COMP 105 Homework: Core ML

Due Thursday, March 3, at 11:59 PM.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you get acclimated to programming in ML, which you will do by writing many small exercises. By the time you complete this assignment, you will be ready to tackle serious programming tasks in core ML. It will help you to study Chapter 5 carefully and to compare the ML code in Chapter 5 with the C code in Chapter 3.

You will be more effective if you are aware of the Standard ML Basis Library. Jeff Ullman's text (Chapter 9) describes the 1997 basis, but today's compilers use the 2004 basis, which is a standard. You will find a few differences in I/O, arrays, and elsewhere; the most salient difference is in TextIO.inputLine.

The most convenient guide to the basis is the Moscow ML help system; type

- help "";
at the mosml interactive prompt. The help file is badged incorrectly, but as far as I know, it is up to date.


For all the problems in this homework, use function definition by pattern matching. In particular, do not use the functions null, hd, and tl; use patterns instead. Some useful list patterns include these patterns, to match lists of exactly 0, 1, 2, or 3 elements:
<patterns>= [D->]
[x, y]
[a, b, c]

and also these patterns, which match lists of at least 0, 1, 2, or 3 elements:

<patterns>+= [<-D]

When using these patterns, remember that function application has higher precedence than any infix operator! This is as true in patterns as it is anywhere else.

Do not define auxiliary functions at top level. Use local or let. Do not use open; if needed, use one-letter abbreviations for common structures. Do not use any imperative features unless the problem explicitly says it is OK.

Feel free to use the standard basis extensively. Moscow ML's help "lib"; will tell you all about the library. And if you use

ledit mosml -P full
as your interactive top-level loop, it will automatically load almost everything you might want from the standard basis.

All the sample code we show you is gathered in one place online.

As you learn ML, this table may help you transfer your knowledge of μScheme:

val val
Put all your solutions in one file: warmup.sml. (If separate files are easier, combine them with cat.) At the start of each problem, please label it with a short comment, like
(***** Problem A *****)
To receive credit, your warmup.sml file must compile and execute in the Moscow ML system. For example, we must be able to compile your code without warnings or errors:
% /usr/sup/bin/mosmlc -c warmup.sml
Please remember to put your name and the time you spent in the warmup.sml file.

The homework problems

Solve the following problems:

Higher-order programming

  1. Here's a function that is somewhat like fold, but it works on binary operators.

    1. Define a function
      compound : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> int -> 'a -> 'a
      that ``compounds'' a binary operator rator so that compound rator n x is x if n=0, x rator x if n = 1, and in general x rator (x rator (... rator x)) where rator is applied exactly n times. compound rator need not behave well when applied to negative integers.

    2. When rator is associative, it is not necessary to apply it so many times. Define a function acompound that has the same type as compound, and for an associative rator computes the same results, but such that acompound rator n x requires only O(log n) applications of rator to compute.

    3. Use the acompound function to define a function for integer exponentiation
      exp : int -> int -> int
      so that, for example, exp 3 2 evaluates to 9. Hint: take note of the description of op in Ullman S5.4.4, page 165.

    Don't get confused by infix vs prefix operators. Remember this:


  1. Consider the pattern (x::y::zs, w). For each of the following expressions, tell whether the pattern matches the value denoted. If the pattern matches, say what values are bound to the four variables x, y, zs, and w. If it does not match, explain why not.
    1. ([1, 2, 3], ("COMP", 105))
    2. (("COMP", 105), [1, 2, 3])
    3. ([("COMP", 105)], (1, 2, 3))
    4. (["COMP", "105"], true)
    5. ([true, false], 2.718281828)
    (Put your answers into warmup.sml as comments.)

  2. Using patterns, write a recursive Fibonacci function that does not use if.

  3. Write a function that takes a list of lower-case letters and returns true if the first character is a vowel (aeiou) and false if the first character is not a vowel or if the list is empty. Use the wildcard symbol _ whenever possible, and avoid if. Remember that the ML character syntax is #"x", as decribed in Ullman, page 13.

  4. Write the function null, which when applied to a list tells whether the list is empty. Avoid if, and make sure the function takes constant time. Make sure your function has the same type as the null in the Standard Basis.


  1. foldl and foldr are predefined with type
    ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b
    They are like the μScheme versions except the ML versions are Curried.
    1. Implement length using foldl or foldr.
    2. Implement rev using foldl or foldr.
    3. Implement minlist, which returns the smallest element of a non-empty list of integers. Your solution should work regardless of the representation of integers (e.g., it should not matter how many bits are used to represent integers). Your solution can fail (e.g., by raise Match) if given an empty list of integers. Use foldl or foldr.
    Do not use recursion in any of your solutions.

