Mapping expressions to bytecodes

The idea is to get a postfix, executable representation of function bodies, like expps but more compact. As with expuniq, we try to ensure two representations of the same function map to the same string.
fields of op (8)
  op3 0:2 lit5 3:7
  op4 3   lit4 4:7
  op6 4:5 lit2 6:7
  op7 6   lit1 7
  op8 7

fields of lit (8) lit8 0:7


<patterns>= (<-U) [D->]
# operators for 0..31
  u5 is any of [ narrows_lit narrowu_lit loslice ], which is op3 = [0 1 2]
<synthetics>= (<-U) [D->]
  narrows n!
     when {n != 0} is narrows_lit & lit5 = n
     otherwise is sint(n); narrows
  halt  is narrows_lit & lit5 = 0
  narrowu n!
     when {n != 0}   is narrowu_lit & lit5 = n
     otherwise is sint(n); narrowu
  unsat is narrowu_lit & lit5 = 0
  bitslice lo! hi! 
     when {lo = 0, lit5 = hi}  is  loslice & lit5
     when {}           is sint(lo); sint(hi); bitslice  # lo <= hi fails!
<patterns>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
# operators for -8..7  --- can have at most 13
  s4 is any of [ intlit addlit emitlocplus bitshiftlit ], 
  which is op3 = [3 4] & op4 = [0 1] 
<synthetics>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
addlit n!  when {n != 0, lit4! = n}   is addlit & lit4
           otherwise is sint(n); add
cl_loc_force  is addlit & lit4 = 0
#  emitlocplus n   when {lit4! = n} is emitlocplus & lit4
#                  otherwise is cl_loc; force; sint(n); add; emit_at
bitshift n!  when {lit4! = n} is bitshiftlit & lit4
               otherwise is sint(n); bitshift
<patterns>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
# operators for 1 2 4 8
patterns emit_at_loc is op3 = 5 & op4 = 0 & op6 = 0
<synthetics>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
emit_at_loc n
  when {n = 1} is emit_at_loc & lit2 = 0
  when {n = 2} is emit_at_loc & lit2 = 1
  when {n = 4} is emit_at_loc & lit2 = 2
  when {n = 8} is emit_at_loc & lit2 = 3
  otherwise    is cl_loc; force; sint(n); emit_at
<patterns>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
# operators for 1..2
patterns lit1.2 is any of [ cla_force_lit clv_lit clv_orb_lit ], 
which is op3 = 5 & op4 = 0 & op6 = [1 2 3] & op7 = 0
<synthetics>+= (<-U) [<-D]
cla n          is sint(n); cla
cla_force n    when {} is  cla_force_lit & lit1 = n-1
               otherwise is sint(n); cla; force
clv       n    when { n <= 2 } is  clv_lit & lit1 = n-1  # condition shouldn't be needed
               otherwise is sint(n); clv
clv_orb     n  when {} is  clv_orb_lit & lit1 = n-1
               otherwise is sint(n); clv; orb
<patterns>+= (<-U) [<-D]
# raw operations
    sint8 sint16 sint32 
  ] is op3 = 5 & op4 = 0 & op6 = [1 2 3] & op7 = 1
  [ mark array set procmark proc stringlit null uint64
  ] is op3 = 5 & op4 = 1 & op6 = [0 1 2 3] & op7 = [0 1]
    bitslice bitshift narrowu narrows widen fitsu fitss failmsg 
    lt le gt ge ne eq false true
    orb and not add sub mul idiv mod
    cl_loc cla clv force known emit_at if_guard neg
  ] is op3 = [6 7] & op4 = [0 1] & op6 = [0 1 2 3] & op7 = [0 1]

  nullary is mark | array | set | procmark | proc | stringlit | null 
           | lt | le | gt | ge | ne | eq | false | true
           | orb | and | not | add | sub | mul | idiv | mod
           | cl_loc | force | known | if_guard | neg | failmsg
  unary is emit_at | widen | fitsu | fitss
<constructors>= (<-U)
  sint n!
     when {lit4! = n} is intlit & lit4
     when {lit8! = n} is sint8;  lit8
     when {lit8! = n@[8:31]!}  is sint16; lit8 = n@[0:7]; lit8
     when {lit8! = n@[24:31]!} is sint32; lit8 = n@[0:7]; lit8 = n@[8:15];
                                          lit8 = n@[16:23]; lit8
  unary n!  is sint(n); unary  
<*>= [D->]
procedure expbc(e)
  local leadingsign, prefix
  static psopstab
  initial {<init>}
  return case type(e) of {
    <cases for expbc>
    default    : &fail
  } | impossible("postfix expression ", image(e), " : ", type(e))
Defines expbc (links are to index).

<cases for expbc>= (<-U) [D->]
"list"     : bc_mark() || commaseparate(maplist(expbc, e), "") || bc_array()
"set"      : bc_mark() || commaseparate(sort(maplist(expbc, sort(e))), "") || bc_set()
"eqn"      : expbc(e.left) || expbc(e.right)  || \psopstab[e.op]
<init>= (<-U)
psopstab := table()
psopstab["<"]  := bc_lt()
psopstab["<="] := bc_le()
psopstab[">"]  := bc_gt()
psopstab[">="] := bc_ge()
psopstab["!="] := bc_ne()
psopstab["="]  := bc_eq()
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"table"    : {                      # standard normal form
    <make s represent table e>
"string"   : bc_stringout(e)
"literal"  : bc_stringout(e.s) || bc_lit()
"integer"  : bc_sint(e)
"null"     : bc_null()
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure bc_stringout(s)
  return bc_stringlit() || bc_sint(*s) || s
Defines bc_stringout (links are to index).

