COMP 105 fault graph for type inferrers

Test results in matrix form are on another page.

The graph below shows the results of testing type inferrers.
Read the nodes as follows:

The edges show which solutions are strictly better than which other solutions; better solutions appear higher in the graph.

If the graph is blurry or pixelated, click on it to get Scalable Vector Graphics, then zoom.
From left to right, the tests in the graph exposed these faults:
1a. Term (begin) should have type unit, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
2a. Term (car 3) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
3a. Term (cons (+ 1 2) '()) should have type int list, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
3b. Term (cons (+ 1 2) '()) should have type int list, but your interpreter failed with the message type error: Cannot unify int * int and int * int.
4a. Term (val lists '(() ())) should have type forall 'a . 'a list list, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
4b. Term (val lists '(() ())) should have type forall 'a . 'a list list, but your interpreter failed with a uML error message.
5a. Term (val lists2 '((a) (1))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
5b. Term (val lists2 '((a) (1))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type sym list list.
6a. Term (val lists3 '(() (1) ())) should have type int list list, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
6b. Term (val lists3 '(() (1) ())) should have type int list list, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a . 'a list list.
6c. Term (val lists3 '(() (1) ())) should have type int list list, but your interpreter failed with a uML error message.
7a. Term (lambda (l) (if (car l) '() '())) should have type forall 'a . bool list -> 'a list, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
7b. Term (lambda (l) (if (car l) '() '())) should have type forall 'a . bool list -> 'a list, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a, 'b . 'a -> 'b list.
8a. Term (define f (x) (if x (car x) (f x))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
8b. Term (define f (x) (if x (car x) (f x))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred a type for it.
9a. Term (lambda (x y z) (cons (cons x y) z)) should have type forall 'a . 'a * 'a list * 'a list list -> 'a list list, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
9b. Term (lambda (x y z) (cons (cons x y) z)) should have type forall 'a . 'a * 'a list * 'a list list -> 'a list list, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a . 'a list list * 'a list * 'a -> 'a list list.
10a. Term (lambda (x) (begin (+ x 1) (if x 0 1))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
10b. Term (lambda (x) (begin (+ x 1) (if x 0 1))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a . 'a -> int.
11a. Term (lambda (x) (let ((b (+ x 1))) (and (= b 1) x))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
11b. Term (lambda (x) (let ((b (+ x 1))) (and (= b 1) x))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type int -> bool.
12a. Term (val poly (letrec ((id (lambda (x) x))) (pair (id 0) (id #t)))) should have type int * bool, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
12b. Term (val poly (letrec ((id (lambda (x) x))) (pair (id 0) (id #t)))) should have type int * bool, but your interpreter failed with the message type error: Cannot unify int and bool.
13a. Term (letrec ((x (lambda (y) y))(z (lambda (y) (x y)))) (z 3)) should have type int, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
13b. Term (letrec ((x (lambda (y) y))(z (lambda (y) (x y)))) (z 3)) should have type int, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a . 'a.
13c. Term (letrec ((x (lambda (y) y))(z (lambda (y) (x y)))) (z 3)) should have type int, but your interpreter failed with the message variable x not found.
14a. Term (letrec ((func (lambda (a b num) (if a b (+ 1 num))))) func) should have type bool * int * int -> int, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
14b. Term (letrec ((func (lambda (a b num) (if a b (+ 1 num))))) func) should have type bool * int * int -> int, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a . bool * int * int -> 'a.
15a. Term (letrec ((f (lambda (x) (g))) (g (lambda (x) (f)))) (o g f)) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
15b. Term (letrec ((f (lambda (x) (g))) (g (lambda (x) (f)))) (o g f)) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a, 'b . 'a -> 'b.
16a. Term (define test3 (x) (if (= 0 x) 0 (+ x (test3 o test3) (- x 1)))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
17a. Term (let ((symnil (cdr (list1 'a))) (x 1)) (begin (cons x symnil))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
17b. Term (let ((symnil (cdr (list1 'a))) (x 1)) (begin (cons x symnil))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type int list.
18a. Term (letrec ((f (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))) (g (lambda (x) (f (not x))))) g) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
18b. Term (letrec ((f (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))) (g (lambda (x) (f (not x))))) g) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred a type for it.
19a. Term (define f (x) (let ((g (lambda (x) (f x)))) (g f))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
19b. Term (define f (x) (let ((g (lambda (x) (f x)))) (g f))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a, 'b . 'a -> 'b.
20a. Term (define g (x) (let ((a (+ x 1)) (b (and x #t))) x)) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
20b. Term (define g (x) (let ((a (+ x 1)) (b (and x #t))) x)) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type bool -> bool.
21a. Term (letrec ((+ (lambda (x y) (and x y))) (foo (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))) (foo 1 2)) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
21b. Term (letrec ((+ (lambda (x y) (and x y))) (foo (lambda (x y) (+ x y)))) (foo 1 2)) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred a type for it.
22a. Term (lambda (x) (letrec ((f (lambda (a) (cons (g a) '()))) (g (lambda (b) (cons (f b) '())))) (f x))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
22b. Term (lambda (x) (letrec ((f (lambda (a) (cons (g a) '()))) (g (lambda (b) (cons (f b) '())))) (f x))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a, 'b . 'a -> 'b list list list.
23a. Term (define f (x) (letrec ((foo (lambda (vs) (if (null? vs) (+ x 1) (foo vs))))) (if x (foo '(1 2 3)) (foo '(4 5 6))))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter failed with an uncaught exception.
23b. Term (define f (x) (letrec ((foo (lambda (vs) (if (null? vs) (+ x 1) (foo vs))))) (if x (foo '(1 2 3)) (foo '(4 5 6))))) should trigger a uML error, but your interpreter inferred type forall 'a, 'b . 'a -> 'b.
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