
SPARC instruction-set specification

This section specifies the SPARC instruction set. It uses two specification techniques not needed in the simpler MIPS specification. Operands of some SPARC instructions contain more than one field; we use typed constructors to specify them. We also use the extended pattern declaration
p is any of [ p_0 p_1 ... p_n ], which is generating expression,
which not only defines patterns p_0 through p_n, but also defines p to be their disjunction.

We can factor the SPARC instruction in much the same way as we did the MIPS; instructions with identical assembly syntax are grouped using disjunction and defined in one constructor declaration.

The SPARC assembly language contains overloaded instructions, the encodings of which depend on the number and types of the operands. Overloading is easy to handle in a textual assembler because a parser can use information about operands to resolve overloaded names. The toolkit, however, generates encoding procedures written in C, which does not permit users to overload procedures. For that reason, the toolkit does not permit overloading of constructor names; the specification writer must choose a distinct name for each variant of an overloaded instruction. It's also possible to use constructor types to play games with overloaded instructions; we show an example in Section [->].


The SPARC is a RISC architecture and thus uses a single token class for all of its fields.

fields of instruction (32) <field specifications>
<fieldinfo specifications>
<pattern and constructor specifications>

Information about instruction formats and fields is taken from Chapter 5 of the SPARC architecture manual.

<field specifications>= (<-U) [D->]
inst 0:31 op 30:31 disp30 0:29 rd 25:29 op2 22:24 imm22 0:21 a 29:29 cond 25:28
disp22 0:21 op3 19:24 rs1 14:18 i 13:13 asi 5:12 rs2 0:4 simm13 0:12 opf 5:13


The following opcode tables are derived from the tables in Appendix F of the SPARC manual [cite sparc:architecture].

Where an entry in a table refers to another table, we define a pattern with the name of that table (e.g., TABLE_F2). That pattern is not useful by itself, but is used to define more opcodes in a pattern-binding statement that resembles the eponymous table. These strange ``opcodes'' actually play the same role as the ``special'' and ``bcond'' opcodes on the MIPS architecture, but the SPARC people have a different way of naming such things.

The SPARC opcode tables are organized hierarchically; the first table in Appendix F is at the top of the hierarchy, and it has four entries corresponding to the four possible values of the (two-bit) op field. Only one of these entries (CALL) is an opcode; the others refer the reader to subsequent tables.

<pattern and constructor specifications>= (<-U) [D->]
 [ TABLE_F2 CALL TABLE_F3 TABLE_F4 ] is op  = {0 to 3}

Table F-2 is short, but it presents an oddity: an opcode with two names. SETHI means NOP when rd and imm22 are zero. On the MIPS, no-ops were treated as synthetic instructions, but here we define NOP as a separate opcode, reflecting the presentation in the manual.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
 [ UNIMP Bicc SETHI FBfcc CBccc ] is TABLE_F2 & op2 = [0 2 4 6 7]
 NOP                              is SETHI & rd = 0 & imm22 = 0

Table F-3 includes most of the arithmetic and logical opcodes. It must be specified slightly differently from the MIPS tables because the values of the op3 field are ``counted down'' instead of ``counted across.'' That is, the codes corresponding to op = 0, 1, 2, ... are ADD, AND, OR, ..., not ADD, ADDcc, TADDcc, .... To get the proper numbering, we use the generating expression {0 to 63 columns 4}, which generates the integers from 0 to 63 in the order (0, 16, 32, 48, 1, ..., 63).

