COMP 105 Homework: Standard ML Modules

Due Wednesday, May 1 at 11:59 PM
(May be extended to May 2 by expending one token)

The purpose of this assignment is threefold:

You will complete problems 1–3 and problems A and B.

The code in this handout, together with a compile script, can be had by

  git clone

The assignment is intended for pairs.


Part I: ML modules finger exercises

  1. A simple functor (Difficulty *, Time **). Remember the polymorphic sets we used when studying μScheme and core ML? To make them work, we tried two different strategies: The second strategy is not very reliable—imagine the chaos that ensues if you try to take the union of two sets, but they have different comparison functions!

    The first strategy can be awkward in a typed language, because it can put extra type variables into the type of every function.

    In this problem, you'll use Standard ML modules to define dictionaries which are guaranteed to use a consistent comparison function and do not require any extra parameters at run time. Instead you'll use one module parameter at link time.

    In this problem, you'll be implementing dictionaries with this signature:

    signature DICT = sig
      type key      (* a key used for lookup *)
      type 'a dict  (* a finite map from keys to values of type 'a *)
      exception NotFound of key
      val empty : 'a dict
      val find  : key * 'a dict -> 'a   (* may raise NotFound *)
      val bind  : key * 'a * 'a dict -> 'a dict
      (* contracts:
           empty  is the empty map
           find (k, d) returns the x that d maps k to, or if d does not map k,
                       it raises `NotFound k`
           bind (k, x, d) = d' such that
                                 - d' maps k to x
                                 - if k' <> k, d' maps k' the same way d does
           find (k, bind (k,  x, d)) = x
           find (k, bind (k', x, d)) = find (x, d)  if k <> k'
           find (k, empty)   raises NotFound k
    Defines bind, DICT, dict, empty, find, key, NotFound (links are to index).

    The comparison function is hidden inside the the module, so at run time, there are no extra types to think about and no comparison functions to pass!

    To compile the file dict-sig.sml you will need to use the -toplevel option, e.g.,

      mosmlc -toplevel -c dict-sig.sml
    This problem has four parts:
    1. Choose a representation for dictionaries. Representations already implemented for you include the representation of environments in the book and the binary-search trees from the Core ML homework. Or you can come up with a new representation of your own.

      The abstraction is immutable, but if you want to use a mutable representation like a hash table, you can—but you must be sure that the mutability cannot be observed.

    2. Figure out what you need to know about the key type to implement your chosen representation. You probably will want one or more functions which consume values of type key and return values of type order. (Type order is explained in more detail in the Core ML homework.)

    3. Define a signature KEY to record the knowledge you figured out in the previous step.
      Write this signature in file key-sig.sml.

    4. In file dict.sml, implement a functor DictFn which takes as argument a structure Key matching signature KEY and returns a structure matching DICT where type key = Key.key. The dict type must remain abstract.

    To compile your functor, you will need to use the -toplevel option, and you'll need to provide compiled versions of the signatures for DICT and KEY.

      mosmlc -toplevel -c dict-sig.ui key-sig.ui dict.sml
    You will have produced dist-sig.ui by compiling dict-sig.sml, and similarly for key-sig.ui.

    If you want to test your functor, define a structure StringDict :> DICT where type key = string.

  2. One interface, three implementations (Difficulty *, Time **). The ERROR signature from class looks like this:
    signature ERROR = sig
      type error   (* a single error *)
      type summary (* summary of what errors occurred *)
      val nothing : summary                     (* no errors occurred *)
      val oneError : error -> summary
      val <+> : summary * summary -> summary    (* combine summaries *)
      (* laws:
            nothing <+> s == s
            s <+> nothing == s
            s1 <+> (s2 <+> s3) == (s1 <+> s2) <+> s3    // associativity
    Defines <+>, ERROR, error, nothing, oneError, summary (links are to index).

    In this problem you will write three implementations of this signature:

    1. Implement a module
        FirstError :> ERROR where type error = string
                              and type summary = string option
      such that the summary always contains the first error to occur, if any.
      Please put your implementation in file first-error.sml.
      (My solution to this problem requires a dozen lines of code.)

    2. Implement a module
        WorstError :> ERROR where type error   = { severity : int, msg : string }
                              and type summary = { severity : int, msg : string } option
      such that the summary contains the most severe error to occur, if any.
      Please put your implementation in file worst-error.sml.
      (My solution to this problem requires 13 lines of code.)

    3. Implement a module
        AllErrors :> ...
      such that the summary contains all the errors that occur. Please also write and deploy a signature suitable for sealing this module.
      Please put your implementation in file all-errors.sml.
      (My solution to this problem requires 11 lines of code.)

  3. Data structures (Difficulty *, Time **). A heap is a collection of elements with an operation that quickly finds and removes a minimal element. (The heap assumes that a total order exists on the elements; a minimal element is an element of the heap that is at least as small as any other element. A heap may contain more than one minimal element, in which case it is not specified which such element is removed.)

