encountered before the assertion.

All symlinks are fully expanded before encoding protections, except those that expand to paths in @main::opt_dontresolve.

For example, the first example above has the same effect as

relink /local freeze /local/emacs/lock freeze /


replace / relink /local freeze /local/emacs/lock freeze /


freeze / relink /local freeze /local/emacs/lock replace /

has a quite different (and dangerous) meaning, that everything in / but /local is writable to slink without limitation. In all protection directives, sh filename globbing syntax is expanded, so that

freeze /local/man/cat*

expands to match the appropriate catfiles as expected.

Specifying image contents

Once Slink knows what it may modify, we must tell it what to do. This takes the form of configuration directives that assert structure on the image trees Slink will maintain.

Commands available in the configuration file include:

Set working directories to prepend to relative paths for both sources (what gets installed) and images (formed by linking or copying). Syntax:

cd <source-cwd> <image-cwd>

Either directory may be relative, in which case the current corresponding directory is prepended. Either directory may be a double quote, in which case that working directory is left unchanged. For example,

cd " /local

leaves the source directory alone and changes the image directory to /local.

Include directives from a second file. Syntax:

include <include-file> <source-cwd> <image-cwd>

The file include-file is scanned for commands. If include-file is relative it is expanded by prepending the current source working directory. The directories source-cwd and image-cwd are working directories for source and image while inside the included file, and are interpreted exactly as in the cd command above.

Utilize symlinks to construct an image. Syntax:

link <source> <image> [<image>...]

Make links from each image to the source given, recursively descending into subdirectories of source . If image has a link at a higher path level than its base, brachiate any such links in to directories of links so that image is link-free except for its basename.

Remove symlinks from an image. Syntax:

unlink <source> <image> [<image>...]

Delete slinks from each image to the source given. Ignore links that already don't point to the source.

Utilize file copying to construct an image. Syntax is:

copy <source> <image> [<image>...]

Copy source to each image , preserving each file's modification date, access date, as well as owner, group, and mode (if possible and reasonable).

Each file's owner can be preserved if the current effective user of Slink is root or the source file's owner. Group can be preserved if the current effective user is root or that user is a member of the group of the source file. Mode can be preserved if the mode does not contain setuid, setgid, or setvtx (the `sticky bit'), or if the effective user of Slink is root. In the latter case all such modes are preserved.

Owner, group, and mode are ignored for directories; they are given the default owner and group, and a mode specified in the configuration options above.

Undo file copying operations. Syntax:

uncopy <source> <image> [<image>...]

Delete everything in each image that's obviously a copy of something in source . A thing is `obviously a copy' if it is a copy under rdist(1) semantics, i.e., both size and modification time match exactly.

Unconditionally destroy something. Syntax:

destroy <image> [<image>...]

Each image is completely destroyed, if possible within prevailing filesystem protections.

A subtle difference exists between directives in slink.mod and.slink.conf. In slink.mod, the cd command expects only one directory, which is interpreted as an image working directory, while as stated above, in slink.conf, the cd command expects both source and image working directories.

Of course, the success of any directive depends upon the protection specified for its image. All the above directives will silently fail if not awarded sufficient rights to modify an image.


Slink can be used in two ways.

configuration mode, to maintain a complex hierarchy of slinks via a configuration file.

stand-alone (or direct) mode, to make a specific slink not in the configuration file.

In the first case, a configuration file is edited that contains all.the slinks to be made. In our case this file is /loc/slink.conf. The identity of this file may be changed by editing the source to the slink command itself. To use the configuration file, type simply


to assure that all slinks in the file are up to date, or

image [source-pattern [slink-pattern]]

to update links that match particular source patterns or image patterns in the configuration file. At this point the only patterns supported are literal substring matches. For example, if the configuration file contains

link /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin /local/sbin link /loc/adm/foo-1.0 /local

then the command

slink foo

will update the links that assure that

/loc/adm/foo-1.0 <= /local

but ignore the links that assure that

/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin <= /local/sbin

If one wishes to bypass the configuration file, the command

slink -link source image [image ...]

echos the function of a symbolic link, except that it is permissible to specify two directories and the second will thereafter contain the contents of the first as well as perhaps other nodes.

To undo one of these links, one can write

slink -unlink source image [image ...]

This command will only undo links that look correct, and links from image to somewhere other than source will be left alone.


Normal command summary

slink [-update] [options] [ source-pat [ image-pat ]]

slink -help

Direct command summary

slink -link [options] source-path image-path [ image-path ...]

slink -unlink [options] source-path image-path [ image-path ...]

slink -copy [options] source-path image-path [ image-path ...]

slink -uncopy [options] source-path image-path [ image-path ...]

slink -destroy [options] image-path [ image-path ...]