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
 [ ADD  ADDcc  TADDcc   WRxxx
   SUB  SUBcc  MULScc   FPop1
   ANDN ANDNcc SLL      FPop2
   ORN  ORNcc  SRL      CPop1
   XNOR XNORcc SRA      CPop2
   ADDX ADDXcc RDxxx    JMPL
   _    _      RDPSR    RETT
   UMUL UMULcc RDWIM    Ticc
   SUBX SUBXcc _        SAVE
   _    _      _        RESTORE
   UDIV UDIVcc _        _
   SDIV SDIVcc _        _       ] is TABLE_F3 & op3 = {0 to 63 columns 4}

We have used WRxxx and RDxxx to stand for the groups of opcodes that appear in the corresponding positions in Table F-3. These opcodes define variants of the wr and rd instructions, which are overloaded. The overloading is resolved by looking at the values of operands, as shown by the footnotes to Table F-3. It probably would have been simpler to specify these purely as synthetic instructions, but we've chosen to be slaves to the SPARC manual.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  WRASR          is WRxxx & rd != 0   # should be rdi != 0
  WRY            is WRxxx & rd = 0
  RDASR          is RDxxx & rs1 != 0  # should be rs1i != 0
  RDY            is RDxxx & rs1 = 0
  STBAR          is RDxxx & rs1 = 15 & rd = 0

These patterns show a use of the inequality operator to specify constraints on a field value. The inequality constraint is a crock that just happens to work in these examples. The toolkit can't represent an inequality constraint directly, so f != n is syntactic sugar for:

0 <=f < n | n < f <=f_max,
where f_max is the largest value the field can hold. Since a disjunction almost never makes sense as an opcode, this is asking for trouble. Luckily, in these cases n is either 0 or f_max, so at most one of the disjuncts ever matches anything, and what is left is equivalent to a real inequality constraint. We hope one day to remove this ugly wart from the toolkit.

Table F-4 includes the load and store opcodes.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
 [ LD     LDA     LDF   LDC
   LDUH   LDUHA   _ _
   ST     STA     STF   STC
   _      _       _     _
   LDSB   LDSBA   _     _
   LDSH   LDSHA   _     _
   _      _       _     _
   _      _       _     _
   _      _       _     _
   SWAP.  SWAPA   _     _  ]  is TABLE_F4 & op3 = {0 to 63 columns 4}

Table F-5 includes the floating-point arithmetic and conversion opcodes. Following Table F-5, we list all the opcodes with their corresponding names, instead of using a complete table. We've also chosen to divide the opcodes into two groups: two-operand and three-operand instructions.

We further divide the opcodes based on their operand types. This division makes it easy to use the names float2, float3s, etc. to refer to the groups, without having to re-enumerate the members of each group; these names are used later in the specification to specify complete instructions.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  float2 is any of [ FMOVs FNEGs FABSs FSQRTs FSQRTd FSQRTq
                     FiTOs FdTOs FqTOs FiTOd  FsTOd  FqTOd
                     FiTOq FsTOq FdTOq FsTOi  FdTOi  FqTOi ],
  which is FPop1 & opf =  
                   [ 0x1   0x5   0x9   0x29   0x2a   0x2b
                     0xc4  0xc6  0xc7  0xc8   0xc9   0xcb
                     0xcc  0xcd  0xce  0xd1   0xd2   0xd3 ]
  float2s is FMOVs | FNEGs | FABSs | FSQRTs
  FTOs    is FiTOs | FsTOi
  FTOd    is FiTOd | FsTOd 
  FTOq    is FiTOq | FsTOq 
  FdTO    is FdTOi | FdTOs 
  FqTO    is FqTOs | FqTOi

  float3 is any of [ FADDs FADDd FADDq FSUBs FSUBd FSUBq  FMULs
                     FMULd FMULq FDIVs FDIVd FDIVq FsMULd FdMULq ],
    which is FPop1 & opf =
                   [ 0x41  0x42  0x43  0x45  0x46  0x47   0x49
                     0x4a  0x4b  0x4d  0x4e  0x4f  0x69   0x6e ]
  float3s is  FADDs | FSUBs | FMULs | FDIVs
  float3d is  FADDd | FSUBd | FMULd | FDIVd
  float3q is  FADDq | FSUBq | FMULq | FDIVq

This syntactic shorthand, which defines patterns and disjoins them at one blow, reduces the possibility of errors due to miscopying. We didn't need this idiom to describe the MIPS because it uses just a few tables, and the grouping of MIPS instructions doesn't correspond to the organization of the tables. We'll see it again, however, in specifying the rest of the SPARC, and also on the Pentium and the Alpha.