    1. Design an abstraction for representing heaps in ML. Your abstraction may be mutable or immutable.

      Formalize your abstraction by giving an ML signature HEAP describing the abstraction. Be sure to

      • Define two abstract types: one to represent a heap and one to represent an element.
      • Identify each operation as a creator, producer, mutator, or observer (as described in Section 3.4.2 on page 76 of Ramsey)
      • Specify what each operation does, either using informal English, algebraic laws, or both
      The heap assumes that values of the element type are totally ordered; be sure to expose that total order in the interface.

      Put your signature into a file called heap-sig.sml. You will need to compile it with the -toplevel option, e.g.,

      mosmlc -toplevel -c heap-sig.sml
      Notice that for this part of the problem you write no code. All you write is the interface.

    2. Use your abstraction to implement heap sort. That is, write a functor HeapsortFn that takes a structure matching signature HEAP and produces a structure that contains a function that sorts a list of elements by inserting all the elements into a heap, then removing them one by one until the heap is empty.
      • Give your functor an explicit result signature, paying careful attention to type revelation.
      • You need not implement HEAP. This is the whole point!
      Put your HeapsortFn functor into a file called heapsort.sml. You will need to compile it with the -toplevel option, e.g.,
      mosmlc -toplevel -c heap-sig.ui heapsort.sml
      Because the heapsort.sml refers to signature HEAP, you must pass it the heap-sig.ui file where signature HEAP is defined. You will have produced heap-sig.ui by compiling heap-sig.sml.

Part II: Playing adversary games

In problems A and B below, you will implement and use a system for playing simple adversary games. The program will show game configurations, accept moves from the user and choose the best move.

The system is based on an abstract game solver (AGS) which, given a description of the rules of the game, will be able to select the best move in a particular configuration. An AGS is obtained by abstracting (separating) the details of a particular game from the details of the solving procedure. The solving procedure uses exhaustive search: it tries all possible moves and picks the best. Such a search can solve games of complete information, provided the configuration space is small enough. And the search is general enough that we can abstract away details of many games, separating the implementation of the solver from the implementation of the game itself.

To separate game from solver, in such a way that a single solver can be used with many games, requires a carefully designed interface. In this problem, we give you such an interface, which is specified using the SML signature GAME. (The signature was designed by George Necula and modified by Norman Ramsey.)

The GAME signature declares all the types and functions that an Abstract Game Solver must know about a game. The signature is general enough to cover a variety of games. Even details like ``the players take turns'' are considered to be part of the rules of the game—such rules are hidden behind the GAME interface, and the AGS operates correctly no matter what order players move in. (You could even implement a solitaire as a ``two-player'' game in which the second player never gets a turn!)

You will use two-player games in the last two parts of this assignment: implement a particular game and implement an AGS of your own.

The idea behind the Abstract Game Solver (AGS)

As players move, the state of a game moves from one configuration to another. In any given configuration, our solver considers all possible moves. After each move, it examines the resulting configuration and tries all possible moves from that configuration, and so on. In each configuration, the solver assumes that the player plays perfectly, that is, whenever possible the player will choose a move that forces a win.

This method (``exhaustive search'') is suitable only for very small games. Nobody would use it for a game like chess, for example. Nevertheless, variations of this idea are used successfully even for chess; the idea is to stop or ``prune'' the search before it goes too far.

Basic data in the problem: Players and outcomes

Representation is the essence or pgoramming. We start by describing basic representations for the essential facts we assume about each game:
  • There are two players.
  • A game ends in an outcome: either one of the players has won, or the outcome is a tie.
  • The representations of these central concepts are exposed, not abstract. They are given by the signature PLAYER.
    signature PLAYER = sig
      datatype player  = X | O    (* 2 players called X and O *)
      datatype outcome = WINS of player | TIE
                                 (* Returns the other player *)
      val otherplayer : player -> player
      val toString    : player -> string 
      val outcomeToString : outcome -> string
    Defines otherplayer, outcome, outcomeToString, PLAYER, player, toString (links are to index).

    The signature player also includes some functions that compute with players and outcomes. Here's the implementation of signature PLAYER in a structure called Player.

    structure Player :> PLAYER = struct
      datatype player  = X | O
      datatype outcome = WINS of player | TIE
      fun otherplayer X = O
        | otherplayer O = X
      fun toString X = "X"
        | toString O = "O"
      fun outcomeToString TIE = "Tie"
        | outcomeToString (WINS p) = toString p ^ " wins"
    Defines otherplayer, outcome, outcomeToString, Player, player, toString (links are to index).

    Although it might seem overly pedantic, we prefer to isolate details like the player names and how to convert them to a printable representation. To refer to Player types, constructors, and functions, you will use the ``fully qualified'' ML module syntax, as in the examples Player.otherplayer p, Player.X, Player.O, and Player.WINS p. The last three expressions can also be used as patterns.