Maintenance command summary

slink -clean [options] image-path [ image-path ...]

slink -condense [options] [ source-pat [ image-pat ]]

slink -report [options] image-path [ image-path ...]

Behavior option summary







Filename option summary

-root root-path

-confile config-file-path

-errfile error-file-path

-logfile log-file-path

-lokfile lock-file-path

-mapfile map-file-path

-modfile model-file-path

-newfile new-file-path

Normal commands

To execute Slink, one specifies zero or one actions and zero or more options. Actions used in normal operation are as follows.

Slink's default action is to update images so they match its configuration file. Syntax:

slink [-update] [<source-pattern> [<image-pattern>]]

If no action flag is specified, Slink assumes that it should read its configuration file and insure that the filesystems are up to date with respect to the stated configuration. In this case Slink takes two optional extra arguments, that are interpreted as literal substrings (with no star convention) to match against source and image fields in the configuration file, respectively. Only lines that contain those substrings will be acted upon. If both substring arguments are absent, Slink acts on every directive in the configuration file.

This action prints a help message and exits. Syntax:

slink -help


Direct commands

In addition to normal actions, there are several `direct' commands that allow one to perform actions without editing them into the configuration file.

Force a link not in the configuration file. Syntax:

slink -link <source> <image> [<image>...]

This action instructs Slink to ignore the configuration file and try to implement a link request from the command line. Using the protections solely from the protection model file (default name slink.mod) Slink will attempt to form links from image to source . This has the same effect as if the line

link <source> <image> [<image>...]

was included in Slink's configuration file (except that protection mode commands in the configuration file have no effect). Extra arguments are interpreted as extra image names to link from.

Undo a link request without utilizing the configuration file. Syntax:

slink -unlink <source> <image> [<image>...]

This action is similar to -link except that Slink tries to undo a previously made link request. This has roughly the same effect as if the line

unlink <source> <image> [<image>...]

was included in Slink's configuration file.

Copy a file into images without using the configuration file. Syntax:

slink -copy <source> <image> [<image>...]

This action is similar to -link except that Slink tries to copy a file instead of linking it. This has roughly the same effect as if the line

copy <source> <image> [<image>...]

was included in Slink's configuration file.

Undo a copy without using the configuration file. Syntax:

slink -uncopy <source> <image> [<image>...]

This action is similar to -link except that Slink tries to undo a previously made copy request. This has roughly the same effect as if the command

uncopy <source> <image> [<image>...]

was included in Slink's configuration file.

Destroy nodes without using the configuration file. Syntax:

slink -destroy <image> [<image>...]

This action is similar to -link except that Slink tries to destroy a previously created image node. This has roughly the same effect as if the command

destroy <image> [<image>...]

was included in Slink's configuration file.


Maintenance commands

Several special commands recover from administrative errors.

Clean up image trees. Syntax:

slink -clean <image> [<image>...]

This action cleans image trees by removing symlinks to nonexistent nodes. One should be careful that all source trees are available (either locally or via some network file system) before executing this command. One can thus purge a package by deleting it and then running Slink with this option. This option is not recommended; use `unlink' to uninstall packages.

Report on possible image tree corruption. Syntax:

slink -report <image> [<image>...]

This action checks image trees for artifacts not created by Slink. If you directly modify image trees, this will give you a list of things you did that Slink couldn't have done. Its output includes a list of configuration file lines that could be included in order to place these changes under Slink's control if desired. Of course, Slink can only suggest new `link' requests as it has no knowledge of where files are copied from.

Condense directory structure by replacing directories with links where appropriate. Syntax:

slink -condense [<source-pattern> [<image-pattern>]]

This action instructs Slink to try to simplify its directory structure by replacing directories with links where appropriate. In normal operation this will occur when deletion of a link makes brachiation of a directory into link no longer needed. In condensing structure, Slink will obey and implement all deletion requests ( unlink , uncopy , and destroy ) while trying to condense image trees specified in link requests. If source and/or image substrings are specified, Slink will only act upon configuration lines matching those patterns.


Behavior options

Several options control Slink's behavior. While all options are legal to specify at all times, some may have no effect if the action specified does not require them. For example, specifying a configuration file does not affect any direct commands.

Print a debugging trace. While not particularly useful, this option prints all internal states of Slink as it executes, tracing important variable values, control flow, etc.

Don't echo errors to the controlling terminal. Normally Slink writes every error to your terminal as well as to its error file (default slink.err). This cancels that behavior, but errors are still available in the error file.