Table F-6 includes the floating-point comparison opcodes. Again, we write down the codes rather than use a table.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
 fcompares is any of      [ FCMPs FCMPEs ],
   which is FPop2 & opf = [ 0x51  0x55 ]
 fcompared is any of      [ FCMPd FCMPEd ],
   which is FPop2 & opf = [ 0x52  0x56 ]
 fcompareq is any of      [ FCMPq FCMPEq ],
   which is FPop2 & opf = [ 0x53  0x57 ]

Table F-7 includes the branch and trap opcodes. It is strange for a different reason; it is actually four tables in one. The rows of each table vary with the values of the cond field, but the columns are described by four different patterns. We can't create such a single table with the toolkit, nor would we want to---we just split it into the four underlying tables, which correspond to three kinds of conditional branches and one of conditional traps.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  ibranch is any of [ BN BE  BLE BL  BLEU BCS BNEG BVS
                      BA BNE BG  BGE BGU  BCC BPOS BVC ],
    which is Bicc & cond = {0 to 15}

  fbranch is any of [ FBN FBNE FBLG FBUL FBL   FBUG FBG   FBU
                      FBA FBE  FBUE FBGE FBUGE FBLE FBULE FBO ],
    which is FBfcc & cond = {0 to 15}

  cbranch is any of [ CBN CB123 CB12 CB13 CB1   CB23 CB2   CB3
                      CBA CB0   CB03 CB02 CB023 CB01 CB013 CB012 ],
    which is CBccc & cond = {0 to 15}

  trap is any of    [ TN TE  TLE TL  TLEU TCS TNEG TVS
                      TA TNE TG  TGE TGU  TCC TPOS TVC ],
    which is Ticc & cond = {0 to 15}

  branch is ibranch | fbranch | cbranch

We group the three kinds of branches into the pattern branch.

People can never agree on the names of conditional branch instructions. We include a few of the most common synonyms, which are used in the definition of synthetic instructions.

<sparc-synth.spec>= [D->]
  B    is BA
  BLU  is BCS
  BNZ  is BNE
  branch.synonyms is B | BGEU | BLU | BNZ

Structured operands and typed constructors

Unlike the MIPS, the SPARC has instructions whose operands are not simple integers or fields. For example, the integer-arithmetic instructions take an operand that may be a register or an immediate value, and the load and store instructions take an operand that computes an address. The formats for these operands appear on page 84 in Appendix A of the SPARC manual.

We specify such operands by creating a constructor type for them, giving a constructor for each format. We use the ``operand syntax'' name in the SPARC manual as the name of the type; for example, the constructors for a ``register or immediate'' operand are:

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  imode simm13! : reg_or_imm  is  i = 1 & simm13
  rmode rs2     : reg_or_imm  is  i = 0 & rs2

The type reg_or_imm is defined by these declarations. Used elsewhere, an operand of type reg_or_imm always denotes a pattern created by the application of one of these two constructors. Unlike the encoding procedures for ordinary untyped constructors, the encoding procedures generated for these typed constructors have no side effects; they simply return values that can be passed to other constructors requiring an operand of type reg_or_imm. Such constructors, notably the arithmetic constructors, appear below.

Specifying addresses is a bit problematic because it's not clear what convention to follow. The underlying general mechanism is that a register is added to a value of type reg_or_imm, but there are many useful abbreviations: [As far as lcc goes, we could revert to the original mechanism]

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  generalA  rs1 + reg_or_imm : address_
  dispA     rs1 + simm13!    : address_  is  generalA(rs1, imode(simm13!))
  absoluteA simm13!          : address_  is  generalA(0,   imode(simm13!))
  indexA    rs1 + rs2        : address_  is  generalA(rs1, rmode(rs2))
  indirectA rs1              : address_  is  generalA(rs1, rmode(0))

Unfortunately We can't call the type address because address is reserved for the toolkit to describe the treatment of addresses in decoding specifications. Another ugly wart.

