Coding Style Rubric

COMP 105, Fall 2019

Exemplary Satisfactory Must improve

• The contract of each function is clear from the function’s name, the names of its parameters, and the documentation.

• Each function is documented with a contract that explains what the function returns, in terms of the parameters, which are mentioned by name.

• From the name of a function, the names of its parameters, and the accompanying documentation, it is easy to determine how each parameter affects the result.

• When not clear from just parameter names, the contract includes constraints on what inputs are permissible, e.g., that n must be nonnegative.

• The contract of each function is written without case analysis, or case analysis was unavoidable.

• Documentation appears consistent with the code being described.

• A function’s contract omits some parameters.

• A function’s documentation mentions every parameter, but does not specify a contract.

• A function’s documentation includes information that is redundant with the code, e.g., “this function has two parameters.”

• A function’s contract omits some constraints on parameters, e.g., forgetting to say that the contract requires nonnegative parameters.

• A function’s contract includes a case analysis that could have been avoided, perhaps by letting some behavior go unspecified.

• A function is not named after the thing it returns, and the function’s documentation does not say what it returns.

• A function’s documentation includes a narrative description of what happens in the body of the function, instead of a contract that mentions only the parameters and result.

• A function’s documentation neither specifies a contract nor mentions every parameter.

• There are multiple functions that are not part of the specification of the problem, and from looking just at the names of the functions and the names of their parameters, it’s hard for us to figure out what the functions do.

• A function’s contract includes a redundant case analysis.

• Documentation appears inconsistent with the code being described.


• The submitted code contains no tab characters.

• All code respects the offside rule

• Indentation is consistent everywhere.

• Indentation leaves most code in the left half or middle part of the line.

• In bridge languages, if a construct spans multiple lines, its closing parenthesis appears at the end of a line, possibly grouped with one or more other closing parentheses.

• Code is tested using unit-test forms, not print calls. Submitted solutions do not print.

• The code contains one or two violations of the offside rule

• In one or two places, code is not indented in the same way as structurally similar code elsewhere.

• Indentation pushes significant amounts of code to the right margin.

• Solution file may contain clearly marked test functions, but they are never executed. It’s easy to read the code without having to look at the test functions.

• An ASCII tab character lurks somewhere in the submission.

• The code contains three or more violations of the offside rule

• The code is not indented consistently.

• The closing parenthesis of a multi-line construct is followed by more code (or by an open parenthesis) on the same line.

• A closing parenthesis appears on a line by itself.

• Solution file contains test expressions that are outside any check-expect or check-error

• When loaded, solution file prints test results.


• Each function is named either with a noun describing the result it returns, or with a verb describing the action it does to its argument. (Or the function is a predicate and is named as suggested below.)

• A function that is used as a predicate (for if or while) has a name that is formed by writing a property followed by a question mark. Examples might include even? or prime?. (Applies only if the language permits question marks in names.)

• In a function definition, the name of each parameter is a noun saying what, in the world of ideas, the parameter represents.

• Or the name of a parameter is the name of an entity in the problem statement, or a name from the underlying mathematics.

• Or the name of a parameter is short and conventional. For example, a magnitude or count might be n or m. An index might be i, j, or k. A pointer might be p; a string might be s. A variable might be x; an expression might be e.

• Functions’ names contain appropriate nouns and verbs, but the names are more complex than needed to convey the function’s meaning.

• Functions’ names contain some suitable nouns and verbs, but they don’t convey enough information about what the function returns or does.

• A function that is used as a predicate (for if or while) does not have a name that ends in a question mark. (Applies only if the language permits question marks in names.)

• The name of a parameter is a noun phrase formed from multiple words.

• Although the name of a parameter is not short and conventional, not an English noun, and not a name from the math or the problem, it is still recognizable—perhaps as an abbreviation or a compound of abbreviations.

• Function’s names include verbs that are too generic, like “calculate”, “process”, “get”, “find”, or “check”

• Auxiliary functions are given names that don’t state their contracts, but that instead indicate a vague relationship with another function. Often such names are formed by combining the name of the other function with a suffix such as aux, helper, 1, or even _.

• Course staff cannot identify the connection between a function’s name and what it returns or what it does.

• The name of a parameter is a compound phrase phrase which could be reduced to a single noun.

• The name of some parameter is not recognizable—or at least, course staff cannot figure it out.


• When defining function f, each left-hand side applies f to one or more patterns, where a pattern is a form of input (examples: (+ m 1), (cons x xs)).

• When a law applies only to equal inputs, those inputs are notated with the same letter.

