COMP 105: Details


You must grasp basic algorithms, data structures, and good programming practice. You should have substantial programming experience. Those without such experience will have difficulty keeping up with the homework. Proficiency in C is needed for a few homework assignments; if you have a strong background in C++, some details will be different, but your background should be sufficient. You must have some basic mathematics (e.g., simple propositional calculus, elementary set theory) and must be able to prove a theorem, including proofs by induction.

You need some Unix experience. You must understand the basics of files, directories, creating and editing files, printing, compiling and loading programs, and using make. You will be much, much happier if you also can write a simple shell script (sh) and use Awk and grep effectively. Kernighan and Pike cover these topics at the appropriate level.

Your programming experience should include work with dynamically allocated data structures and with recursive functions. You should be very comfortable writing recursive functions in the language of your choice, as well as proving that such functions terminate. You should have implemented some of the basic data structures and algorithms used in computer science, like stacks, queues, lists, tables, search trees, standard sorts (quick, insertion, merge, heap), topological sort, and graph algorithms. These topics are well covered in COMP 15 at Tufts. Prior exposure to exhaustive search (backtracking) will also be helpful.

Some students spend many, many hours thrashing out homework assignments. This course uses unusual programming paradigms, and the techniques you are accustomed to may not be much help. Although this material is not a formal prerequisite for this course, you will be happier if you have a nodding acquaintance with formal methods, including the following intellectual tools:

You can brush up on this material by looking at the article by Bentley on the reading list. Chapter 4 of Liskov and Guttag has a nice tutorial on reasoning about data, which you will find helpful in several assignments.

You must have taken Discrete Math (Math 22 or COMP 22). If not, you must produce some other evidence that you can reason precisely about computational objects. You should be able to write an informal mathematical proof. For example, you should be able to prove that a sort routine returns the same set of elements that it was passed. You should be comfortable using basic mathematical formulas with ``forall'' and ``exists'' quantifiers, i.e., the propositional and predicate calculi, although it will not be necessary to write formal proofs using these calculi. You should know basic set theory, e.g., the mathematical definition of functions as sets of ordered pairs. You should be comfortable reading and writing formal mathematical notation, or at least not run screaming from the room.

The most important prerequisites for this course cannot be taught. To do well in this or any other course that involves programming, develop these habits:

If you have these habits, the other prerequisites are almost irrelevant. If you don't, you can expect to have trouble no matter what your background.

Interactions are Expected

Engineering is not a solitary profession. To maximize your chances of success in 105 and beyond, I have designed some interactive experiences into the class.

Spontaneous interactions may be welcome or unwelcome depending on the interaction:

Homework is critical

In this class, you will learn most of the material on your own as you complete the homework assignments. The importance of homework is reflected in the
weight it is assigned. Most homework for this course involves short programming assignments. Many of them will be based on the text by Ramsey and Kamin. There will be also be some larger programming assignments. There will be some theory homework, involving more proving and less programming.

If you get stuck, seek help early. In a large course, your difficulties could be overlooked until they get out of control. Keep an eye on yourself, and remember that a short conversation during office hours or lab can save hours of aimless frustration.

If you complete and understand all the homework assignments, you are almost certain to do well on the exams and earn a high grade. If you miss assignments or don't really understand the homework, it will be difficult for you to earn a satisfactory grade. Extensive details about grades are available online.

Format of homework

Your written work must carry your name, and it must be neat and well organized. If you can, use a computer to prepare your written work. Otherwise, write it by hand and scan it. Any work that cannot easily be read will receive No Credit. Clear English expression is required; grammar and spelling count. The same requirements apply to exams.

Every assignment should include a README file that describes the work. This description must

Extra Credit

Most homework assignments will offer opportunities to earn extra credit. I use extra credit to adjust final letter grades. For example, if your grade average falls in the borderline between A- and B+, I will assign you the higher grade at my discretion if you have done extra-credit work. I will also mention extra credit if I write you a letter of recommendation.

Extra credit is just that: extra. It is possible to earn an A without doing any extra credit.