    Specification of an abstract game

    The AGS can play any game that meets the specification given in signature GAME. This signature gives a contract for an entire module, which subsumes the contracts for all its exported functions.
    signature GAME = sig
      structure Move : sig  (* information related to moves *)
        eqtype move             (* A move (perhaps a set of coordinates) *)
        exception Move          (* Raised (by makemove & fromString) for invalid moves *)
        val fromString : string -> move
                    (* converts a string to a move; If the string does not
                                   correspond to a valid move, fromString raises Move *)
        val prompt : Player.player -> string
                                (* Given a player, return a request for a move 
                                   for that player *)
        val toString : Player.player -> move -> string
                                (* Returns a short message describing a
                                   move. Example: "Player X moves to ...".
                                   The message may not contain a newline. *)
      type config     (* A representation for a game configuration. It
                         must include a full description of the state
                         of a game at a particular moment, including
                         keeping track of whose turn it is to move.
                         Configurations must appear immutable.
                         If a mutable representation is used, it must
                         be impossible for a client to tell that a
                         mutation has taken place. *)
      val toString : config -> string
                      (* Returns an ASCII representation of the
                         configuration.  The string must show whose turn it is. *)
      val initial : Player.player -> config
                      (* Initial configuration for a game when
                         "player" is the one to start.  We need the
                         parameter because the configuration includes
                         the player to move. *)
      val whoseturn  : config -> Player.player
                      (* Extracts the player whose turn is to move
                         from a configuration. We need this function because
                         the solver may need to know whose
                         turn it is, and the solver does not have
                         access to the representation of a configuration.
      val makemove: config -> Move.move -> config
                      (* Changes the configuration by making a move.
                         The player making the move is encoded in the
                         configuration.  Be sure that the new
                         configuration knows who is to move. *)
      val outcome : config -> Player.outcome option
                      (* If the configuration represents a finished game,
                         return SOME applied to the outcome.
                         If the game isn't over, return NONE. *)
      val finished : config -> bool
                      (* True if the configuration is final. This
                         might be because one player has won,
                         or it might be that nobody can move
                         (which would be considered a tie). *)
      val possmoves : config -> Move.move list
                      (* A list of possible moves in a given
                         configuration. ONLY final configurations
                         might return nil.  This means that a
                         configuration which is not final MUST have
                         some possible moves.  In other words,
                         part of the contract is that if 'finished cfg'
                         is false, 'possmoves cfg' must return non-nil. *)
    Defines config, finished, GAME, initial, makemove, Move, outcome, possmoves, toString, whoseturn (links are to index).

    This is a broad interface. For example, there are three different ways to tell if a game is over!

    Adversary game problems

    Problem A: Implement Tic-Tac-Toe

    A. Implement ``Tic-Tac-Toe.'' (Difficulty **, Time ***) More precisely, implement a module TTT matching signature GAME that describes Tic-Tac-Toe. If you are unfamiliar with Tic-Tac-Toe (elsewhere called ``Noughts and Crosses''), you can find an explanation at the end of this assignment. Call your structure TTT, put it in the file ttt.sml, and use the following pattern :
    <template for ttt.sml>=
    structure TTT :> GAME =
            structure Move = struct
              type move = ... (* or use a datatype *)
              exception Move
        type config = ...  (* or use a datatype config = *)
        fun initial p = ...
        fun whoseturn c = ...
            ... and so on for all the values in GAME ...
    Defines TTT (links are to index).

    Note the use of :>, which means that the only access to the types is through the functions in the GAME signature.

    When writing TTT, you must define all types and values mentioned in the signature GAME, and all values must have the types specified. You might want to define additional values, which you will be able to use as helper functions. These functions cannot be called from anyone else's code: because TTT is forced to have signature GAME, the functions are not visible outside the TTT module, and therefore no other code can depend on them.

    So we can test your code, we insist that you use the following names of squares in Move.toString and Move.fromString:

     upper left  | upper middle  |   upper right
    middle left  |    middle     |  middle right
     lower left  | lower middle  |   lower right
    You should always print and recognize these full names. If you wish, you may also recognize the abbreviations ul, um, ur, ml, m, mr, ll, lm, and lr in the function Move.fromString.

    Here are step-by-step instructions:

    1. Choose how you will represent the state of the game (i.e., define config). This step is crucial because it determines how complex your implementation will be. There are many possible representations; any one is OK provided you are able to implement the functions required by the signature. Choose a representation that will make it easy to implement makemove, possmoves, and outcome.

      The AGS cannot possibly depend on your choice of representation (the ML module system guarantees it), so you are free to choose whatever representation you like. Even more important, you can change your reprsesentation at any time, and no code outside your own module will be affected. If you have any difficulty implementing the functions in the GAME interface, you should change your representation—or at least think about it.

      Document your representation by stating any invariants that it satisfies, and explain how your representation relates to the abstraction of the tic-tac-toe grid.

      You might be tempted to use mutable data to represent game state. Don't! The contract of the GAME interface requires that any value of type config be available to the AGS indefinitely. Mutating a configuration is not safe.

      If you think you might want immutable arrays, check out the Vector structure (see the ML supplement). (You can find out what's in any ML structure by typing, e.g., open Vector at the interactive prompt, or you can consult the Standard Basis documentation. You can also use Moscow ML's help system, e.g,

      - help "Vector";
      If you get interested in vectors, don't overlook the function Vector.tabulate.)