Print a verbose description of actions taken. In particular, inform the user of protection mode failures that aren't errors. This option is helpful if you're trying to understand how Slink works or why it didn't do something you thought it should do.

Don't utilize a lock file to lock out multiple instances of Slink. Normally, only one instance of Slink can run at a time.

Don't read or write the map file that records Slink's previous actions in linking and copying. As the map file is utilized in performing the -report action, things done with -nomap in effect will be treated as foreign to Slink during reporting.

Don't read the map file initially, but create a new one at the end of execution. If your map file gets corrupted or overcrowded, the command slink -remap will recreate a clean copy based solely on the configuration file.


Filename options

Several options control the files that Slink reads and writes.

-root rootdirname
Specify a new directory prefix for Slink's control files, if specified using relative filenames. This prefix will be prepended to all default filenames unless you override them with absolute pathnames in the filename options below.

-confile confilename
Specify a new configuration file (default slink.conf). This file is read by Slink to determine what it should do.

-errfile errfilename
Specify a new error file (default slink.err). Slink appends error messages to this file.

-logfile logfilename
Specify a new log file (default slink.log). Slink appends a list of actions taken to this file as it performs them.

-lokfile lokfilename
Specify a new lock file (default This file is used to keep two instances of Slink from running at the same time.

-mapfile mapfilename
Specify a new link map file (default This file is read before and updated after each Slink execution to contain the current state of image trees according to Slink. It is used during the -report option and also after each run to insure that there are no conflicts in Slink's directions.

-modfile modfilename
Specify a new protection model file (default slink.mod). This file contains cd , freeze , protect , relink , redirect , and replace directives that should be in effect regardless of whether the configuration file is utilized or not. These protections affect all direct actions such as -link, etc. The only difference between the format of this file and the format of the configuration file is that here, cd commands only specify the image working directory and are local to this file.

-newfile newfilename
Specify a new `new link' file(default This file is created during the -report action and contains a list of directives that you can add to the configuration file for things not originally done by Slink. It is limited to link requests for obvious reasons.



In this section we outline the administrative procedures required to utilize Slink in the simplest possible environment: one UNIX host managed by a lone system administrator. These techniques apply with minor modifications to more complex environments.

To use Slink, one must first decide where to locate image and source trees. For us, images are located in /local (giving us the option of maintaining also a `normal' /usr/local) and packages are located in /loc, /loc1, /loc2, and /loc3. There is no limit to the number of disjoint package trees one can utilize. The simplest possible scenario is as follows.

All packages are installed in /loc.

Images of packages are maintained in /local.

As few files as possible are placed in /local, but treated as sacred when placed there (protection model relink ).

All Slink directives are `link's.

Slink constructs one image environment for users.

To implement this plan, follow these steps:.

Edit slink.mod to contain the lines

freeze / relink /local freeze /local/man/cat*

and any other freezes that seem appropriate. In general, any directory in the image tree what will contain files created by programs is suitable for freezing.

Install each package in its own private tree with a bin containing commands the user should be able to run, a lib containing libraries the user should be able to link to, and a man containing manual pages the user should be able to read.

For each package, type the lines

link package/bin bin link package/lib lib link package/man man

into slink.conf. Alternatively, place bin , lib , and man in a subdirectory dist and type

link package/dist .

into slink.conf.

Run Slink by typing simply


to make /local/bin, /local/lib, and /local/man unions of all the package trees.

Adjust each user's environment by placing /local/bin into the user's execution path ($PATH or equivalent), /local/man into the user's manual path ($MANPATH or equivalent), and /local/lib into the user's library path ($LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent).

Arrange to execute whatis(8), catman(8), or equivalent to periodically update the whatis(5) database appropriately.

The beauty of this is that once all this is completed, one may install.a package simply by putting it into a tree and editing slink.conf to change all user environments at once.


This basic model of Slink use can be easily refined to handle more complex situations.

To support multiple user environments, construct an image for each using configuration file commands. Even the least sophisticated site can utilize three environments: one for normal users (/local), one for old programs some people are still using (/local/old), and one for new programs as yet untested (/local/new).

To support multiple installers, assign each one a package tree or particular directories within an existing package structure. Make each assigned directory owned by its assignee.

To support multiple versions of the same commands, install them in disjoint trees and utilize Slink directives to rename their commands in the image tree.

To support multiple identical machines, replicate package trees as desired and distribute the same master Slink configuration file to each. Slink will ignore nonexistent packages, so the same configuration file will work for all hosts.