Load and store, read and write

We group the load and store opcodes by their assembly syntax. These groupings reflect the information provided on pages 90 and 92 for the load instructions and pages 95 and 97 for the stores. Each group uses a different set of names for their register operands. Those names are defined below.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  loadg  is LDSB  | LDSH  | LDUB  | LDUH  | LD  | LDSTUB  | SWAP.
  storeg is STB   | STH  | ST 
  storea is STBA  | STHA | STA

The constructors for the load and store instructions illustrate the use of the typed constructor address_ as an operand. Addresses are bracketed, as in SPARC assembly language. Because the constructors' output patterns are the conjunctions of the opcodes and operands, they can be omitted.

Loads and stores of double words require even-odd register pairs for the destination and source registers; their equations specify that constraint. For performance reasons, these equations don't appear in an ordinary spec, but we want them when we validate the spec, so I have arranged for the command sed 's/# {/{/' to uncomment them

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  loadg  [address_], rd
  LDD    [address_], rd    # { rd = 2 * _ }
  LDF    [address_], fd
  LDDF   [address_], fd    # { fd = 2 * _ }
  LDC    [address_], cd
  LDDC   [address_], cd    # { cd = 2 * _ }

  storeg rd, [address_]
  STD    rd, [address_]    # { rd = 2 * _ }
  STF    fd, [address_]
  STDF   fd, [address_]    # { fd = 2 * _ }
  STC    cd, [address_]
  STDC   cd, [address_]    # { cd = 2 * _ }

We use the synonyms fd and cd for the destination register rd when the affected register is a floating-point or coprocessor register; same trick applies to fs1 and fs2. This trick enables us to use different names for different registers, which is helpful in generating a disassembler from these specifications.

<field specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
fd 25:29 cd 25:29 fs1 14:18 fs2 0:4

The loada and storea only accept address operands constructed from registers. As in the SPARC manual, we introduce the constructor type regaddr to describe this operand. [In fact, address_ is a subtype of regaddr. The constructors indexA and indirectA are equivalent to indexR and indirectR. We could specify these addresses by adding a constructor to create an address_ from a regaddr, but that pollutes the name space. It would be better to have subtypes.]

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  indexR    rs1 + rs2     : regaddr  is  i = 0 & rs1 & rs2
  indirectR rs1           : regaddr  is  i = 0 & rs2 = 0 & rs1

  loada  [regaddr]asi, rd
  LDDA   [regaddr]asi, rd # { rd = 2 * _ }
  storea rd, [regaddr]asi
  STDA   rd, [regaddr]asi # { rd = 2 * _ }

Here are the names associated with the different registers. They have to be quoted because the toolkit doesn't think the % character can be part of an identifier.

<properties of integer-register fields>= (U->)
names [ "%g0"  "%g1"  "%g2"  "%g3"  "%g4"  "%g5"  "%g6"  "%g7"
        "%o0"  "%o1"  "%o2"  "%o3"  "%o4"  "%o5"  "%sp"  "%o7"
        "%l0"  "%l1"  "%l2"  "%l3"  "%l4"  "%l5"  "%l6"  "%l7"
        "%i0"  "%i1"  "%i2"  "%i3"  "%i4"  "%i5"  "%fp"  "%i7" ]
<properties of floating-point registers>= (U->)
names [ "%f0"  "%f1"  "%f2"  "%f3"  "%f4"  "%f5"  "%f6"  "%f7"
        "%f8"  "%f9"  "%f10" "%f11" "%f12" "%f13" "%f14" "%f15"
        "%f16" "%f17" "%f18" "%f19" "%f20" "%f21" "%f22" "%f23"
        "%f24" "%f25" "%f26" "%f27" "%f28" "%f29" "%f30" "%f31" ]
<properties of coprocessor destination register>= (U->)
names [ "%c0"  "%c1"  "%c2"  "%c3"  "%c4"  "%c5"  "%c6"  "%c7"
        "%c8"  "%c9"  "%c10" "%c11" "%c12" "%c13" "%c14" "%c15"
        "%c16" "%c17" "%c18" "%c19" "%c20" "%c21" "%c22" "%c23"
        "%c24" "%c25" "%c26" "%c27" "%c28" "%c29" "%c30" "%c31" ]
<fieldinfo specifications>= (<-U) [D->]
[ rd rs1 rs2 ] is [ <properties of integer-register fields> ]
[ fd fs1 fs2 ] is [ <properties of floating-point registers> ]
            cd is [ <properties of coprocessor destination register> ]

