Converting Expressions to Modula-3

prettyM3 returns Modula-3 code for an expression (or statement) with embedded prettyprinting escapes. nohex is a purely internal flag. If it is non-null, constants are in hex; otherwise they're in decimal.
<*>= [D->]
procedure prettyM3(e, precedence, associativity, nohex)
  <local declarations for prettyM3>
  initial {<initialize M3prec and M3assoc>}
  /precedence := 0
  /associativity := "L"
  return case type(e) of {
    <cases for prettyM3>
    default    : impossible("Bad code to prettyM3")
Defines prettyM3 (links are to index).

<cases for prettyM3>= (<-U) [D->]
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"list"     : commaseparate(maplist2(prettyM3, e, M3prec[","]), ", $o")
"set"      : commaseparate(maplist2(prettyM3, sort(e), M3prec["AND"]), " AND $o")
"eqn"      : { o := M3op(e.op)
               M3bracket(prettyM3(e.left,  M3prec[o]) || " " || o || " $o" ||
                         prettyM3(e.right, M3prec[o]), "=", precedence)
"table"    : {                      # standard normal form
    <make s represent table e, but elide additive and multiplicative units>
    "$t${" || s || "$}$b"
"string"   : if e == "$pc" then "$$pc" else e
"literal"  : list_to_string(e.s)
"integer"  : string(e)

The old version printed in any old order, but the new version prints positive terms first, then negative terms, with the constant term last in its group.

<make s represent table e, but elide additive and multiplicative units>= (<-U)
  s := ""; leadingsign := ""
  <add positive terms to s>
  leadingsign := " - $o"
  <add negative terms to s>
  s := if s == "" then "0" else M3bracket(s, "+", precedence)
<add positive terms to s>= (<-U)
every e[k := 1 ~=== key(e)] > 0 do {
    s ||:= leadingsign 
    s ||:= (1 ~= abs(e[k])) || "*"    # print coefficient if not 1
    s ||:= prettyM3(k, M3prec["*"])
    leadingsign := " + $o"
if e[1] > 0 then s ||:= leadingsign || string(e[1])
<add negative terms to s>= (<-U)
every e[k := 1 ~=== key(e)] < 0 do {
    s ||:= leadingsign 
    s ||:= (1 ~= abs(e[k])) || "*"    # print coefficient if not 1
    s ||:= prettyM3(k, M3prec["*"])
if e[1] < 0 then s ||:= leadingsign || string(-e[1])
<old make s represent table e, but elide additive and multiplicative units>=
  # print constant term if nonzero
  if e[1] ~= 0 then { s := string(e[1]) ; leadingsign := " + $o" }
  else s := leadingsign := ""
  # print every nonconstant term k
  every k := 1 ~=== key(e) do {
      s ||:= if e[k] < 0 then " - " else leadingsign
      leadingsign := " + $o"
      s ||:= (1 ~= abs(e[k])) || "*"    # print coefficient if not 1
      s ||:= prettyM3(k, M3prec["*"])
  s := if s == "" then "0" else M3bracket(s, "+", precedence)
<local declarations for prettyM3>= (<-U) [D->]
local leadingsign
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eorb"     : "Word.Or(${$t$c" || prettyM3(e.x) || ", $c" || prettyM3(e.y) || "$b$})"
"Eand"     : { s := prettyM3(e.x, M3prec["AND"], "L")
               t := prettyM3(e.y, M3prec["AND"], "R")
               M3bracket(s || " AND $o" || t, "AND", precedence)
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eslice"   : "Word.Extract(${$t$c" || prettyM3(e.x) || ", $c" || e.lo || ", " || 
                                                                       e.n || "$b$})"
"Eshift"   : "Word.Shift(${$t$c"   || prettyM3(e.x) || ", $c" || e.n || "$b$})"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Enarrowu" : prettyM3(e.x, precedence, associativity) # checked, so must be identity
"Enarrows" : prettyM3(super_simplify(Eslice(e.x, 0, e.n)), precedence, associativity)
"Ewiden"   : "Word.Insert(${$t$c" || prettyM3(e.x) || 
                        ", $cMATCH_bits[" ||
                        prettyM3(super_simplify(Eslice(e.x, e.n-1, 1))) || 
                        "], $c" || e.n || ", $cWord.Size - " || e.n || "$b$})"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Ediv"     : { s := prettyM3(e.x, M3prec["DIV"]) 
               s ||:= " DIV " || e.n
               M3bracket(s, "DIV", precedence)
"Emod"     : { s := prettyM3(e.x, M3prec["MOD"]) 
               s ||:= " MOD " || e.n
               M3bracket(s, "MOD", precedence)
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Semit"    : { s := emittername || "$t(" || prettyM3(e.x, M3prec[","]) || ", $o" || 
                    e.n || ");$b"
               M3bracket("$c" || s, "app", precedence)
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Efitsu"   : "Word.LT(${$t$c" || prettyM3(e.x) || ", $c" || (2^e.n) || "$b$})"
"Efitss"   : "Word.LT(${$t$c" || prettyM3(addconst(e.x, 2^(e.n-1))) || ", $c" || 
                                                                     (2^e.n) || "$b$})"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eforce" | "Eforceable"  : {
               z := if type(e) == "Eforceable" then "_known" else ""
               case s := prettyM3(e.x) of { 
                 "$$pc"    : "RBlocks.cur_pc" || z || "()"
                 "_c->loc" : "RBlocks.pc_location" || z || "(_c.loc)"
                 default   : "RBlocks.location" || z || "$t${(" || s || ")$}$b"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Enot"      : { s := "NOT " || prettyM3(e.x, M3prec["NOT"])
                M3bracket(s, "NOT", precedence)
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Enosimp"   : prettyM3(e.x, precedence, associativity)
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sstmts"    : "${" || commaseparate(maplist2(prettyM3, e.x), " $c") || "$}"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gcall" : { l := []; every put(l, prettyM3(!e.args))
            M3noreserve( || "(" || commaseparate(l) || ")"
"Einstance_input" : { 
               s := "NARROW(" || prettyM3(e.x) || 
                    ", Encode." || || "Instance)." ||
               M3bracket(s, ".", precedence)
"Einstance_tagged" : { 
               s := "ISTYPE(" || prettyM3(e.x) || 
                    ", Encode." || || "Instance)"
               M3bracket(s, "app", precedence)