To keep track of multiple package trees with parallel structure, use Slink to construct a composite package tree containing all the packages. This composite tree can then be utilized as a link source, because Slink will resolve the multiple link path back into a single link for each imaged component. This strategy is particularly handy for identifying duplicates in multiple package hierarchies mounted remotely from different machines. Slink will report such duplicates as multiple sources!



Typically, a package consists of the installed files from a single tar'd software distribution obtained from anonymous ftp or a vendor, though interdependencies between related distributions often require that all the distributions be placed in the same package. For example, gcc and g++ are essentially the same program with different arguments, and libg++ is needed for anyone to do anything with g++, so all three are inseparable and should probably occupy the same package.

As the main purpose of packages is to document relationships between files, the minimal package consists of two related files, typically a compiled program and its source code. Stand-alone shell scripts do not need to have their own packages as they consist of exactly one file, the script itself, and the consequences of deleting that script are clear: that one program will not work. This is also true for software that is distributed as a single binary image, though we usually do not, as a rule, install free software off the net unless it is available in source form and compiled by us (binary images can contain viral infections, no matter how reputable the source). We place such binary releases in a special package `alone'.

Finer points of package creation

Slink is powerful enough to integrate a package regardless of how you install it. But careful structuring of packages will make both configuration file editing and later cleanup easier. The basic rule is that ease of use is directly proportional to the structure you utilize in installing packages, and the parallels between that structure and the structure you want in images.

A typical package contains three kinds of files:

files the user must access directly. These include programs the user must execute, including compiled object-code as well as interpreted scripts; e.g., contents of directories named bin and sbin . They also include libraries the user must load to run a a program, either with ld, with, libraries for an interpreter such as perl, and databases that user-written programs must read, such as fonts; e.g., contents of directories named lib . They also include documentation the user must be able to read; e.g., contents of directories named man with some suffix.

files that the package must access, but which do not need to be available to the user. These include private programs and libraries that only the programs in the package should use, and databases used only by the programs and/or libraries in the package.

files that document the package but are unneeded by the user or package components during normal use. These include source code that is compiled and installed before use, such as C code, or scripts that require pre-processing to be usable, as well as installation instructions, READMEs, and administrative documentation.

The three kinds of package files must be treated differently.during installation:

Files the user needs (type a) are made available to the user via symbolic links from a common area shared by all packages. The installer does not make these links; instead they are made by Slink.

Files the package needs to work (types a and b) are stored in the package tree, but type b files are invisible to the user, The package is compiled to refer to the latter by pathnames in the package tree, rather than by pathnames in any image tree.

Files the package doesn't need to work (type c) can be deleted when the package is working properly.

The eventual goal is to place references to your installed files into.the tree /local, so that users can get to the files. In /local, for ease of use, files are organized in subdirectories by type. The subdirectories have the same names and meanings as subdirectories of /, /usr (and /usr/local), in normal UNIX systems. It makes life much easer if each of these is mirrored in the package source tree with a parallel structure to how it should look in /local.

Here's a list of conventions for naming UNIX directories. This information is usually contained in the manual for each system, but I'll reproduce it here for efficiency.

executable binaries invoked by users, such as games, etc. If you compile something everyone should be able to execute, put it here. These would traditionally be put in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

commands typically utilized by root for administrative purposes. E.g., on our system Slink is installed as /local/sbin/slink.

documentation on use of programs, general internet use, ftp use. In general, any text not in a man page format. I put html documentation here, but you could decide upon a better convention.

control files for applications. These would traditionally be installed in /etc, /usr/etc, or /usr/local/etc.

help with using programs, filed by program name. Installers should write these as small text files with the same name as the program.

files to be included in source during compilation. `.h' files for libraries should be put here so that the types of routines are correctly declared in applications. These would traditionally be installed in /usr/include or /usr/local/include.

software libraries. To be included in users' compilations or at run time via dynamic linking. These would traditionally be installed in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.

fonts for postscript, etc.

general manual page subdirectory for user documentation. The subdirectories of this directory contain files read by the man command. These subdirectories would normally be found in /usr/man or /usr/local/man. These are broken down as follows:

manual pages for programs installed in bin .

manual pages for libraries installed in lib .

manual pages for formats of files and databases in etc .

manual pages for games in particular.

manual pages for administrative programs installed in sbin .

Of course, local conventions may differ. Check your local system for its.conventions and adhere to those for best results.

Special cases in package creation

If a package refers only to its own files, installation is easy. Things become a bit more tricky if a package refers to files from other packages. The principal problem is that it is relatively easy to delete a package upon which another package depends, or upgrade one package with the result of breaking another that uses it.

I utilize the following rules for compiling references to files into packages.

If a package refers to a file from another package, and the revision of the other package doesn't matter, make the file public in /local and refer to it by the public pathname.

