
 * Like Layout1, but modified to catch window resizings and tweak window layout

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class Main extends JFrame implements ComponentListener, ActionListener {
    // Constants for window size limits
    private static final int LARGE = 800; //*1 Window size limits
    private static final int MEDIUM = 600; //*1
    private static final int SMALL = 400; //*1

    // Other sizes
    private static final int SMALL_URL = 8;
    private static final int LARGE_URL = 20;

    // Panels that we will rearrange
    private JPanel urlPanel;
    private JPanel canvasPanel;
    private JPanel controlsPanel;
    private JPanel settingsPanel;

    // Elements of the pop up dialoges
    private JButton settingsButton;
    private JButton controlsButton;
    private JDialog settingsPopup;
    private JDialog controlsPopup;

    private JTextField urlField;

    public static void main (String [] args) {
	java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater (new Runnable() {
	    public void run() {
		new Main ();

    public Main () {
	// Window setup
	setLocation (100, 100);
	setSize (LARGE, LARGE);
	setDefaultCloseOperation (EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

	setLayout (new BorderLayout()); //*2 Initial layout

	// Text field at bottom, never moves
	urlPanel = new JPanel (); //*2
	urlPanel.setLayout (new FlowLayout()); //*2
	add (urlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); //*2
	urlField = new JTextField ("");

	// Drawing canvas in middle, may be tweaked
	canvasPanel = new JPanel ();
	add (canvasPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); //*2

	// Control panel, but may be moved to/from popup
	controlsPanel = new JPanel (); //*2
	controlsPanel.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); //*2

	// Contents of the control panel
	String[] comboStrings = { "Forward", "Back", "Home" };
	JComboBox<String> combo = new JComboBox<String> (comboStrings);
	controlsPanel.add (combo);
	JButton reloadButton = new JButton ("Reload");
	controlsPanel.add (reloadButton);
	JButton stopButton = new JButton ("Stop");
	controlsPanel.add (stopButton);

	// Settings panel, but may be moved to/from popup
	settingsPanel = new JPanel (); //*2
	settingsPanel.setLayout (new GridLayout (5, 1)); //*2

	// Contents of the settings panel
	JLabel label = new JLabel ("Settings:");
	settingsPanel.add (label);
	JCheckBox graphicsCB = new JCheckBox ("Graphics", true);
	settingsPanel.add (graphicsCB);
	JCheckBox animationCB = new JCheckBox ("Animation", true);
	settingsPanel.add (animationCB);
	JCheckBox javascriptCB = new JCheckBox ("Javascript", false);
	settingsPanel.add (javascriptCB);
	JCheckBox cookiesCB = new JCheckBox ("Cookies", false);
	settingsPanel.add (cookiesCB);

	 * Set up for pop up dialogues
	addComponentListener (this); //*4 Callback for when we are resized

	settingsPopup = new JDialog (this, false); //*3 Set up popup dialogues ahead of time
	settingsPopup.setSize (200, 400);

	controlsPopup = new JDialog (this, false); //*3
	controlsPopup.setSize (400, 200);

	 * Buttons in URL panel for future use 
	settingsButton = new JButton ("Settings");
	settingsButton.addActionListener (this);
	urlPanel.add (settingsButton);

	controlsButton = new JButton ("Controls");
	controlsButton.addActionListener (this);
	urlPanel.add (controlsButton);

	urlPanel.add (urlField);

	setVisible (true);

     * Listener responds to resize of our whole JFrame
     * If resized, we modify or reassemble the components of our window
    public void componentResized (ComponentEvent e) { //*4
	Dimension size = getSize(); //*4

	// SMALL = Use pop up dialogues
	if (size.width < SMALL || size.height < SMALL) { //*5 Arrange for SMALL size
	    // Borders and backgrounds
	    borders (false); //*5
	    backgrounds (false); //*5

	    // Remove panels, use them in popups instead
	    moveToPopups(); //*5

	    // Activate/deactivate buttons
	    settingsButton.setVisible (true); //*5
	    controlsButton.setVisible (true); //*5
	    urlField.setColumns (SMALL_URL);

	// MEDIUM = Get rid of borders, use background colors instead
	else if (size.width < MEDIUM || size.height < MEDIUM) { //*6 For MEDIUM size
	    // Borders and backgrounds
	    borders (false); //*6
	    backgrounds (true); //*6

	    // Replace panels
	    moveToMain (); //*6

	    // Activate/deactivate buttons
	    settingsButton.setVisible (false); //*6
	    controlsButton.setVisible (false); //*6
	    urlField.setColumns (LARGE_URL);
	// LARGE = Full layout
	else { //*7 For LARGE size
	    // Borders and backgrounds
	    borders (true); //*7
	    backgrounds (false); //*7

	    // Replace panels
	    moveToMain (); //*7

	    // Activate/deactivate buttons
	    settingsButton.setVisible (false); //*7
	    controlsButton.setVisible (false); //*7
	    urlField.setColumns (LARGE_URL);

	// May need to force recompute layout

     * Common code fragments from above

    private void borders (boolean which) {
	if (which) {
	    urlPanel.setBorder (new LineBorder(Color.BLUE, 2));
	    canvasPanel.setBorder (new LineBorder(Color.RED, 2));
	    controlsPanel.setBorder (new LineBorder(Color.BLUE, 2));
	    settingsPanel.setBorder (new LineBorder(Color.BLUE, 2));
	    urlPanel.setBorder (new LineBorder(Color.BLUE, 2));
	else {
	    urlPanel.setBorder (null);
	    canvasPanel.setBorder (null);
	    controlsPanel.setBorder (null);
	    settingsPanel.setBorder (null);
	    urlPanel.setBorder (null);

    private void backgrounds (boolean which) {
	if (which) {
	    controlsPanel.setBackground (Color.lightGray);
	    settingsPanel.setBackground (Color.lightGray);
	    urlPanel.setBackground (Color.lightGray);
	else {
	    controlsPanel.setBackground (null);
	    settingsPanel.setBackground (null);
	    urlPanel.setBackground (null);

    private void moveToMain () {
	settingsPopup.remove (settingsPanel);
	controlsPopup.remove (controlsPanel);

	add (controlsPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
	add (settingsPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);

    private void moveToPopups () {
	remove (controlsPanel);
	remove (settingsPanel);

	settingsPopup.add (settingsPanel);
	controlsPopup.add (controlsPanel);
    // The other abstract methods
    public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {}
    public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {}
    public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {}

    // From the 2 buttons
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { //*8 Activate popups if necessary
	if (e.getSource()==controlsButton) { //*8
	    controlsPopup.setVisible (true); //*8
	else if (e.getSource()==settingsButton) { //*8
	    settingsPopup.setVisible (true); //*8

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