  2. Implement foldl and foldr using recursion. Do not create unnecessary cons cells. Do not use if.

  3. Implement queues using no side effects.
    1. For a first cut, try the following representation:
      <sample>= [D->]
      exception Empty
      type 'a queue = 'a list
      val put : 'a queue * 'a -> 'a queue
      val get : 'a queue -> 'a * 'a queue
      Defines Empty, get, put, queue (links are to index).

      Implement put and get. get should raise the exception Empty if the queue is empty.

    2. The representation shown above is unpleasant in that either put or get must take O(n) time. Using a pair of lists to represent a queue, implement put and get that take constant ``amortized'' time. (That is, a combination of N puts and gets, in any reasonable order, can be expected to take O(N) time total, instead of possibly O(N-squared) as above.) Hint: think about the tricks we used in class to come up with a cheap list-reversal function.

      Bonus! If you have taken COMP 40 during a Fall semester, give the invariant that relates the pair of lists to a sequence in the world of ideas. You may choose to do this by defining a function contents that maps the pair of list into a single sequence which is enqueued at the end and dequeued from the beginning.

      Bonus! If you have taken COMP 160 during a Fall or Spring semester, give a brief amortized analysis of the costs associated with this representation of queues.

  4. Write a function zip: 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list that takes a pair of lists (of equal length) and returns the equivalent list of pairs. If the lengths don't match, raise the exception Mismatch, which you will have to define.

  5. Define a function
    pairfoldr : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c
    that applies a three-argument function to a pair of lists of equal length, using the same order as foldr. Use pairfoldr to implement zip.

  6. Define a function unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list that turns a list of pairs into a pair of lists. This one is tricky; here's a sample result:
    <sample>+= [<-D->]
    - unzip [(1, true), (3, false)];
    > val it = ([1, 3], [true, false]) : int list * bool list

    Hint: Try defining an auxiliary function that uses the method of accumulating parameters, and be prepared to use rev.

  7. Define a function flatten : 'a list list -> 'a list, which takes a list of lists and produces a single list containing all the elements in the correct order. For example,
    <sample>+= [<-D->]
    - flatten [[1], [2, 3, 4], [], [5, 6]];
    > val it = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] : int list

    To get full credit for this problem, your function should use no unnecessary cons cells.


For this section it may help you to be aware of the built-in functions implode, explode, and size.
  1. The goal of this problem is to help you explore why the Standard ML Basis Library has a built-in function concat. The problem has four parts:
    1. Without using concat, define a function sflatten : string list -> string, which takes a list of strings and produces a single string containing all the original strings concatenated in the correct order. Make your function as simple as you can.
    2. Explain how much space is used by sflatten. Try do to an exact calculation, but if you can't, you can fall back on Big-O notation.
    3. Still without using concat, define a version of sflatten that uses as little space as possible. How does its space usage compare with that of your original definition?
    4. A built-in, primitive function like concat can be written in C or in assembly language, and so can do things that an ML function cannot. It it possible that the primitive concat uses even less space than your version from part 3? If so, how much less? Is it worth having concat? Why?


  1. Write a (Curried) function nth : int -> 'a list -> 'a to return the nth element of a list. (Number elements from 0.) If nth is given arguments on which it is not defined, raise a suitable exception. You may define one or more suitable exceptions or you may choose to use an appropriate one from the initial basis. (If you have doubts about what's appropriate, play it safe and define an exception of your own.)

    I expect you to implement nth yourself and not simply call List.nth.

  2. Environments
    1. Define a type 'a env and functions
      <sample>+= [<-D->]
      type 'a env = (* you fill in this part *)
      exception NotFound of string
      val emptyEnv : 'a env = (* ... *)
      val bindVar : string * 'a * 'a env -> 'a env = (* ... *)
      val lookup  : string * 'a env -> 'a = (* ... *)
      Defines bindVar, emptyEnv, env, lookup, NotFound (links are to index).

      such that you can use 'a env for a type environment or a value environment. On an attempt to look up an identifier that doesn't exist, raise the exception NotFound. Don't worry about efficiency.

    2. Do the same, except make type 'a env = string -> 'a, and let
      <sample>+= [<-D->]
      fun lookup (name, rho) = rho name
      Defines lookup (links are to index).

    3. Write a function isBound : string * 'a env -> bool that works with both representations of environments. That is, write a single function that works regardless of whether environments are implemented as lists or as functions. You will need imperative features, like sequencing (the semicolon). Don't use if.
    4. Write a function extendEnv : string list * 'a list * 'a env -> 'a env that takes a list of variables and a list of values and adds the corresponding bindings to an environment. It should work with both representations. Do not use recursion. Hint: you can do it in two lines using the higher-order list functions defined above.

Discriminated unions (datatype)

  1. Search trees.
    ML can easily represent binary trees containing arbitrary values in the nodes:
    <sample>+= [<-D->]
    datatype 'a tree = NODE of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree 
                     | LEAF
    Defines tree (links are to index).

