Getting syllabi for past courses

A syllabus can mean several things:

For transfering course credit, the topic list is generally what they want.

In my courses, this information is normally covered on the course web site by the main course page, the course calendar (which lists topics as part of the schedule), and the course administration page.

If you took a course with me, you may find representative excerpts of some of the web sites linked below. While the exact details vary slightly from term to term, you may assume that the topics, schedule, and rules are sufficiently similar that you could use the link for the course below for transfer of credit requests, etc.

I recommend that you print the relevant pages and save them as PDFs.

On the CS 11 and 15 course calendars, the links to lecture notes, labs, and assignments are not active, but the sequence of topics and pacing of the course is clear. Again, if you took the course with me another semester, it will be similar.