      One more thing. You may be tempted to start out by representing the contents of a square on the board using 0 and 1 or other arbitrary values. If you go this route, why not use Player.player option? It will make your program more elegant and easier to understand.

    2. Choose a representation for moves. That is, write move. Everything said for configurations applies here also, but this choice seems less critical.

    3. Declare the exception Move.

    4. Write the function initial.

    5. Write the function whoseturn.

    6. Write makemove. The contract requires it to be Curried.

    7. Write outcome. If the configuration is not final and nobody has won, return NONE.
      Hints for Tic-Tac-Toe:

    8. Write finished. This function should return true if somebody has won or if no move is possible (everybody is stuck). Be smart and use another function to do most of the work.

    9. Write possmoves. This function must return a list of the possible moves (in no particular order). It is in everybody's interest that the list have no duplicates. If the game is over, no further moves are possible, and possmoves must return nil. (In this case, according to contract, finished must return true.)

      If you want to be clever, you can exploit rotation and reflection symmetries to prune the list returned by possmoves. You may be surprised how much difference this makes to performance. For extra credit,

      1. submit a version of possmoves that exploits symmetry to minimize the number of possible moves
      2. give a ``back of the envelope'' estimate of the time to be saved when the AGS plays against itself
      3. measure the actual time savings using the Timer and Time structures thusly:
        fun time f arg =
          let val start = Timer.startRealTimer()
              val answer = f arg
              val endit = Timer.checkRealTimer start
          in  print ("Time is " ^ Time.toString endit ^ "\n");
        You can also try startCPUTimer and checkCPUTimer, but the answers you get are a bit more complicated.

    10. Create a data structure that associates each move with one or more representations of that move as strings. This data structure will be a single point of truth, and it will ensure that Move.fromString and Move.toString cannot possibly be inconsistent, even if you make a mistake in their implementations. To get full credit for this problem, your code must provide this guarantee by ensuring there is a single point of truth.

    11. Using your data structure from the previous step, write Move.toString. This function must return a string of the form ``Player... moves to ...'' which does not end in a newline. You can build your strings using concatenation (^) and exported functions from other modules (e.g. Player.toString). To convert integer values to strings you can use the function Int.toString.

    12. Write toString. You must return a simple ASCII representation of the state of the game configuration. The value should end in a newline. Don't forget to include the player whose turn it is to move. Give us more than a simple list of numbers. You can print a nice little ``ASCII graphics'' layout using only a few characters. To get you started, here is some untested sample code to print a row; it has type player option list -> string:
      <sample function rowString>=
        fun boxString (SOME p) = Player.toString p
          | boxString (NONE  ) = " " 
        fun rowString []                = "|\n"
          | rowString (box :: boxes) =  "| "   ^ boxString box ^ " " ^ rowString boxes
      Defines boxString, rowString (links are to index).

      Move.toString and toString are not involved in the correctness of the AGS; they are used by the interactive player to show you what's happening. The better your output, the more fun it will be to play. You can see a simple sample by running /comp/105/bin/ttt.

    13. Write Move.prompt. It takes the player whose turn it is to move, and it returns a prompt message (without newline) asking the specified player to give a move in the format we specified (naming the square).

    14. Write Move.fromString. This function should take a string (which is probably the reply given after a call to Move.prompt, and it should return the move corresponding to that string. If there is no such move, it should raise an exception.

      You should try to write Move.fromString in such a way that Move.fromString and Move.toString cannot possibly be inconsistent, even if you make a mistake. Because we give you a lot of freedom, it is hard to specify precisely what it means to be consistent, but here is a rough specification:

      For any move m, there should be an i and n such that m is equal to Move.fromString (String.extract (Move.toString m, i, SOME n)).

      Be sure to try your functions on simple configurations.

    Hints: You may find it useful to define a structure Grid that you can use to represent a square or rectangular array of values of type 'a. Defining suitable analogs of map and fold on the grid will help, as will functions to extract sub-grids (rows and columns). If you then define reflection and rotation on grids, you can easily do the extra credit.

    The most common mistake on this problem is to permit players to continue to move even when the game is over.

    Bob Harper's code for Tic-Tac-Toe is 146 lines of Standard ML. I have a slicker version at only 87 lines—and it is four times faster. It works by exploiting bit-level parallelism using the Word structure and by flagrantly disregarding most of the hints given above.

    Testing your code: using the AGS with Tic-Tac-Toe

    To build a version of the AGS for ``Tic-Tac-Toe'' you must use the following command:
    <example of creating a game-specific AGS>=
    structure TTTAgs = AgsFun(structure Game = TTT)
    Defines TTTAgs (links are to index).