The SPARC also has several specialized load and store instructions. The registers loaded and stored are implicit in the opcodes, but we put them into the specifications as ``assembly-language syntax.'' This technique helps us generate a disassembler, but more importantly, it makes the specification easier to read and understand.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  LDFSR  [address_], "%fsr"
  LDCSR  [address_], "%csr"
  STFSR  "%fsr", [address_]
  STCSR  "%csr", [address_]
  STDFQ  "%fq",  [address_]
  STDCQ  "%cq",  [address_]

A similar group of instructions modify a different set of registers. Perhaps because they move information between special-purpose registers and general-purpose registers, instead of special-purpose registers and memory, they are called ``read'' and ``write'' instructions instead of ``load'' and ``store'' instructions.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  RDY    "%y",   rd
  RDPSR  "%psr", rd
  RDWIM  "%wim", rd
  RDTBR  "%tbr", rd
  WRY    rs1, reg_or_imm, "%y"
  WRPSR  rs1, reg_or_imm, "%psr"
  WRWIM  rs1, reg_or_imm, "%wim"
  WRTBR  rs1, reg_or_imm, "%tbr"

Finally, the instructions that read and write the ancillary state register (asr) have their own special syntax.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  RDASR   "%asr"rs1i, rd
  WRASR   rs1, reg_or_imm, "%asr"rdi

The registers rs1i and rdi are versions of rs1 and rd that print as integers.

<field specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D]
rs1i 14:18 rdi 25:29

Shift, logic, and arithmetic

The logical, shift, and arithmetic instructions share identical assembly language syntax, so we can get away with only a single constructor declaration. Including the shift instructions with the logical and arithmetic instructions is a cheat, but it's a cheat that works because the immediate field, if used, must be zero in the high-order 8 bits.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  logical is AND | ANDcc | ANDN | ANDNcc | OR | ORcc | ORN | ORNcc |
             XOR | XORcc | XNOR | XNORcc
  shift   is SLL | SRL   | SRA
  arith   is ADD | ADDcc | ADDX | ADDXcc | TADDcc | TADDccTV |
             SUB | SUBcc | SUBX | SUBXcc | TSUBcc | TSUBccTV |
             MULScc | UMUL | SMUL | UMULcc | SMULcc |
             UDIV | SDIV | UDIVcc | SDIVcc |
             SAVE | RESTORE
  alu     is logical | shift | arith

  alu rs1, reg_or_imm, rd

Branches and call

As on the MIPS, a placeholder pattern must be specified before the declaration of any constructor that refers to relocatable addresses; such a constructor may emit a placeholder in lieu of the relocated instruction. We choose the UNIMP instruction because it causes an illegal-instruction trap if executed.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
placeholder for instruction is UNIMP & imm22 = 0xbad

Branch instructions come in two variants depending on the setting of the annul (a) bit. In the assembly language, the a bit is notated with the suffix ,a when set, and with no suffix when clear. We can work this notation into the toolkit specification by making these suffixes the names of the values of the a bit:

<fieldinfo specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D]
fieldinfo a is [ names [ "" ",a" ] ]

We then use a as a suffix to the branch instruction:

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
relocatable reloc
  branch^a reloc  { reloc = L + 4 * disp22! } is L: branch & a & disp22

This declaration creates 96 constructors, two for each disjunct of the branch pattern.