I assume the if statement has been simplified, so there are no arms beyond any else arm

<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sif"      : { ifword := "IF "
               s := ""
               every a := !e.arms do {
                 s ||:= ifword || M3test(a.guard) || "$t$c" || prettyM3(a.x) || "$b"
                 ifword := "$cELSIF "
               "${" || s || " $cEND;$}"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Efail" : error("Generate-time operation failed: ", e.msg)
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure M3test(guard)
  return if guard_always_satisfied(guard) then "TRUE THEN "
         else "$t${" || prettyM3(guard) || "$}$b THEN "
Defines M3test (links are to index).

<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Stagcase" : { s := "TYPECASE " || prettyM3(e.x) || " OF$t${"
              every c := kept_constructors(e.type) do
                s ||:= "$n| Encode." || || "Instance => $o$t${" ||
                          prettyM3(e.arms[c]) || "$}$b"
              s || "$nELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *>$}$b$nEND; (* " || prettyM3(e.x) || "*)"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sfail"    : { s := "fail($t${" || image(escape_dollars(e.fmt))
               every a := e.a1 | e.a2 | e.a3 do 
                 s ||:= ", $o" || prettyM3(\a, M3prec[","])
               s ||:= "$}$b);"
               M3bracket(s, "app", precedence)
"Sepsilon" : "(* skip *)"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sclosure" : prettyM3(\e.creation) | impossible("creating closure")
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Glines"    : { s := ""; every s ||:= prettyM3(!e.x) || "\n"; s }
"Gresynch"  : "<* LINE " || e.line  || " " || image(\e.file | "generated-code") || "*>"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gblock"    : { s := "${"
                every s ||:= prettyM3(!e.decls) || ";$n"
                if *e.decls > 0 then 
                  s ||:= "BEGIN ${$t$c"
                s ||:= commaseparate(maplist(prettyM3, e.stmts), "$c")
                if *e.decls > 0 then 
                  s ||:= "$b$cEND$}"
                s || "$}"
"Gdecl"     : { s := "VAR ${" || 
                s ||:= " : " || prettyM3(\e.type) 
                s ||:= " := $t$c" || prettyM3(\e.init) || "$b"
                s || "$}"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gdeclnamearray" : {
  /na_count := 0
  / := "MATCH_name_" || || "_" || (na_count +:= 1)
  s := "CONST ${" || || " = ARRAY [0.." || ( - 1) || "] OF TEXT {"
  s ||:= "${$t"
  every i := 0 to - 1 do {
    s ||:= " $c" || (image(\[i])|"NIL")
    if i < - 1 then s ||:= ","
  s || "$b$c$}}"
<local declarations for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D]
static na_count
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gcase"     : { s := "CASE ${" || prettyM3(e.x) || "$} OF "
                every s ||:= prettyM3(!e.arms)
                "${" || s || "$nEND; (* CASE ${" || prettyM3(e.x) || "$} *)$}"
"Gcasearm"  : { s := "$n| $t"
                every i := 1 to *e.tags by 2 do {
                  if i > 1 then s ||:= ", $o"
                  s ||:= if e.tags[i] + 1 = e.tags[i+1] then e.tags[i] 
                         else e.tags[i] || ".." || (e.tags[i+1]-1)
                s ||:= " => "  || "$t$c" || prettyM3(e.x)
                "${" || s || "$b$b$}"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Ginrange"  : { x := prettyM3(e.x, M3prec["<"])
                if e.lo + 1 = e.hi then {
                  M3bracket(x || " = " || e.lo, "=", M3prec["AND"])
                } else {
                  c1 := M3bracket(e.lo || " <= " || x, "<=", M3prec["AND"])
                  c2 := M3bracket(x || " < " || e.hi, "<", M3prec["AND"])
                  M3bracket(c1 || " AND " || c2, "AND", precedence)
"Gsetname"  : "${VAR " || e.lhs || " := $t$o" || case type( of {
                   "string"    : image(
                   "namearray" : || "[" || prettyM3( || "]"
                   default     : impossible("type of node name field")
              } || "$b$}"
"Gasgn"  : "${" || e.lhs || " := $t$o" || prettyM3(e.x, M3prec["="]) || ";$b$}"
"Gcomment"  : "(* " || e.s || " *)"
"Gcommented" : 
  prettyM3(e.e, precedence, associativity, nohex) || " (* " || e.comment || " *)"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gnomatch"  : "<* ASSERT FALSE *> (* no match *)"
"Tunsigned" : if \e.width < wordsize then 
                 "[0.." || (2^e.width-1) || "]"
<cases for prettyM3>+= (<-U) [<-D]
"absolute_field" :
    prettyM3(super_simplify(afieldexp(e)), precedence, associativity, nohex)
<*>+= [<-D->]
global M3prec, M3assoc
procedure M3bracket(s, op, p, a)
  /a := "L"
  return "${" || (if M3prec[op] > p | (M3prec[op] = p & M3assoc[p] == a) then s
                   else "(" || s || ")") || "$}"
Defines M3assoc, M3bracket, M3prec (links are to index).

