Draw: Draw.html

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>Comp 86 example Draw</title>
<!-- Similar to java Draw3, using HTML5 canvas -->


function doit (event) { //*1 Callback when canvas is clicked
	// Show coordinates
	showcoords.textContent = //*2 Display the coordinates, by patching HTML
		"Mouse down at " + event.clientX + ", " + event.clientY; //*2
	// Correct the mouse coordinates for location of canvas within window
	let bounds = myCanvas.getBoundingClientRect(); //*6 Correct the mouse coordinates
	let newx = Math.floor (event.clientX - bounds.left); //*6
	let newy = Math.floor (event.clientY - bounds.top); //*6
	showcoords.textContent += " - Corrected to " + newx + ", " + newy;

	// Redraw, moving the red circle to match corrected mouse location
	drawBackground (); //*3 Common code to redraw my background
	let gc = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); //*4 Find my canvas in the HTML
	gc.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; //*5 Draw red circle at mouse location
	gc.beginPath(); //*5
	gc.arc (newx, newy, 20, 0, 2.*Math.PI); //*5
	gc.fill(); //*5

// Just a common code fragment, not a genuine repaint callback,
// redraws the non-changeable stuff
function drawBackground () { //*3
	let gc = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); //*3

	// Grey background
	gc.fillStyle = "#EEEEEE"; //*3
	gc.fillRect (0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height); //*3

	// Same line as in the java version
	gc.strokeStyle = "black" //*3
	gc.beginPath(); //*3
	gc.moveTo (50, 50); //*3
	gc.lineTo (100, 50); //*3
	gc.stroke(); //*3

window.onload = drawBackground //*3



<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="300" onmousedown="doit(event)"></canvas>

<p><span id="showcoords"></span></p>

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