    Of course, I can't do any of this until I use the Moscow ML load function to get access to AgsFun and TTT. Here is an example:

    <transcript from an actual session>= [D->]
    : nr@labrador 7147 ; mosml
    Moscow ML version 2.10-2 (Tufts University, February 2011)
    Enter `quit();' to quit.
    - load "ags";
    > val it = () : unit
    - load "ttt";
    > val it = () : unit
    - structure TTTAgs = AgsFun(structure Game = TTT);
    > structure TTTAgs :
      {structure Game :
         {structure Move :
            {type move = move,
             exn Move : exn,
             val fromString : string -> move,
             val prompt : player -> string,
             val toString : player -> move -> string},
          type config = config,
          val finished : config -> bool,
          val initial : player -> config,
          val makemove : config -> move -> config,
          val outcome : config -> outcome option,
          val possmoves : config -> move list,
          val toString : config -> string,
          val whoseturn : config -> player},
       val bestmove : config -> move option,
       val forecast : config -> outcome}

    This functor application creates a structure that implements the AGS signature:

    signature AGS = sig
      structure Game : GAME
                              (* Given a configuration, returns the
                               * most beneficial move for the player
                               * to move *)
      val bestmove : Game.config -> Game.Move.move option
                              (* Given a configuration, returns the
                               * best possible outcome for the player
                               * whose turn it is, assuming opponent
                               * plays optimally *)
      val forecast : Game.config -> Player.outcome
    Defines AGS, bestmove, forecast, Game (links are to index).

    The function bestmove returns the best move in a configuration, or NONE if no move is possible, i.e., the configuration is final. The function forecast predicts the outcome from a configuration if both players make perfect moves.

    These functions can be slow because the AGS tries all possible combinations of moves. Be patient.

    We have also provided you an interactive player. It uses the AGS so you must instantiate it to the Tic-Tac-Toe AGS using the following command:

    <examples>= [D->]
    structure P = PlayFun(structure Ags = TTTAgs);
    Defines P (links are to index).

    Again, to get PlayFun you will have to load the right module:

    <transcript from an actual session>+= [<-D]
    - load "play";
    > val it = () : unit
    - structure P = PlayFun(structure Ags = TTTAgs);
    > structure P :
      {structure Game : ...
       exn Quit : exn,
       val getamove : player list -> config -> move,
       val play : (config -> move) -> config -> outcome}

    The structure this application creates implements the following signature :

    signature PLAY = sig
      structure Game : GAME
      exception Quit
      val getamove : Player.player list -> Game.config -> Game.Move.move 
        (* raises Quit if human player refuses to provide a move *)
      val play : (Game.config -> Game.Move.move) -> Game.config -> Player.outcome
    Defines Game, getamove, PLAY, play, Quit (links are to index).

    The function getamove expects a list of players for which the computer is supposed to play (the computer might play for X, for O, for both or for none). The return value is a function which the interactive player will use to request a move given a configuration. The idea is that the function returned will ask the AGS for a move if the computer is playing for the player to move, or will prompt the user and convert the user's response into a move.

    The function play expects an input function (one built by getamove) and a starting configuration. This function then starts an interactive loop printing the intermediate configurations and prompting the users for moves (or asking the AGS where appropriate). One example is :

    <examples>+= [<-D]
    val computerxo = P.getamove [Player.X, Player.O]
           (*Computer plays for both X and O *)
    val computero = P.getamove [Player.O]
           (*Computer plays only O *)
    val cnfi = TTT.initial Player.X
          (* Empty configuration with X to start *)
    val frustration = computero
          (* We play against the computer *)
    val _ = frustration cnfi
          (* A frustrating exercise *)
    Defines cnfi, computero, computerxo, frustration (links are to index).

    Problem B: Building an AGS

    B.Implement an Abstract Game Solver (Difficulty ***). Given a configuration, an AGS should compute the benefits of all possible moves and pick the best one. More precisely, given a configuration and a player, the AGS assigns a benefit to that player of that configuration. A final configuration in which X has won should have maximum benefit to X and minimum benefit to O, and vice versa. Ties should have intermediate and equal benefit to both players. We compute the benefit of an intermediate configuration by looking at all possible moves and the benefits of the resulting configurations.

    There are a variety of ways to view benefits; for example, we could assign larger benefits to winning quickly, and so on. For this assignment, however, it will be sufficient to consider three levels of benefits:

    For extra credit you can prove that one of these three situations must hold in any game described by the GAME signature, provided that the game is deterministic and is guaranteed to terminate after finitely many moves.

    Write an AGS using the following template:

    <template for functor AgsFun>=
    functor AgsFun (structure Game : GAME) :> AGS 
       where type Game.Move.move = Game.Move.move
       and   type Game.config    = Game.config
    = struct
      structure Game = Game
      fun bestresult conf = ...
      fun bestmove conf = ...
      fun forecast conf = ...
    Defines AgsFun, bestmove, bestresult, forecast, Game (links are to index).

    Note how annoying the where type declarations are: they look tautological, but they're not. Complain to Dave MacQueen and Bob Harper.

    We recommend you create a helper function bestresult with type

      val bestresult : Game.config -> Game.move option * result
    where result is a representation you choose.
    The idea is that bestresult conf = (bestmove, whathappens) where In order to make bestresult work, you'll need some recursive calls. You'll also want a helper function that lets you compare the benefits of different outcomes, so bestresult can choose the most desirable outcome for the current player.


    To test your AGS, you'll need to replace our ags.ui and ags.uo files with the ones you compile from your source code. At this point you'll be able to run the same test cases you used earlier, as well as what's in part B.

    My AGS takes about 40 lines of Standard ML.