If a package refers to a file in another package, and the revision of the other package is crucial (e.g., CVS utilizes RCS utilities), then the referring package should directly refer to the private contents of the other package's installation tree. The logic behind this is that if the utilized package is deleted, the utilizer will be broken, so it might as well refer directly. This also allows a different version of the utilized package (e.g. RCS) to be made available to normal users.

If one directory of information needs to be writable to several packages, (e.g., the emacs `info' tree), and it's not clear which package it belongs within, put it in a package by itself. This way, no package that utilizes it will be broken if another is deleted.

Of course, in our experience, the emacs `info' tree is one of the few things in an average UNIX that requires this special treatment. And one can simply place it under emacs where it expects to go, with the one drawback that upgrading emacs means upgrading it.

This is not a perfect solution to the problem, because Slink does.not keep track of inter-package dependencies. In practice, we find it necessary to be quite careful in deleting packages to avoid problems, including a process of demotion to `old software' status (and removal from the user's image) without deletion, followed by package renaming, a waiting period to uncover potential dependencies, and deletion if no problems are uncovered in a month or so. This strategy is not perfect but for us has required a minimum of reinstallations to repair reference problems, partially because referencing packages get upgraded at our site as quickly as referenced ones.


In several years of utilizing Slink, the authors' principal problem has been managing the complex package trees that Slink integrates. Particularly, it is difficult to avoid unknowingly duplicating software in complex hierarchies. One simple tip is to organize the package hierarchies in two levels, the first of which is categorical and the second of which contains actual package directories. This allows one to easily check for duplicates, because presumably two copies of the same package will be installed in the same place. Our categories, which should not be treated as definitive, are as follows:

The whole X11R6 tree.

Administrative commands suitable for use by root, and related commands.

Stand-alone commands with no supporting files.

Computer-aided software engineering.

Data-base management systems.

The editor Emacs and its associated utilities.

Games and diversions.

Everything from the Free Software Foundation.

Graphics applications, editors, and viewers.

Programming languages.

Mail readers.

Networking support.

Desktop publishing.

Various shells.

Utility programs.

Stand-alone X applications.

Of course other sites will have differing needs. Our logic was to.define one level of categories that roughly split software into equal segments, so that search time for a particular package is minimal. Over the years, we have discovered the hard way that multi-level filing systems and non-categorical filing waste more time than they save.


The real power of Slink is that it allows a head administrator to delegate installation tasks to a wide variety of assistants. These assistants can differ in abilities and level of trust, from being trusted only to install something correctly, to being trusted as root. This institutes implicit training milestones after which a person advances from one level of competence and trust to the next, as well as a scalable mentoring scheme that amplifies the capabilities of high-level administrators with a large number of trainees capable of performing useful tasks.

For example, within Tufts Computer Science, we utilize a three-tier training scheme consisting of

who are given permission to install package trees by being granted ownership of specific package directories, but who have no rights to modify the user's view of all packages.

who are given permission to create package directories and modify the user's view with Slink.

who are given the root password and all privileges pertaining thereto, including unlimited access to Slink.

People are promoted from one grade to the next after they demonstrate.competence and appropriate conformity to administrative policies, constructing a natural `training loop'.

The key to implementing a successful multi-tier scheme is careful attention to directory permissions in both the source and image trees. To construct our three tier mechanism, perform the following steps:

Create a group whose members have the right to execute Slink. For us that is the staff group, but it could be any group.

Make all of Slink's databases writable to staff. Optionally, for better results, place configuration files under control of RCS to eliminate writing conflicts in updating them.

Make all directories in source and image trees writable to staff.

By an appropriate mechanism, enable BSD-like group inheritance for directory contents in the image tree(s). If this behavior is not the default for your UNIX, it can usually be accomplished by

chmod g+s dirname

for every dirname in the image tree. This only need be done once because Slink will propagate the setgid bit in creating new directories.

Once these conditions are in place,.Only root and members of the staff group will be able to execute Slink, because others will not be able to modify contents of directories in image trees. With this limit, one can train people in software installation in a very orderly and scalable way:

One starts interacting with the system as a novice with no privileges. Each novice is assigned a staff member who checks work and executes Slink for that person. Thus the novice's installation work can be reviewed before incorporating that work into the user's view.

Once competent in that role, the novice is made a member of the staff group and allowed to run Slink and modify its databases. As well, the new staff member is assigned another admin with root privileges who moderates and implements system changes outside of Slink's image trees (starting daemons, modifying /etc/services, etc.)

Once the staff member understands all ramifications of being root, that member is given the root password and becomes a mentor to others.