Readability of programming assignments

A solution to a problem is of little value if that solution cannot be understood and modified by others. For that reason, your homework will be graded on your explanation of what you are doing as well as your results. For many homeworks, especially those involving substantial programming, half of your grade will be based on your explanation. For most homework assignments, your explanations should appear in a README file that accompanies the assignment.

Appropriate explanations vary with the size of the problem.

For these kinds of small problems, the best method of explanation is comments in with the source code itself. For these larger problems, you must describe your thinking at least as well as your code. These kinds of long explanation should be in the README file, not in the code itself. It is as bad to write too much explanation for a simple solution as to write too little explanation for a complex solution.

Good programming style and documentation are essential ingredients in a readable assignment. Good style includes the use of functions, modules, and abstract data types where appropriate. Select algorithms appropriate to the task at hand, and make your code structured and easy to read. Good use and placement of documentation is vital. Lots of comment text is usually a sign of poor documentation. Documentation should focus on high-level issues such as design and organization, data representation, and data invariants. As noted above, even programs that run perfectly will lose points for poor documentation.

Documentation is a deep topic in its own right, which I am not prepared to address here, but here are a few suggestions. Good large-scale documentation should answer such questions as:

Large-scale documentation is usually not a good place to list a lot of information about the names of functions and their arguments and other low-level details that are most easily understood in the context of reading the code.

Small-scale documentation (comments in the code) should say

Please don't use comments to repeat information that is readily available in the code. Here is an example of poor style:
; (example of poor commenting style)
;  Function: caar
;  Description: Returns the car of the car of the given element.
(define caar (x)
  (car (car x))
Everything in the comment is more easily learned just by looking at the code. Here is an example of better style:
; (example of better commenting style)
; Visit vertex and every successor of vertex that appears in edges,
; in depth-first order.  Executed for side effects on the global 
; variables output and visited.
; Graph is the complete list of edges in the graph; 
; we use structural recursion on edges.  

(define dfsvisit (vertex edges graph) 
  (if (null? edges) '()
      ( ...  (dfsvisit mumble (cdr edges) graph) ...)))
The comment explains what the function is doing, notes that there is no return value but there are side effects, and explains what the parameters mean. The comment also explains why the function terminates (the key phrase is ``structural recursion''). This comment should be supported by comments on the global variables output and visited, saying what they represent and what the representation invariants are.

Here are two examples of very poor commenting style:

   ++i;   /* Use the prefix autoincrement operator to increase i by one. */

   for (;;) {   /* Infinite loop. */

Guidelines for coding style

Code you submit should be accepted by the appropriate compiler without errors or warnings.

Your code must not wrap when displayed in 80 columns.

Your ML code must not have redundant parentheses, as described in the relevant section of the ML supplement.

We emphasize readability and clarity, but we do not enforce any particular coding style. Work that we find obscure or difficult to read will earn lower grades.


Programming is a creative process. Individuals must reach their own understanding of problems and discover paths to their solutions. During this time, discussions with friends and colleagues are encouraged—you will do much better in the course, and at Tufts, if you find people with whom you regularly discuss problems. But those discussions should take place in English, not in code. If you start communicating in code, you've broken the rules.

When you reach the coding stage, therefore, group discussions are no longer appropriate. Each program, unless explicitly assigned as a pair problem, must be entirely your own work.

Do not, under any circumstances, permit any other student to see any part of your program, and do not permit yourself to see any part of another student's program. In particular, you may not test or debug another student's code, nor may you have another student test or debug your code. (If you can't get code to work, consult your section leader or the instructor.) Using another's code in any form or writing code for use by another violates the University's academic regulations.

Suspected violations will be reported to the University's Judicial Officer for investigation and adjudication. Be careful! As described in the handbook on academic integrity, the penalties for violation can be severe. A single bad decision made in a moment of weakness could lead to a permanent blot on your academic record.

The same standards apply to all homework assignments; work you submit under your name must be entirely your own work. Always acknowledge those with whom you discuss problems!

Use of the library

You may look in the library (including the Internet, etc.) for ideas on how to solve homework problems, just as you may discuss problems with your classmates. Library sources must be acknowledged when you submit your homework, even if you find little or nothing useful.

