Affectiva: UI example code: useaffdex.html

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script src=""></script>


 * Must run on a remote server, and access via https not http.

// Make this global so callback functions can access
var detector

window.onload = function () {
      // SDK Needs to create video and canvas nodes in the DOM in order to function
      // Here we are adding those nodes a predefined div.
      let divRoot = document.getElementById("affdex_elements")

      let width = 640;
      let height = 480;

      //Construct a CameraDetector and specify the image width / height and face detector mode.
      detector = new affdex.CameraDetector(divRoot, width, height, affdex.FaceDetectorMode.LARGE_FACES); //*1 Set up detector

      //Enable detection of all Expressions, Emotions and Emojis classifiers.
      detector.detectAllEmotions(); //*1
      detector.detectAllExpressions();  //*1
      detector.detectAllEmojis();  //*1
      detector.detectAllAppearance();  //*1

      //Add a callback to notify when the detector is initialized and ready for runing.
      detector.addEventListener("onInitializeSuccess", function() {
        log("logs", "The detector reports initialized");
        //Display canvas instead of video feed because we want to draw the feature points on it
	document.getElementById("face_video_canvas").style.display = "block";
	document.getElementById("face_video").style.display = "none";

      //Add a callback to notify when camera access is allowed
      detector.addEventListener("onWebcamConnectSuccess", function() {
        log("logs", "Webcam access allowed");

      //Add a callback to notify when camera access is denied
      detector.addEventListener("onWebcamConnectFailure", function() {
        log("logs", "webcam denied");
        console.log("Webcam access denied");

      //Add a callback to notify when detector is stopped
      detector.addEventListener("onStopSuccess", function() {
        log("logs", "The detector reports stopped");
	document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = ""

      //Add a callback to receive the results from processing an image.
      //The faces object contains the list of the faces detected in an image.
      //Faces object contains probabilities for all the different expressions, emotions and appearance metrics
      detector.addEventListener("onImageResultsSuccess", function(faces, image, timestamp) { //*2 Callback when get results
	document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = ""
        log("results", "Timestamp: " + timestamp.toFixed(2)); //*2
        if (faces.length > 0) {
          log("results", "Appearance: " + JSON.stringify(faces[0].appearance)); //*2
          log("results", "Emotions: " + JSON.stringify(faces[0].emotions, function(key, val) { //*2
            return val.toFixed ? Number(val.toFixed(0)) : val;
          log("results", "Expressions: " + JSON.stringify(faces[0].expressions, function(key, val) { //*2
            return val.toFixed ? Number(val.toFixed(0)) : val;
          log("results", "Emoji: " + faces[0].emojis.dominantEmoji); //*2
          drawFeaturePoints(image, faces[0].featurePoints);

	  // Primitive text UI for happy
	  if (faces[0].emotions["joy"]>75) { //*3 Primitive text UI
		  document.getElementById("myuitext").innerHTML = "Happy!!!" //*3
	  else { //*3
		  document.getElementById("myuitext").innerHTML = "" //*3

	  // Now update the graphic UI
	  let c = document.getElementById ("myuicanvas"); //*4 Graphic UI
	  let gc = c.getContext("2d")
	  gc.clearRect (0, 0, c.width, c.height);

	  // Background
	  gc.fillStyle = "lightblue" //*4
	  gc.rect(0, 0, c.width, c.height) //*4
	  gc.fill() //*4

	  // Ball rises/falls based on amount of smile
	  let rad = 50;
	  let y = c.height - rad - faces[0].expressions["smile"] * (c.height - 2 * rad) / 100 //*5 Compute ball height from smile

	  // Draw the ball at appropriate y height
	  gc.fillStyle = "red" //*6 Draw ball
	  gc.beginPath() //*6
	  gc.arc(c.width/2, y, rad, 0, 2*Math.PI); //*6
	  gc.fill() //*6
	  gc.closePath() //*6

      //Draw the detected facial feature points on the image
      function drawFeaturePoints(img, featurePoints) {
	let c = document.getElementById("face_video_canvas");
	if (c==null) return;
	let contxt = c.getContext('2d');

        let hRatio = contxt.canvas.width / img.width;
        let vRatio = contxt.canvas.height / img.height;
        let ratio = Math.min(hRatio, vRatio);

        contxt.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
        for (let id in featurePoints) {
            featurePoints[id].y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);


//function executes when Start button is pushed.
function onStart() {
  if (detector && !detector.isRunning) {
    document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = ""
    document.getElementById("logs").innerHTML = ""
  log("logs", "Clicked the start button");

//function executes when the Stop button is pushed.
function onStop() {
  log("logs", "Clicked the stop button");
  if (detector && detector.isRunning) {

//function executes when the Reset button is pushed.
function onReset() {
  log("logs", "Clicked the reset button");
  if (detector && detector.isRunning) {
    document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = ""

function log (node_name, msg) {
	document.getElementById(node_name).innerHTML += "<span>" + msg + "</span><br/>"



      <button id="start" onclick="onStart()">Start</button>
      <button id="stop" onclick="onStop()">Stop</button>
      <button id="reset" onclick="onReset()">Reset</button>
      <h3>Affectiva JS SDK CameraDetector to track different emotions.</h3>
        Press the start button to start the detector.
        <br/> When a face is detected, the probabilities of the different emotions are written to the DOM.
        <br/> Press the stop button to end the detector.

      <div id="affdex_elements" style="width:680px;height:480px;"></div>
          <strong>Example text and graphic UIs</strong>
	  <div id="myuitext" style="color:red;"></div>
	  <canvas id="myuicanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
        <div style="height:25em;">
          <strong>Emotion Tracking Results</strong>
          <div id="results" style="word-wrap:break-word;"></div>
          <strong>Detector Log Msgs</strong>
	  <div id="logs"></div>
[download file]