<initialize M3prec and M3assoc>= (<-U)
ops := ["N", ["low"],
        "L", [";"],
        "L", [","],
        "L", ["OR"], 
        "L", ["AND"], 
        "L", ["NOT"], 
        "L", ["<=", "<", ">=", ">", "=", "#", "IN"],
        "L", ["+", "-", "&"],
        "L", ["MOD", "DIV", "*", "/"],
        "L", ["^"],
        "L", ["app"],
        "L", ["."],
        "N", ["high"]
M3prec := table([])  # missed lookups break arithmetic comparisons
M3assoc := table()
every i := 1 to *ops by 2 do {
  every M3prec[!ops[i+1]] := i
  M3assoc[i] := ops[i]

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure M3op(op)
  return if op == "!=" then "#" else op
Defines M3op (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure M3noreserve(word) 
  static reserved
  initial reserved := set([
       "AND", "ANY", "ARRAY", "AS", "BEGIN", "BITS", "BRANDED", "BY", "CASE",
       "CONST", "DIV", "DO", "ELSE", "ELSIF", "END", "EVAL", "EXCEPT",
       "IF", "IMPORT", "IN", "INTERFACE", "LOCK", "LOOP", "METHODS", "MOD",
       "REVEAL", "ROOT", "SET", "THEN", "TO", "TRY", "TYPE", "TYPECASE",
  return if member(reserved, word) then M3noreserve(word||"_") else word
Defines M3noreserve (links are to index).

Support for decoding code in Modula-3

<*>+= [<-D]
procedure Generate_M3()
  eqntoC := eqntoM3
  pretty := prettyM3
  gen_outer_decls := [literal(
       "CONST MATCH_bits = ARRAY [0..1] OF Word.T {0, Word.Not(0)}")]
  gen_file_header := ""
  fetchtab["type"] := "ADDRESS"
  fetchtab["add"] := "LOOPHOLE(%a+%o, Word.T)"
  fetchtab["pc"] :=  "%a"
#  fetchtab[8]  := "LOOPHOLE(%a+(%o/ADRSIZE(CHAR)), UNTRACED REF [0..255])^"
#  fetchtab[16] := "LOOPHOLE(%a+(%o/ADRSIZE(CHAR)), UNTRACED REF [0..65535])^"
#  fetchtab[32] := "LOOPHOLE(%a+(%o/ADRSIZE(CHAR)), UNTRACED REF INTEGER)^"

Defines Generate_M3 (links are to index).