We have utilized this structure in our academic environment for many.years with very few problems. In practice a novice will often need to directly approach someone with root privileges to get something done, but this structure minimizes demands on the time of those admins by interposing an intermediary layer. At times we also blur distinctions between the three levels, by granting temporary staff or root privileges pursuant to a particular task. There is also an administrative level above root access: the ability to enforce conformity over an entire network. That level requires facility with the DISTR and rdist(1) tools and will not be discussed here, though at our site a similar mentoring arrangement exists between root users and network administrators.

Designing administrative policy

It has been said that security tools are useless without an appropriate security policy, and that this policy should predate the tools. The same is true for Slink; effective use requires the institution of appropriate administrative policy to keep things straight.

Before designing a policy, answer the following questions:

Who is administrating this machine? One person? A large group?

What are the administrative skills of these people? Can they be trusted to do things right?

What pre-existing infrastructure must be preserved?

How critical is it to preserve system operation during upgrades?

How critical is it to avoid corrupting image trees with files that cannot be tagged for deletion?

Depending upon the answers to these questions, you may need more or.less administrative structure than described above. If your turnover for systems is so fast that filesystem corruption is not a problem, perhaps you do not need Slink at all. In a more extreme case, where you don't want to trust anyone other than root to modify the user's environment, you could require each installer to create a personal configuration file for each package that simply gets included in the master file when appropriate. If, conversely, everyone working with Slink is an expert, you might not need to bother with a staff group.


Slink was designed to integrate package trees, but mostly by accident, it is capable of more advanced operations.

Completing a filesystem from a remote master

This use of Slink comes from the common situation that the local disk in a personal workstation is not large enough to contain a complete UNIX distribution, but that distribution is available via some network file system abstraction. It is easy and practical to utilize Slink to build a tiered filesystem within which files available locally are accessed locally, while files available only remotely are made available locally via symbolic links.

For example, suppose we have an incomplete local /usr and a remotely available complete one, mounted as /lusr. We instruct Slink to

protect /usr freeze /usr/spool link /lusr /usr

This has the effect of making links from /usr to everything in /lusr that isn't in /usr, excepting things in /usr/spool that are inherently local in character. Thus local system accesses only incur link and network overhead when the requested file isn't local. This approach works so well that when building workstations with limited disk space at our site, it is the rule rather than the exception.

Utilizing copy support

It should be clear by now that the copy and uncopy directives were afterthoughts rather than principal features of Slink. Slink can do everything required for normal image maintenance without these abstractions. They were included for two advanced uses:

embedding frequently utilized files in the image tree to reduce symbolic link traversal overhead associated with normal Slink operation.

replicating certain subtrees of a master server's package hierarchy on local clients for execution efficiency.

creating modified images of read-only filesystems such as CD-ROM's by selective overriding of links to them.


Embedding frequently used files in images

In the first instance, we simply wish to avoid traversing a link in the image tree; for example, at our site we copy perl(1), tcsh(1), and slink(1) into the image tree to avoid link traversals. One must remember, however, to instruct applications to refer to the copies where appropriate, not to master files in the source tree, or misleading situations can result. In practice, the link overhead generated by Slink is hardly noticeable and we do not make much use of this option.

The copy command can also be utilized to modify local files in the tiered hierarchy described above. A normal cp(1) operation would attempt to traverse symbolic links and modify the master, which should not work if that master is correctly mounted read-only.

Replicating master files on clients

Due to the network overhead of retrieving files from huge packages such as emacs , gcc, etc., it is often desirable to keep copies of selected packages on clients rather than the master. But since disk space is usually limited on clients, we prefer to replicate only those files that improve general system performance. The rest are obtained via network file service from a master fileserver.

Replication is simple indeed, and the exact opposite of the procedure for completing a filesystem. First we replicate the structure of the package hierarchy itself and copy the files we want to replicate. Then optionally we arrange for unreplicated subtrees to be automounted when referenced. Finally, we run Slink on the machine to reconstruct the image tree pointing to both local and automounted trees.

For example, suppose we have packages

/loc/gcc-2.7.2 /loc/emacs /loc/perl5.001m

on the master server. We decide to replicate the perl package. On the slave, we mount /loc from the server as /rem, so that all packages are available by the wrong names. We then ask Slink to

relink /loc copy /rem/perl5.001m /loc/perl5.001m link /rem /loc

This makes /loc an image of /rem, so that all local references work just as on the server, but specifically makes a copy of /loc/perl5.001m that overrides the link (because the protection for /loc doesn't allow a link to override a file).