    A common mistake to avoid when debugging your AGS
    If you build a simple AGS that fits in 40 lines of code, it is not going to try to fool you: if you can force a win, the AGS will pick a move more or less arbitrarily. A simple AGS has no notion of ``better'' or ``worse'' moves; it knows only whether it can force a win.

    Here's the common mistake: you're playing against the AGS, and it makes a terrible move. You think it's broken. For example, suppose you are playing X, the AGS is playing O, and you start play in this position:

            |   | O |   |
            |   | X |   |
            |   |   |   |
    You move in the upper left corner. The AGS does not move lower right to block you. Is it broken? No—the AGS recognizes that you can force a win, and it just gives up.

    If you want an AGS that won't give up, for extra credit you can implement an aggressive version that will delay the inevitable as long as possible. An aggressive AGS searches more states so that it can (a) win as quickly as possible and (b) hold on in a lost position as long as possible.

    My aggressive AGS is under 60 lines of Standard ML code.

    Using your AGS to play other games

    The code we supply includes a description of the game ``Nim''. The structure that implements ``Nim'' is called structure Nim. After you create an AGS solver and an interactive player for ``Nim'' you can play Nim with the AGS. The commands to instantiate AGS to ``Nim'' are:
    <nim examples>=
    structure NIMAgs = AgsFun(structure Game = Nim)
    structure PN = PlayFun(structure Ags = NIMAgs)
    Defines NIMAgs, PN (links are to index).

    You play Nim by running /comp/105/bin/nim, but the user interface stinks.

    We've also implemented a version of ``Connect 4'' that would be better called ``Connect 3'' (since 4 would be too slow). It is in /comp/105/bin/four.

    Descriptions of the games

    Here are descriptions of 3 games: ``Tic-Tac-Toe'', ``Nim'' ``and ``Connect 4''. Do not worry if you haven't seen these games before—you can learn by playing against a perfect or near-perfect player. (The Connect 4 player would be perfect if it were faster.) For the purpose of this assignment you do not have to know any tricks of the games but only to understand their rules.

    Tic Tac Toe

    This is an adversary game played by two persons using a 3x3 square board. The players (traditionally called X and O) take turns in placing X's or O's in the empty squares on the board (player X places only X's and O only O's). The board is empty in the initial configuration.

    The first player who managed to obtain a full line, column or diagonal marked with his name is the winner. The game can also end in a tie. In the picture below the first configuration is a win for O, the next two are wins for X and the last one is a tie.

    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
    | X |   | X |    |   |   | X |    | X | O |   |    | O | O | X |
    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
    |   | X |   |    | O | X | O |    | X | O |   |    | X | X | O |
    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
    | O | O | O |    | X |   | O |    | X |   | O |    | O | X | O |
    -------------    -------------    -------------    -------------
    In this game a player who plays perfectly cannot lose. All your base are belong to the AGS.


    This is an adversary game played by two persons. The game is played with number of sticks arranged in 3 rows. In the initial state the rows usually contain 3, 5 and 7 sticks respectively. The players take turns in removing sticks: each player can remove 1, 2 or 3 adjacent sticks from one row. The one that removes the last stick is the loser. Or, stated differently the first player who has no sticks to remove is the winner. Below were presented two configurations. The first one is the initial configuration (for the 3, 5 and 7) case and the other one is the configuration obtained after a few moves. A possible sequence of moves that might lead to this configuration is:
    1. X removes sticks 0, 1 and 2 from row 1
    2. O removes stick 1 from row 0
    3. X removes stick 6 from row 2
    4. O removes sticks 3 and 4 from row 2
    Row 0: | | |                    | _ |
    Row 1: | | | | |                _ _ _ | |
    Row 2: | | | | | | |            | | | _ _ | _
    We have represented a stick using a ``|''and a missing stick using a ``_''. It might be wise to play with a smaller configuration (2, 3 and 4 for example) because otherwise the AGS will take too long to produce its answers.

    For this game the first player can always win no matter what the other does. If you let the AGS start you have no chance. If you play first you can beat the AGS, but you have to play well.

    Connect 4

    This is an adversary game played by two persons using 6 rods and 36 balls. Imagine the rods standing vertically, and each ball has a hole in it, so you can drop a ball onto a rod. The balls are divided in two equal groups marked X and O. The players take turns in making moves. A move for a player consists in sliding one of its own balls down a rod which is not full (the capacity of a rod is 6). The purpose is to obtain 4 balls of the same type adjacent on a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line. The game ends in a tie when all the rods are full and no player has won. We represent below the initial configuration of the game and a final state where X has won.
    | | | | | |                  | | | | | |
    | | | | | |                  | | | | | |
    | | | | | |                  | | | | | |
    | | | | | |                  O | | | | |
    | | | | | |                  O | O | | |
    | | | | | |                  O X X X X |
    -----------                  -----------
    Our version uses 5 rods and connects 3, because otherwise the AGS takes too long.

    Extra Credit

    Symmetry. Speed up Tic-Tac-Toe by exploiting symmetry as described above.

    Proof. Prove the ``forcing'' property of these simple games as described above above.