• For every permissible form of the function’s input or inputs, there is an algebraic law with a matching left-hand side (and a matching side condition, if any).

• The patterns of the left-hand sides of laws defining function f are all mutually exclusive, or

• The patterns of the left-hand sides of laws defining function f are either mutually exclusive or are distinguished with side conditions written on the right-hand side.

• Every variable on the right-hand side of every law appears on that law’s left-hand side.

• On a left-hand side, f is applied to a form of input, but the form of input is written in a way that is not consistent with code.

• When a law applies only to equal inputs, the equality is written as a side condition.

• For every permissible form of the function’s input or inputs, there is an algebraic law with a matching left-hand side, but some inputs might inadvertently be excluded by side conditions that are too restrictive.

• Laws are distinguished by side conditions, but the side conditions appear on the left-hand side.

• There are some inputs that match more than one left-hand side, and these inputs are not distinguished by side conditions, but the laws contain a note that the ambiguity is intentional, and for such inputs, the right-hand sides all specify the same result.

• One or more left-hand sides contain laws that are not applications of f.

• On a left-hand side, f is applied to something that is not a form of input, like an arbitrary sum (+ j k) or an append.

• There is permissible input whose form is not matched by the left-hand side of any algebraic law.

• There is at least one input to which it is ambiguous which law should apply: the input matches more than one left-hand side, and either there are no side conditions, or the side conditions are insufficient to distinguish the ambiguous laws. And there is no note explaining that the ambiguity is intentional and OK.

• The right-hand side of a law mentions a variable that does not appear on that law’s left-hand side.


• The function begins with a case analysis that finds which algebraic law applies.

• The function contains one case for each algebraic law.

• In every case analysis, all cases are necessary.

• The code of each function is so clear that, with the help of the function’s contract, course staff can easily tell whether the code is correct or incorrect.

• There’s only as much code as is needed to do the job.

• In the body of a recursive function, the code that handles the base case(s) appears before any recursive calls.

• Solutions to Impcore and uScheme problems are recursive, as requested in the assignment.

• Expressions cannot be made any simpler by application of algebraic laws.

• The function contains a case for each algebraic law, but it also contains an additional, redundant case, for a situation that is covered by other cases in the code.

• In some case analyses, there are cases which are redundant (i.e., the situation is covered by other cases which are also present in the code).

• Course staff have to work to tell whether the code is correct or incorrect.

• There’s somewhat more code than is needed to do the job.

• Code for one or more base cases appears after a recursive call.

• A significant fraction of the case analyses in the code, maybe a third, are redundant.

• The case analysis in the code is not obviously connected to the algebraic laws (serious fault).

• A significant fraction of the case analyses in the code, maybe a third, are redundant.

• From reading the code, course staff cannot tell whether it is correct or incorrect.

• From reading the code, course staff cannot easily tell what it is doing.

• There’s about twice as much code as is needed to do the job.

• Impcore or uScheme code uses while or set (serious fault)

• Code can be simplified by applying algebraic laws. For example, the code says (+ x 0), but it could say just x.


• Tests are written using check-expect, check-assert, check-error, or other unit-testing forms.

• Expected outputs are tested using check-assert for Boolean functions and check-expect for other functions.

• Every test checks behavior that is required by the function’s contract.

• There is one unit test for each permissible form of input.

• Additional tests are documented with a note about their purpose.

• To the degree possible, every Boolean function is tested with every form of input for both “true” and “false” results. (Not every result is always possible with every form of input.)

• An expected Boolean output is tested by using check-expect to expect truth or falsehood.

• There is a test for each permissible form of input, plus additional, undocumented tests.

• Boolean functions are tested with only one result per form of input.

• Tests are written as top-level expressions.

• An expected output is tested by using check-assert with = or other equality test.

• Some test uses inputs that violate the function’s contract or provoke other undefined behavior.

• There are so many tests that course staff can’t easily identify the basic tests for each form of input.


• Staff functional correctness tests pass with no faults.

• Or, under test, staff functional correctness tests identify tiny faults arising from problems with arithmetic overflow or from some confusion about exactly what numbers are prime.

• Staff functional correctness tests identify a few faults.

• Or, staff functional correctness tests identify a single fault that shows a lack of understanding.

• Staff functional correctness tests identify a preponderance of faults.

• Staff functional correctness tests fail because the names of helper functions are spelled differently in different places (serious fault).

• When we attempt to load solution code, there are errors (no credit).

• The solution does not complete the test suite in 250ms of CPU time (no credit).