    To make a search tree, we need to compare values at nodes. The standard idiom for comparison is to define a function that returns a value of type order. As discussed in Ullman, page 325, order is predefined by

    <sample>+= [<-D->]
    datatype order = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
    Defines order (links are to index).

    Because order is predefined, if you include it in your program, you will hide the predefined version (which is in the ainitial basis) and other things may break mysteriously. So don't include it.

    We can use the order idiom to define a higher-order insertion function by, e.g.,

    <sample>+= [<-D->]
    fun insert cmp =
        let fun ins (x, LEAF) = NODE (LEAF, x, LEAF)
              | ins (x, NODE (left, y, right)) = 
                  (case cmp (x, y)
                    of LESS    => NODE (ins (x, left), y, right)
                     | GREATER => NODE (left, y, ins (x, right))
                     | EQUAL   => NODE (left, x, right))
        in  ins
    Defines insert (links are to index).

    This higher-order insertion function accepts a comparison function as argument, then returns an insertion function. (The parentheses around case aren't actually necessary here, but I've included them because if you leave them out when they are needed, you will be very confused by the resulting error messages.)

    We can use this idea to implement polymorphic sets in which we store the comparison function in the set itself. For example,

    <sample>+= [<-D]
    datatype 'a set = SET of ('a * 'a -> order) * 'a tree
    fun nullset cmp = SET (cmp, LEAF)
    Defines nullset, set (links are to index).

Extra credit

There are two extra-credit problems: FIVES and VARARGS.


Recall the following problem from the Scheme homework:
Consider the class of well-formed arithmetic computations using the numeral 5. These are expressions formed by taking the integer literal 5, the four arithmetic operators +, -, *, and /, and properly placed parentheses. Such expressions correspond to binary trees in which the internal nodes are operators and every leaf is a 5. Write a μScheme program to answer one or more of the following questions:
Write an ML function reachable of type
('a * 'a -> order) * ('a * 'a -> 'a) list -> 'a -> int -> 'a set
such that reachable (, [op +, op -, op *, op div]) 5 5 computes the set of all integers computable using the given operators and exactly five 5's. (You don't have to bother giving the answers to the questions above, since they're easy to get with setFold.) My solution is under 20 lines of code, but it makes heavy use of the setFold, nullset, addelt, and pairfoldr functions defined earlier.



Extend μScheme to support procedures with a variable number of arguments. Do so by giving the name ... (three dots) special significance when it appears as the last formal parameter in a lambda. For example:
-> (val f (lambda (x y ...)) (+ x (+ x (foldl + 0 ...)))
-> (f 1 2 3 4 5) ; inside f, rho = { x |-> 1, y |->, ... |-> '(3 4 5) }
In this example, it is an error for f to get fewer than two arguments. If f gets at least two arguments, any additional arguments are placed into an ordinary list, and the list is used to initialize the location of the formal parameteter associated with ....
  1. Implement this new feature inside of mlscheme.sml. I recommend that you begin by changing the definition of lambda on page 187 to
       and lambda = name list * { varargs : bool } * exp
    The type system will tell you what other code you have to change. For the parser, you may find the following function useful:
      fun newLambda (formals, body) =
         case rev formals
           of "..." :: fs' => LAMBDA (rev fs', {varargs=true},  body)
            | _            => LAMBDA (formals, {varargs=false}, body)
    The type of this function is
    name list * exp -> name list * {varargs : bool} * exp;
    thus it is designed exactly for you to adapt old syntax to new syntax; you just drop it into the parser wherever LAMBDA was used.

  2. As a complement to the varargs lambda, write a new call primitive such that
    (call f '(1 2 3))
    is equivalent to
    (f 1 2 3)
    Sadly, you won't be able to use PRIMITIVE for this; you'll have to invent a new kind of thing that has access to the internal eval.

  3. Demonstrate these utilities by writing a higher-order function cons-logger that counts cons calls in a private variable. It should operate as follows:
    -> (val cl (cons-logger))
    -> (val log-cons (car cl))
    -> (val conses-logged (cdr cl))  
    -> (conses-logged)
    -> (log-cons f e1 e2 ... en) ; returns (f e1 e2 ... en), incrementing
                                 ; private counter whenever cons is called
    -> (conses-logged)
    99  ; or whatever else is the number of times cons is called 
        ; during the call to log-cons

  4. Rewrite the APPLY-CLOSURE rule to account for the new abstract syntax and behavior. To help you, simplified LaTeX for the original rule is online.

Avoid common mistakes

Here is a list of common mistakes to avoid:

What to submit

Submit the files warmup.sml, and optionally varargs.sml or fives.sml, using the script submit105-ml. In comments at the top of your warmup.sml file, please include your name, the names of any collaborators, and the number of hours you spent on the assignment.

Index and cross-reference