As on the MIPS, all of the branch instructions take a relocatable address and emit a PC-relative displacement in the output pattern. To relate them, we have simply used the equation that appears on page 120 of the SPARC manual.

The call instruction is like the branches, except it uses a 30-bit displacement, and there is no annul bit.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  call  reloc   { reloc = L + 4 * disp30! } is L: CALL & disp30

We write the constructor name with two trailing underscores because we play overloading games below.

Floating point

Floating-point arithmetic instructions include two-operand and three-operand variants. Their output patterns are the implicit conjunctions of their opcodes and operands so the output pattern is omitted. Equations enforce that the register specified for a double-word operand is even-numbered (i.e., specifies the first member of an even-odd pair) and that the register for a quad-word operand is a multiple of four (i.e., specifies the first in a four-register set). As usual, those equations are commented out for speed.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  float2s fs2, fd 
  FSQRTd  fs2, fd # { fs2 = 2 * _, fd = 2 * _ }
  FSQRTq  fs2, fd # { fs2 = 4 * _, fd = 4 * _ }

  FTOs fs2, fd
  FTOd fs2, fd  # { fd = 2 * _ }
  FTOq fs2, fd  # { fd = 4 * _ }
  FdTO fs2, fd  # { fs2 = 2 * _ }
  FqTO fs2, fd  # { fs2 = 4 * _ }
  FqTOd fs2, fd  # { fs2 = 4 * _, fd = 2 * _ }
  FdTOq fs2, fd  # { fs2 = 2 * _, fd = 4 * _ }

  float3s  fs1, fs2, fd
  float3d  fs1, fs2, fd # { fs1 = 2 * _, fs2 = 2 * _, fd = 2 * _ }
  float3q  fs1, fs2, fd # { fs1 = 4 * _, fs2 = 4 * _, fd = 4 * _ }
  FsMULd   fs1, fs2, fd # { fd = 4 * _ }
  FdMULq   fs1, fs2, fd # { fs1 = 2 * _, fs2 = 2 * _, fd = 4 * _ }

  fcompares fs1, fs2
  fcompared fs1, fs2 # { fs1 = 2 * _, fs2 = 2 * _ }
  fcompareq fs1, fs2 # { fs1 = 4 * _, fs2 = 4 * _ }


The remaining instructions don't belong to any particular grouping.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
  FLUSH address_
  JMPL  address_, rd
  RETT  address_
  trap  address_
  UNIMP imm22

The SPARC architecture manual defines sethi such that it destroys the least significant ten bits on encoding. Therefore, no single bi-directional defintion of sethi can be written without loss of information. Our solution is to provide two constructors: sethi and decode_sethi. sethi encodes a SETHI instruction by ignoring the 10 low-order bits of val; sethi should be used for encoding. The toolkit requires that all bits in a pattern be constrained; decode_sethi constrains the 10 low-order bits of val and should be used for decoding.

<pattern and constructor specifications>+= (<-U) [<-D]
  sethi        "%hi("val")", rd                   is  SETHI & rd & imm22 = val@[10:31]
  decode_sethi "%hi("val")", rd { val@[0:9] = 0 } is  SETHI & rd & imm22 = val@[10:31]

Synthetic instructions

[*] The synthetic instructions are defined on pages 84--85 in the SPARC manual; their definitions appear below. When dealing with overloaded instructions like call, mov, and clr, we've reserved the standard name (e.g., call) for the most common variant, using either semi-mnemonic names (e.g., movr fopr move-register or clrw for clear-word, calla for call-address) or names with trailing underscores (e.g., ???_) for other variants.