Be sure to omit multiplicative and additive units. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.

<make s represent table e>= (<-U)
  s := ""; firstterm := 1
  t := table(0)
  l := []
  every e[k := 1 ~=== key(e)] do {
    type(k) ~== "integer" | impossible("key ", k, " in ", expimage(e))
    put(l, x := expbc(k))
    t[x] +:= e[k]
  l := sort(l)
  every x := !l & t[x] > 0 do {
    s ||:= bcx(x, t[x], firstterm)
    firstterm := &null
  every x := !l & t[x] < 0 do {
    s ||:= bcx(x, t[x], firstterm)
    firstterm := &null
  if \firstterm then
    s ||:= bc_sint(e[1])
  else if e[1] ~= 0 then 
    s ||:= bc_addlit(e[1])
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure bcx(x, mul, firstterm)
  return if \firstterm then case mul of {
            1 : x
           -1 : x || bc_neg()
           default : x || bc_sint(mul) || bc_mul()
         } else case mul of {
            1 : x || bc_add()
           -1 : x || bc_sub()
           default : x || bc_sint(mul) || bc_mul() || bc_add()
Defines bcx (links are to index).

<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eorb"     : { l := sort(maplist(expbc, flatten(e, type(e))))
               s := l[1]
               every s ||:= l[2 to *l] || bc_orb()
"Eand"     : { l := sort(maplist(expbc, flatten(e, type(e))))
               s := l[1]
               every s ||:= l[2 to *l] || bc_and()
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eslice"   : expbc(e.x) || bc_bitslice(e.lo, e.lo + e.n - 1)
"Eshift"   : expbc(e.x) || bc_bitshift(e.n)
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Enarrowu" : expbc(e.x) || bc_narrowu(e.n)
"Enarrows" : expbc(e.x) || bc_narrows(e.n)
"Ewiden"   : expbc(e.x) || bc_widen(e.n)
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Ediv"     : expbc(e.x) || bc_sint(e.n) || bc_idiv()
"Emod"     : expbc(e.x) || bc_sint(e.n) || bc_mod()
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Semit"    : commaseparate(maplist(expbc, e.x), "") 
"Stoken"   : expbc(e.x) ||
               if e.offset = 0 then bc_emit_at_loc(e.n)
               else bc_cl_loc() || bc_force() || bc_addlit(e.offset) || bc_emit_at(e.n)
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Efitsu"   : expbc(e.x) || bc_fitsu(e.n)
"Efitss"   : expbc(e.x) || bc_fitss(e.n)
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Epatlabel" : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eforce"    : 
  case type(e.x) of {
    "Eclosure_addr" : bc_cla_force(e.x.n)
    "Eclosure_loc"  : bc_cl_loc_force()
    default         : expbc(e.x) || bc_force()
"Eforceable": expbc(e.x) || bc_known()
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Epc"       : &fail
"Epc_known" : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Enot"      : expbc(e.x) || bc_not()
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Enosimp"   : expbc(e.x)
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sstmts"    : commaseparate(maplist(expbc, e.x), "")
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Einstance" : &fail
"Einstance_input" : &fail 
"Einstance_tagged" : &fail
"Ebinding_instance" : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sif"      : { s := bc_mark()
               every s ||:= expbc(!e.arms)
               s || bc_array() || bc_if_guard()
"Sguarded" : bcguard(e.guard) || bc_procmark() || expbc(e.x) || bc_proc()
<*>+= [<-D]
procedure bcguard(e)
  return case type(e) of {
    "integer" : case e of { 0 : bc_false(); 1 : bc_true()
                            default: impossible("condition") }
    "null" : bc_true()
    "set" : {
       l := sort(maplist(expbc, sort(e)))
       s := l[1]
       every s ||:= l[2 to *l] || bc_and()
       if *l = 0 then bc_true() else s
    default : expbc(e)
Defines bcguard (links are to index).

<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Stagcase" : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sfail"    : if e.fmt ~== "Conditions not satisfied for unnamed constructor" |
             then {
               s := bc_stringout(e.fmt) || bc_mark()
               every a := e.a1 | e.a2 | e.a3 do 
                 s ||:= expbc(\a)
               s ||:= bc_array() || bc_failmsg()
             } else
"Sepsilon" : ""
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Efail"    : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Glines"    : commaseparate(maplist2(expbc, e.x), "")
"Gresynch"  : ""
"Gblock"    : &fail
"Gdecl"     : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gcase"     : &fail
"Gcasearm"  : &fail
"Ginrange"  : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Gasgn"     : &fail
"Gsetname"  : &fail
"Gnomatch"  : &fail
"Tunsigned" : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eapp" : &fail
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eclosure_loc"  : bc_cl_loc()
"Eclosure_addr" : bc_cla(e.n)
"Eclosure_val"  : bc_clv(e.n)
<cases for expbc>+= (<-U) [<-D]
"Eclosure" : &fail
"Elambda" :  &fail