    Four. Implement Connect 4.

    Game. Suggest another simple adversary game, and (with the instructor's approval) implement it. The game should be small with a small number of possible moves; otherwise the exhaustive search is infeasible.

    Aggression. With the simple benefits outlined above, the AGS will ``give up'' if it can't beat a perfect player---all moves are equally bad, and it apparently moves at random. What this scheme doesn't account for is that the other player might not be perfect, so there is a reason to prefer the most distant loss. In the dual situation, when the AGS knows it can win no matter what, it will pick a winning move at random instead of winning as quickly as possible. This behavior may lead you to suspect bugs in your AGS. Don't be fooled.

    Change your benefits so that the AGS prefers the closest win and the most distant loss. (This means you can only prune the search if you find a win in one move.) If you are clever, you can encode all this information in one value of type real.

    Learning. We can re-use the GAME signature for more than one purpose. Implement a ``matchbox'' learning engine in the style explained by Martin Gardner's article on the reading list. You can use the SML/NJ library to store state with each configuration, using the following signature:

    signature ORDERED_GAME = sig
      include ORD_KEY
      include GAME
      sharing type conf = ord_key
    You may have to modify the AGS to notify each player of the outcome of the game. See me for more help with details.

    What to submit

    For this assignment you should use the script submit105-sml to submit The ML files should contain all structure and function definitions that you write for this assignment (including any helper functions that may be necessary), in the order they should be compiled. The files you submit must compile with Moscow ML, using the compile script we give you. We will reject files with syntax or type errors. Your files should compile without warning messages. If you must, you can include multiple structures in your files, but please don't make copies of the structures and signatures above; we already have them.


    This assignment is derived from one graciously provided by Bob Harper. George Necula, who was his teaching assistant at the time (and is now a professor at Berkeley and is world famous as the inventor of proof-carrying code), did the bulk of the work.

    Appendix I: Two ways to compile Standard ML modules

    Compiling Standard ML modules using Moscow ML

    To compile an individual module using Moscow ML, you type
    mosmlc -c -toplevel filename.sml
    This puts compiler-interface information into filename.ui and implementation information into filename.uo. Perhaps surprisingly, either a signature or a structure will produce both .ui and .uo files. This behavior is an artifact of the way Moscow ML works; it should not alarm you.

    If your module depends on another module, you will have to mention the .ui file on the command line as you compile. For example your DictFn functor depends on both DICT and KEY signatures. If DictFn is defined in dict.sml, KEY is defined in key-sig.sml, and DICT is defined in dict-sig.sml, then to compile DictFn you run

      mosmlc -toplevel -c dict-sig.ui key-sig.ui dict.sml

    To talk about what happens after you compile, I'll use another example:

      mosmlc -c -toplevel game-sig.ui player.ui ttt.sml
    This compilation produces two files: You can do two things with the .uo files:

    The git repository for this assignment includes a compile script that may help with compiling Moscow ML modules.

    Compiling Standard ML to native machine code using MLton

    If your games are running too slow, compile them with MLton. MLton is a whole-program compiler that produces optimized native code. To use MLton, you list all your modules in an MLB file, and MLton compiles them at one go. We provide a file, so you can compile with, e.g.,
    mlton -output ttt -verbose 1
    Because MLton requires source code, you will be able to use it only once you have your own AGS. More information about MLton is available on the man page and at

    Appendix II: The code we give you and how to get it

    In the git repository at /comp/105/git/ttt, you'll find sources for most of the signatures, structures, and functors in this assignment. You'll also find an AGS in binary form only. And you'll find a compile script, which should compile your code using the Moscow ML compiler, mosmlc, and a file for MLton.

    Appendix III: How your work will be evaluated

    Interface design and modular programming

    Modules provide controlled information hiding. To use the power of modules effectively, design interfaces that are both usable and abstract: Here's an acid test: Other things being equal, hiding more information is better. When in doubt, make a type abstract.


    An abstract type, in any language, is always either mutable or immutable. The choice is made by the designer of the interface, and the choice is available regardless of programming language. The key takeaway here is that any abstraction you create should be either mutable or immutable, and the type of every operation must be consistent with your decision.

    Evaluation criteria

    Interface design and documentation

    We'll look most closely at the design and documentation of your interfaces.

    Exemplary Satisfactory Must improve
    Interface design

    • Signatures defined in the program make types abstract when possible but manifest when necessary.

    • In any signature, no type is made manifest unless it is absolutely necessary to expose the type.

    • Every signature that is used to seal a module exposes a combination of operations and types so that the abstractions described in the signature can be used.

    • If an interface exports an abstract type, it is possible to create a value of the type using the functions exported by the interface.

    • If an interface exports an abstract type, it is possible to observe (or consume or query) a value of the type using the functions exported by the interface.

    • Every abstract type is supported by enough functions that it is possible to observe any property that would be observable in the world of ideas.

    • Every signature that describes an argument to a functor is as small as possible, but no smaller.

    • In every signature, every abstract type is either clearly mutable or clearly immutable.

    • Every abstraction handles polymorphism either through the core language (using a type parameter) or through the module language (using a functor parameter), never a mix of both.