Likewise Slink can only create the copy, and overwriting it requires one to assign rights to do that, to wit:

relink /loc replace /loc/perl5.001m copy /rem/perl5.001m /loc/perl5.001m relink /loc/perl5.001m link /rem /loc

One has to modify the configuration file after this step back to the original configuration, or Slink will try to recopy every time it runs. Of course, this is awkward and points to an inelegance in the protection scheme. Slink works around this awkwardness by not copying unless versions differ according to rdist(1) rules.

Creating writable images of read-only filesystems

For a final (and extreme) example, we desire to modify a read-only system without really copying all of it. For example, let's suppose we want to run LINUX from its CD-ROM but modify /usr. If we mount an empty filesystem as /usr and the CD-ROM as /cdrom, and form the slink

relink /usr link /cdrom /usr

then all references to /usr will work and actually reference /cdrom. Now let's make a simple change to /usr, e.g., changing the contents of /usr/lib/X11/Keysym.db. To do this, we

copy /source/Keysym.db /usr/lib/X11/Keysym.db

Slink automatically restructures /usr into directories of links and embeds the requested file within them. One warning: this is very advanced use of Slink and requires complete knowledge of how files are utilized. In particular, relative symlinks in the source tree /cdrom will still point to files in /cdrom unless they are specifically overridden by Slink and appear explicitly in the image tree /usr. Relative addressing of things in /usr by programs is unpredictable and will need to be addressed on a case by case basis by incorporating more structure into the ersatz filesystem /usr so that these references resolve correctly. This last technique is not for the faint of heart, nor for people with enough space to simply copy the CDROM and utilize the copy.


While this section need not be understood by everyone, it helps the advanced user to understand exactly what Slink does. Slink is both deterministic and completely predictable to the initiated administrator.

Links and slinks

Slink performs link requests by implementing a generalization of a symbolic link that we call a slink. Unlike a symbolic link, which asserts the equivalence of single files, a slink asserts containment relationships for whole trees of files. We write

B <= A

to mean there's a slink from directory A to directory B, which means that A contains links into B that make B appear to be a substructure of A. If also

C <= A

then A embodies the union of the directory hierarchies B and C (but perhaps more). If A happens to be a regular file, then

B <= A

degenerates into the normal symbolic link

B <- A

Slinks can be used to construct virtual working trees of installed software from several disparate, private software trees maintained by several users. If we have trees

/alfred/bin/emacs lib/emacs man/man1/emacs.1 /baker/bin/ci co rcs lib/rdiff3 man/man1/ci.1 co.1 rcs.1 /charlie/bin/xarchie man/man1/xarchie.1

and another empty directory /local, and we form the slinks:

/alfred <= /local /baker <= /local /charlie <= /local

then /local becomes a merge of all of the structure of the three disparate trees:

/local/bin/emacs ci co rcs xarchie lib/emacs rdiff3 man/man1/emacs.1 ci.1 co.1 rcs.1 xarchie.1

Thus users can refer to the combined tree /local, while installers continue to work autonomously in their private trees that /local references. In this way we completely eliminate conflict between installers, while maintaining the illusion that they work in the same space. The effect for users is that they keep the same execution path, manual path, and library path as packages are installed and uninstalled.

Properties of slinks

A `slink' is a directive to symbolically map one subdirectory onto another without telling how that mapping is to be done or which particular symbolic link should be used. For example, the slink

/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/slink <= /local/sbin/slink

(which installs Slink itself on our system) says that by some mechanism to be determined, the file /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/slink should be accessible as /local/sbin/slink. The way this is accomplished is left up to the Slink program itself. For example, it could form the physical symbolic link

/loc/adm/slink-5.0 <- /local


/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin <- /local/sbin


/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/slink <- /local/sbin/slink

at its own discretion. For now, Slink's only mechanism for creating slinks is to use normal symbolic links, but one should not think of it as limited to this mechanism; new prototypes can mix hard and symbolic links, and Slink eventually might be able to use other mapping mechanisms, such as filesystem mounts. In this discussion, we will always write slinks from B to A as

A <= B

in accordance with the syntax of Slink, which will create that slink if you type the command

slink -link A B

or include the directive

link A B

in Slink's configuration file.

As another example, the slink

/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin <= /local/sbin

says that the things in the directory /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin (e.g. the command truename) should be accessible from the directory /local/sbin, e.g.,

/loc/adm/slink-5.0/bin/truename <= /local/sbin/truename

This containment relationship holds for each file or directory within /loc/adm/slink-5.0/bin to arbitrary recursive depth.