<sparc-synth.spec>+= [<-D->]
  cmp rs1, reg_or_imm   is SUBcc(rs1, reg_or_imm, "%g0")
  jmp address_          is JMPL (address_, "%g0")
  calla address_        is JMPL (address_, "%o7")
  tst  rs2              is ORcc ("%g0", rmode(rs2), "%g0")
  ret                   is JMPL (dispA("%i7",8), "%g0")
  retl                  is JMPL (dispA("%o7",8), "%g0")
  restore_              is RESTORE ("%g0", rmode("%g0"), "%g0")
  save_                 is SAVE("%g0", rmode("%g0"), "%g0")
  not   rd              is XNOR(rd,    rmode("%g0"), rd)
  not2  rs1, rd         is XNOR(rs1,   rmode("%g0"), rd)
  neg   rd              is SUB ("%g0", rmode(rd),    rd)
  neg2  rs2, rd         is SUB ("%g0", rmode(rs2),   rd)
  inc   val, rd         is ADD (rd, imode(val), rd)
  inccc val, rd         is ADDcc (rd, imode(val), rd)
  dec   val, rd         is SUB (rd, imode(val), rd)
  deccc val, rd         is SUBcc (rd, imode(val), rd)
  btst reg_or_imm, rs1  is ANDcc(rs1, reg_or_imm, "%g0")
  bset reg_or_imm, rd   is OR  (rd, reg_or_imm, rd)
  bclr reg_or_imm, rd   is ANDN(rd, reg_or_imm, rd)
  btog reg_or_imm, rd   is XOR (rd, reg_or_imm, rd)
  clr  rd               is OR  ("%g0", rmode("%g0"), rd)
  clrw [address_]       is ST  ("%g0", address_)
  clrb [address_]       is STB ("%g0", address_)
  clrh [address_]       is STH ("%g0", address_)
  mov  reg_or_imm, rd   is OR  ("%g0", reg_or_imm, rd)
  movr rs2, rd          is OR  ("%g0", rmode(rs2),   rd)

Some of the constructors applied in the output patterns use reg_or_imm or address_ operands. When such a value is a literal constant (e.g., register %g0), we apply either the imode or rmode constructor to it to get a value of type reg_or_imm (e.g., rmode("%g0")).

The SPARC has only one conditionally assembled instruction. The set instruction has three ways to load an immediate value val into the register rd. If the low-order 10 bits of val are zero, use sethi to load the high-order 20 bits. If val fits in 13 signed bits, OR it with register %g0, which is always zero. In the general case, use sethi to load the high-order bits into rd and OR to or in the low-order bits.

<sparc-synth.spec>+= [<-D]
  set val, rd  
    when { val@[0:9] = 0 }  is  sethi(val, rd)
    otherwise               is  OR("%g0", imode(val), rd)
    otherwise               is  sethi(val, rd); OR(rd, imode(val@[0:9]), rd)

Again, because set loses information, we must specify decode_set for use in matching statements. This is really gross. Can anything be done? Having tried to use it in a SPARC disassembler, NR is now convinced that this constructor is always useless, and he has deleted it from the spec.

<useless junk>=
  decode_set val, rd  
    when { val@[0:9] = 0 }     is  decode_sethi(val, rd)
    when { val = val@[0:12]! } is  OR("%g0", imode(val), rd)
    otherwise                  is  decode_sethi(val, rd); OR(rd, imode(val@[0:9]), rd)

Application-specific specifications for the lcc compiler

lcc uses set, load, and store constructors that operate on relocatable addresses instead of SPARC operands of type address_.

<lcc-sparc.spec>= [D->]
  setr reloc, rd  is  set(reloc, rd)
#  ldr  reloc, rd  is  sethi(reloc, "%g1"); ld(dispA("%g1", reloc@[0:9]), rd)
#  str  rd, reloc  is  sethi(reloc, "%g1"); st(rd, dispA("%g1", reloc@[0:9]))

lcc also supports a synthetic doubleword load and store operating on base-displacement addresses only.