    • A signature makes a type abstract but provides so many operations with such detailed contracts that only one representation is possible, and the representation might as well be exposed.

    • A type is exposed (made manifest) unnecessarily, but the value constructors are hidden, so an adversary cannot forge a value of the type.

    • Some properties of an abstract type are observable and some aren't.

    • A signature that describes an argument to a functor contains superfluous elements that are not needed by the functor.

    • A polymorphic abstraction uses a type parameter to achieve polymorphism, but the interface is cluttered because one or more operations on the abstract type have to take an extra parameter (for example, a comparison function).

    • A signature makes a type manifest that should be abstract.

    • A type is so exposed that an adversary can create a value of the type without using the functions in the interface, possibly violating the type's invariants.

    • An abstract type named in a signature can't be used because there are no operations available to create values of that type.

    • An interface provides functions to create a value of abstract type, but afterward the value can't be observed: there is nothing you can do with it.

    • A signature that describes an argument to a functor is missing elements that are required for the functor to do its job.

    • Some of the operations on an abstract type have types which suggest that the abstraction is mutable; others suggest it is immutable.

    • An interface appears to provide a polymorphic abstraction using a core-language type parameter, but closer inspection shows that the type parameter performs no useful function; the interface requires the use of an abstract type also named in the interface.

    Interface documentation

    • In HEAP, every operation is explicitly classified as a creator, producer, observer, or mutator.

    • Every signature documents what its abstract types stand for in the world of ideas. (Sometimes the name of the type is sufficient.)

    • In every signature, the contract of every function is either implicit in its name and type, or is stated explicitly. (Explicit statements may refer to the world of ideas or may be composed by writing algebraic laws.)

    • If an exported function can raise an exception, this behavior is documented as part of the function's contract.

    • Exceptions that might be raised are either part of the interface or are defined in the context (usually the initial basis)

    • Heap operations are grouped by classification, but the classification is not explicit.

    • A function raises an exception and it's not documented explicitly, but based on the name and type of the function and the names of exported exceptions, course staff can make a reliable guess.

    • Heap operations are not classified as creators, producers, observers, or mutators.

    • A function raises an exception that can't be caught, because the exception isn't exported in the interface.

    Program structure

    We'll be looking for you to seal all your modules and to isolate the truth about Tic-tac-toe moves in just one point in your code. We'll also be looking for the usual hallmarks of good ML structure.

    Exemplary Satisfactory Must improve

    • All modules are sealed using the opaque sealing operator :>

    • There is exactly one place in the Tic-tac-toe code where the internal representation of each move is related to its external string representation(s)

    • Code uses basis functions effectively, especially higher-order functions on list and vector types.

    • Code has no redundant case analysis

    • Code is no larger than is necessary to solve the problem.

    • Most modules are sealed using the opaque sealing operator :>

    • Internal representations and string representations of Tic-tac-toe moves are related in multiple places in the code, but all relations are immediately adjacent to their inverse relations.

    • Code uses the familiar functions, but misses opportunities to use unfamiliar functions like Vector.tabulate.

    • Code has one redundant case analysis

    • Code is somewhat larger then necessary to solve the problem.

    • Only some or no modules are sealed using the opaque sealing operator :>

    • A module is defined without ascribing any signature to it (unsealed)

    • Conversion between internal representations and string representations of Tic-tac-toe moves is done by separate functions which don't share code or data structures but are required to be inverses. Information is duplicated.

    • Code misses opportunities to use map, fold, or other familiar HOFs.

    • Code has more than one redundant case analysis

    • Code is almost twice as large as necessary to solve the problem.

    Or, code contains near-duplicate functions (most likely in AGS)

    Performance and correctness

    Finally, we'll look to be sure your code meets specifications, and that the performance of your AGS is as good as reasonably possible.

    Exemplary Satisfactory Must improve

    • The HEAP signature contains only operations that are appropriate to a set with a known minimum element.

    • The HEAP signature exposes the total order that exists on values of the element type.

    • Tic-tac-toe code fulfills the contracts specified in the GAME and MOVE signatures.

    • AGS code makes no additional assumptions about the implementations of Player, Move, or Game.

    • The HEAP signature contains superfluous operations.

    • Tic-tac-toe code fulfills the contracts specified in the GAME and MOVE signatures, except that it continues to offer moves even after the game is over.

    • The HEAP signature contains superfluous operations that the course staff believe are intended to make sorting easier.

    • The HEAP signature contains a sort function (serious fault).

    • The HEAP signature contains a higher-order function that visits heap elements in total order (serious fault).

    • The HEAP signature does not expose the total order that exists on values of the element type.

    • Tic-tac-toe code violates one of its contracts.

    • AGS code assumes that players take turns.


    • The AGS implements its bestmove and forecast functions using a single, pruned search that stops once the best move or outcome is known.

    Or, the AGS implements bestmove and forecast by making just one search through the state space of possible game configurations.

    • Function bestmove or forecast may search the state space of possible configurations more than once.

    • Function bestmove or forecast may search the state space of possible configurations more than twice.