In general, a slink at a particular level of the directory hierarchy implies slinks at all subdirectories, i.e., the slink

source <= image

implies all slinks of the form

source/path <= image/path

for each path existing in source . The converse is not true, but if we say

source/path <= image/path

Slink reserves the right to slink

source <= image

at its convenience. In other words, relationships between subdirectories of `slinked' directories are guaranteed, while relationships between parents of the same name are possible but not guaranteed. Higher-level relationships occur if there are no other conflicting links at upper levels.

Given a Slink directive, Slink chooses the appropriate method of accomplishing the slink, so that

Access to the source file involves traversing exactly one symbolic link. Paths involving multiple links are resolved into a single one.

All slinks to the same image path are merged into a coherent image tree, barring naming conflicts, so that the image is a symbolic union of all sources.

A minimum number of links are used to form this union.


Promotions and optimal linking

Slink uses a `promotion' algorithm to minimize the links it uses while protecting the system from disruptive changes.

If trying to make a link to an image directory, and no current link exists, make a single link to the source from the image tree.

If a current link exists, and points to the correct source directory, leave the link alone.

If a current link exists and points to a different file, then erase and correct it.

If some component of the image path is a symlink that points to a different directory, then

remove that link,

replace it with a directory of the same name,

make links in that directory to the members of the original source directory, and

add links in the new source directory to the links to the old source directory.


Obviously there are a lot of nonsensical things that Slink won't do,.including `promoting' a file to be a directory. etc. If you ask it to do something nonsensical, it will simply refuse to do so and continue processing without doing so. However, promoting a file to a directory is legal under protection model `replace'. The file is simply removed and replaced by a directory. Caution is necessary whenever files are present in the image tree.

Condensing directories

The -condense option instructs Slink to do the opposite of promotion. This is not done during normal Slink execution due to the possible disruptive effects to users, who may change current working directory to one that ceases to exist. The algorithm for condensing replaces a directory of links with a link exactly when

The replacement will not make new files visible that were not visible before, nor hide files that are currently visible.

The replacement will not delete links from image nodes mentioned in slink.conf. I.e., condensing only occurs at the level of the link or below it, never above it.

The replacement will not entail deleting any files.

The protection mode of any directories to be replaced is at least redirect or perhaps replace .

The protection mode of any links to be deleted is at least relink .

For example, if we have only the files. /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/slink /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/truename

in /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin and only the physical symbolic links

/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/slink <- /local/sbin/slink /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin/truename <- /local/sbin/truename

in /local/sbin, but the configuration file has only the lines

replace /local link /loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin /local/sbin

and we execute

slink -condense /local

then the two links will be condensed, by removing them, removing the containing directory, and reforming the single link

/loc/adm/slink-5.0/sbin <- /local/sbin

Since this link embodies the effects of both of the other links, and the resulting apparent contents of /local/sbin are unchanged by the transformation, Slink replaces the redundant directory /local/sbin with a single link.


Commitment and Transactions

Slink does not have transaction control. Slink attempts to implement every change it's told to implement, subject to the simple rule that it is permitted to do something if ``it can do what it may do''. This means that no errors are flagged when the protection model denies something, but that it is an error to fail to have physical permission to do something that protection models allow.

Ideally, Slink should not allow changes to occur for a single transaction unless physical protections are correct for all actions implied by the transaction. It does not do this, which can lead to half-installed packages if the user does not have sufficient permissions. The fix for this would be to add a `commitment' phase before implementation that would check whether all permissions are correct before doing the transaction. This would in turn make transactions somewhat atomic.

Global Consistency

Slink does not, by default, check the global consistency of operations in its configuration file. Instead, it does a running consistency check and informs the user if any source changed during a run. This means that it's usually necessary to run Slink twice to figure out whether things are really inconsistent, when files change.


to transform a link to a directory into a directory of links to its contents; the fundamental operation by which Slink creates virtual unions. The opposite of condense.

to eliminate redundant directories while preserving the access structure of an image. See the -condense option to Slink.

(as in `image tree') the directory hierarchy that Slink creates, a tree of directories containing symbolic links to files in disjoint package hierarchies.

a unit of software installation; typically a directory hierarchy containing files related to one free software distribution or vendor-supplied product.

(as in `source tree') the tree or trees of disjoint packages that Slink seeks to integrate into one or more coherent `images'.


the automount manpage , the cp manpage , the perl manpage , the ps manpage , the rdist manpage , the uname manpage , the slinkls manpage , the slink-convert manpage , the truename manpage .

Alva L. Couch and Greg Owen, ``Maintaining Large Software Repositories with SLINK'', in Proc. of the 1995 System Administration, Networks, and Security conference (SANS'95), Washington DC, May 1995.


Alva L. Couch,,, Copyright 1996 by Alva L. Couch.


May 10, 1996