Some students rely heavily on the library. Although this is permitted within the letter of the rules, I discourage it. I assign homework problems not because I want to know the answers, but because doing homework is the best way for you to learn. While library skills are important in our profession, the homework in this course is designed to develop other skills that are even more important. Remember, you will not have the library with you when you write your exams or go on job interviews!

Wikipedia considered harmful

For COMP 105 in particular, Wikipedia merits special warning. Wikipedia is a terrible source of information on programming languages. Many of the entries are just plain wrong, and Wikipedia's rules make it nearly impossible for experts to correct bad articles. (Yes, I have tried.) Don't use Wikipedia for 105.

Late Policy

Homework that is submitted electronically (most homework) will be due at the 11:59 PM on the due date. We will grant an automatic extension of ten minutes at no cost to you, so the real deadline is 12:09 AM the following day. If you plan on submitting your work at midnight, you will have nine minutes for last-minute changes.

Homework is expected to be submitted on time. However, we recognize that the exigencies of college life occasionally interfere with on-time submission. If you have difficulty getting homework in on time, you have two options:

Solutions to homeworks will not be placed on the Web until the last assignment is turned in or until the 48-hour deadline has passed. Students turning homework in on time may have solutions sent to them by sending a request to the course staff.


If we have made a mistake in grading a homework assignment, you have seven days after the return of the assignment to call the mistake to the attention of your TA or instructor. In such cases, we will reassess the entire assignment and assign a new grade. The new grade may be higher or lower than the original grade.

Submission and automatic validation

We expect to provide a submission script for each assignment. By executing
use comp105
you ensure that these scripts are on your execution path. It is very convenient to put this line in your .cshrc or .profile file, but to work around a misfeature in use you will need the line
use -q comp105
Without the -q option you may have difficulties with scp, ssh, git, VNC, or rsync.

A submission script is named submit105-name, so for example the submission script for the first assignment is called submit105-intro. (Actually there are two submission scripts: for your individual work, there is submit105-intro-solo, and for the part of the work you do with a partner, there is submit105-intro-pair.) Normally you should change to the directory in which you have placed your solutions and run the script. Most submission scripts do some sort of sanity checking. If the submission script complains, fix the problems and resubmit.

We encourage you to submit work early and often, even if it is incomplete, so that you have may have an independent check that what you plan to submit is what the course staff are expecting.

Questions and discussion

To reach the course staff, write to Also, be sure that you are signed up for the class mailing list, which is You can register online (or if you drop the course, you can remove yourself), at
Please do not email the course staff directly to their personal accounts.

It is a great idea to post some kinds of questions to Stackoverflow; please follow our guidelines.

It is OK to send instant messages to the course instructor via Skype; his id is norman-ramsey.

We will make every effort to answer questions once a day, even on weekends. In the last two days before an assignment is due, we strive for even quicker turnaround. Answers to questions and other useful information will be sent to the class. Perhaps at some future point we will be able to have a web forum. Meanwhile, you can view the mailing-list archives at You will need your mailing-list password, which should have been emailed to you.

Sections are mandatory

This class has a mandatory 75-minute small-group discussion section. Each section will be guided by the class instructor or by an Engineering Fellow. All of the Engineering Fellows are practitioners who know and like the course material, and some of them are experts of world renown. The purpose of the sections is to give you a place to ask questions about your homework, to receive expert feedback on work you've turned in, and to understand the connections between the topic of programming languages and the world of programming practice—also known as how a knowledge of programming languages can give you a competetive advantage.


All class handouts should be available from the class web page.

Computer software and accounts

The class will be run using Red Hat Enterprise 64-bit Linux, as installed on the departmental servers and in the laboratores in Halligan 116&nsbp;and 118. For remote access use The software from the book will be installed on these machines, but you can also grab the software and compile it yourself; try
  git clone

If you need an account for CS machines, please send email to Ask for bash as your login shell.

Stupid software tricks

The Linux servers have the wonderful ledit program, which is extremely handy for interacting with our interpreters. Try typing, e.g., ledit impcore, and you will be able to get an interactive editing loop with the impcore interpreter.