<lcc-sparc.spec>+= [<-D->]
  ld2f [rs1+disp!], fd  is  ldf(dispA(rs1, disp), fd); ldf(dispA(rs1, disp+4), fd+1)
  st2f fd, [rs1+disp!]  is  stf(fd, dispA(rs1, disp)); stf(fd+1, dispA(rs1, disp+4))

The following constructor is used to emit relocatable addresses. It is the same as that defined for the MIPS.

<lcc-sparc.spec>+= [<-D]
fields of addrtoken (32) addr32 0:31
placeholder for addrtoken is addr32 = 7
  emit_raddr reloc is addr32 = reloc

As on the MIPS, mld doesn't want to pay the overhead of checking register numbers:

<sparc-regs.spec>= [D->]
fieldinfo [ rs1 rs2 rd fd fs1 fs2 cd ] is [ guaranteed ]

Application-specific specifications for the mld linker

mld, defines set, load, and store constructors that operate on relocatable addresses instead of SPARC operands of type address_.

<mld-sparc.spec>= [D->]
  setr reloc, rd  is  set(reloc, rd)
  ldr  reloc, rd  is  sethi(reloc, "%o2"); ld(dispA("%o2", reloc@[0:9]), rd)
  str  rd, reloc  is  sethi(reloc, "%o2"); st(rd, dispA("%o2", reloc@[0:9]))

mld uses the synonyms we've defined for the branch instructions.

<mld-sparc.spec>+= [<-D->]
  branch.synonyms^a reloc  { reloc = L + 4 * disp22! }  is
        L: branch.synonyms & a & disp22

[*] Like the load and store instructions, the SPARC call instruction is overloaded; it accepts either a relocatable address or an SPARC-style address_. The first style, which we've named call, uses the real CALL instruction, the second, which we've named calla, uses JMPL. Because mld generates code using a bottom-up tree walk, it decides which kind of call instruction it wants before it's actually ready to emit the call. mld wants to make up a cookie identifying the call, but doesn't emit the call until the cookie is eaten. The toolkit supports this trick using typed constructors; the cookie is a value of type Function.

<mld-sparc.spec>+= [<-D->]
  relocfun reloc    : Function  is  call(reloc)
  addrfun  address_ : Function  is  calla(address_)

relocfun and addrfun create the cookies. It looks like these constructors emit the calls, but actually they don't have any side effects; the just return patterns representing the instructions to be emitted. Actually emitting such an instruction is the job of the _call constructor:

<mld-sparc.spec>+= [<-D->]
  _call Function is Function

The following constructor is used to emit relocatable addresses. It is the same as that defined for the MIPS.

<mld-sparc.spec>+= [<-D]
fields of addrtoken (32) addr32 0:31
placeholder for addrtoken is addr32 = 7
  emit_raddr reloc is addr32 = reloc

As on the MIPS, mld doesn't want to pay the overhead of checking register numbers:

<sparc-regs.spec>+= [<-D]
fieldinfo [ rs1 rs2 rd fd fs1 fs2 cd ] is [ guaranteed ]

Validating against the SPARC assembler

As on the MIPS, the same assembly name is used for integer and floating-point variants of an instruction. The assembler uses the operand names to disambiguate.

<sparc-names.spec>= [D->]
assembly component
  decode_{*}             is $1
  {LDDF,LDDC}            is LDD
  {not,neg}2             is $1
  {set,ld,st,mov}r       is $1
  {ld2,st2}f             is $1  
  {call}a                is $1
  SWAP.                  is SWAP
  {*}{_,__}              is $1
  _{*}                   is $1

We need the extra syntax so that unbracketed address operands are accepted by the assembler.

<sparc-names.spec>+= [<-D]
assembly syntax
  absoluteA "%g0 + " simm13!

The suggested assembly syntax for several SPARC instructions is not recognized by the SunOS assembler, so those instructions are discarded. emit_raddr, ldr, and str are application-specific and are not in the SPARC assembly language.

discard FLUSH RDASR WRASR STBAR RETT emit_raddr ldr str decode_sethi 

We don't have to put any special headers in assembly source used by the checker.
