SimpleButton3: SimpleButton3.html

<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>Comp 86 example SimpleButton3</title>
<!-- Like SimpleButton2.html, but now more object-like, using class syntax -->


 * ECMAScript class syntax - looks more like a traditional class definition

class Main { //*6 Initialization
    constructor () { //*6
	new MyButton ("Push me"); //*6 
	new RedButton ("Push me also"); //*6 

 * MyButton will *have* a captive HTML button, not *be* a button 
class MyButton { //*1 Use Javascript object and class syntax
    constructor (label) { //*1
	// Instantiate our captive button and keep a pointer to it in ivar
	this.button = document.createElement("input"); //*2 HAVE, not BE, a button
	this.button.setAttribute ("type", "button"); //*2
	this.button.setAttribute ("value", label); //*2
	buttonarea.appendChild (this.button); //*2

	this.button.addEventListener ("click", this.mycallback); //*3 Callback as a method 

    // NB "this" in mycallback will actually be the HTML element!
    mycallback () { //*3
	statusmsg.textContent = "Button labeled '" + this.value + "' was pushed "; //*3 

 * To show inheritance syntax
class RedButton extends MyButton { //*4 Use Javascript inheritance
    constructor (label) { //*4
	super (label); //*4 = "red"; //*5 Override inherited

    mycallback () { //*5
	statusmsg.textContent = "RedButton labeled '" + this.value + "' was pushed "; //*5

window.onload = function () { //*6
    new Main () //*6



<div id="buttonarea">

<p><b>Status:</b> <span id="statusmsg">(Nothing pushed)</span></p>
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