Core ML

COMP 105 Assignment

Due Monday, October 26, 2020 at 11:59PM


Types are everywhere. All languages that aspire to reliability at scale have type systems, and one of the programming-language stories of the 2010s has been the migration of popular languages to better, more effective type systems (JavaScript to TypeScript, PHP to Hack, and C to Rust).

This assignment gets you started programming with types, and also with pattern matching. Pattern matching allows most algebraic laws (just the algorithmic ones) to be executed directly as code—no more translation, and no more null?, car, or cdr!

The combination of types and pattern matching is found in such languages as Standard ML, Haskell, Elm, OCaml, Reason, F#, Scala, Idris, Agda, and Coq/Gallina. These languages excel at analysis and implementation of other languages; they are the technology of choice for applications like compilers, verification, and other static analysis, including of security properties. In the next few weeks, you will explore such applications by using Standard ML to implement type systems.

The assignment has three parts:

After completing this assignment, you will be ready to tackle serious programming tasks in Standard ML.



COMP 105 uses two different implementations of Standard ML. For the small problems, we recommend Moscow ML, which is in /usr/sup/bin/mosml. To start Moscow ML, use

ledit mosml -P full -I /comp/105/lib

If everything is working correctly, you should see this prompt:

Moscow ML version 2.10-3 (Tufts University, April 2012)
Enter `quit();' to quit.

If you don’t see the Tufts name, send an immediate email of complaint to, with a copy to

For the large problem, we recommend a native-code compiler called mlton (pronounced “Milton”).

ML’s initial basis

As in the hofs and continuations assignments, we expect you to use the initial basis, which is properly known as the Standard ML Basis Library. By the standards of popular languages, the basis is small, but it is still much more than you can learn in a week. Fortunately, you only have to learn a few key parts:

The most convenient guide to the basis is the Moscow ML help system; type

- help "";

at the mosml interactive prompt. The help file is badged incorrectly, but as far as I know, it is up to date.

If you have Jeff Ullman’s book, you need to know that Chapter 9 describes the 1997 basis, which is out of date: today’s compilers use the 2004 basis, which is a standard. But there are only a few differences, primarily in I/O and arrays. The most salient difference is in the interface to TextIO.inputLine, which you won’t need to use in this course.

Unit testing

Regrettably, Standard ML does not have check-expect and friends built in. Unit tests can be simulated by using higher-order functions, but it’s a pain. Here are some examples of tests written with our Unit module:

val () =
    Unit.checkExpectWith Int.toString "2 means the third"
    (fn () => List.nth ([1, 2, 3], 2)) 

val () =      (* this test fails *)
    Unit.checkExpectWith Bool.toString "2 is false"
    (fn () => List.nth ([true, false, true], 2)) 

val () = Unit.reportWhenFailures ()

If you include these tests in your warmup.sml file,1 you can run them on the Unix shell command line, using mosmlc (with a “c”):

$ mosmlc -o a.out -I /comp/105/lib warmup.sml && ./a.out
In test '2 is false', expected value false but got true
One of two internal Unit tests passed.

You’ll use Unit.checkExpectWith to write your own unit tests. You’ll also use Unit.checkAssert and Unit.checkExnWith. The details are in Learning Standard ML.

Each call to Unit.checkExpectWith needs to receive a string-conversion function. These functions are written using the string-conversion builders in the Unit module. Here are some examples of code you can use:

val checkExpectInt        = Unit.checkExpectWith Unit.intString
val checkExpectIntList    = Unit.checkExpectWith (Unit.listString Unit.intString)
val checkExpectStringList = Unit.checkExpectWith (Unit.listString Unit.stringString)
val checkExpectISList =
  Unit.checkExpectWith (Unit.listString
                        (Unit.pairString Unit.intString Unit.stringString))
val checkExpectIntListList = 
  Unit.checkExpectWith (Unit.listString (Unit.listString Unit.intString))

Explain how the type determines the string builder? “look at a the type of the string thing. for every base type, a function. for every type constrcutor a HOF.”

Things you need to review before starting

We provide a guide to Learning Standard ML. Learning Standard ML will guide you to other reading.

The fourth Lesson in Program Design explains how to apply our nine-step design process with types and pattern matching. This lesson includes the key code excerpts needed to design and program with standard type constructors list, option bool, int, string, and order, as well as <– the tree constructor on the homework and –> the exp constructor from μScheme. Immediately following the lesson, you will find a one-page summary of ML syntax.

What we expect from your submission

We expect you will submit code that compiles, has the types given in the assignment, is acceptably styled, is tested, avoids redundant case analysis, and avoids forbidden functions and constructs. Code that does not compile, that has the wrong types, or that uses forbidden functions or constructs will earn No Credit. Code that is untested or has redundant case analysis may earn disappointing grades for structure and organization.

We expect the right types

As always, your code is assessed in part through automated testing. To be testable, each function must not only have the correct name; it must also have the correct type. Your type definitions must also match the type definitions given in the assignment.

To help you check types, we provide a script that analyzes your solution and reports on any type mismatches that it finds. On the command line, run

ml-sanity-check warmup.sml

The “sanity check” reports both missing and ill-typed functions. Any function that does not pass the sanity check will earn No Credit. The sanity check looks at the types listed here:

(* first declaration for sanity check *)
val mynull : 'a list -> bool
val reverse : 'a list -> 'a list
val minlist : int list -> int
exception Mismatch
val zip  : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
datatype sx
  = SYMBOL of string
  | NUMBER of int
  | BOOL   of bool
  | SXLIST of sx list
val numbersSx : int list -> sx
val flattenSyms : sx -> string list
datatype nat
  = ZERO 
  | TIMES10PLUS of nat * int
val times10plus : nat * int -> nat
val intOfNat : nat -> int
val natOfInt : int -> nat
val natString : nat -> string
val carryIntoNat : nat * int -> nat
val addWithCarry : nat * nat * int -> nat
val addNats : nat * nat -> nat
exception Negative
val borrowFromNat : nat * int -> nat
val subWithBorrow : nat * nat * int -> nat
val subNats : nat * nat -> nat
(* last declaration for sanity check *)

We don’t promise to have remembered all the functions and their types here. The ml-sanity-check script will help you, but making sure that every function has the right type is your job, not ours.

We expect wise, well-formatted unit tests

By this time, we expect that you understand the value of unit tests. Grading will focus on your code; except where specifically requested below (natural-number arithmetic, free-variable analysis), your unit tests won’t be graded. But we still expect the following:

We expect case analysis only when necessary

Case analysis is the enemy. All the more so when it is not necessary. Redundant case analysis is a problem in all levels of programming, but as you are learning ML, it is especially easy to fall into. Redundant case analysis typically manifests in one of two ways:

  1. Two cases are present in a fun, or case, but one is completely subsumed by the other. The most common example is one case to handle the empty list and another case that handles all lists. The empty-list case is often redundant.


    fun append ([], ys) = ys
      | append (xs, ys) = foldr op :: ys xs

    In this code, the first case is subsumed by the second. It can be eliminated without changing the meaning of the code, and eliminating it typically improves performance.

  2. A case analysis is performed where no case analysis is needed.

    fun sum []        = 0
      | sum (n :: ns) = foldl op + n ns

    These two cases should be replaced by a single case:

    fun sum ns = foldl op + 0 ns

We expect you to examine your code carefully and to remove all redundant case analyses.

We don’t expect written algebraic laws

We expect you to continue using a systematic design process, but because ML code is so close to algebraic laws, we don’t expect you to write algebraic laws separately. If you come to office hours, however, we do expect you to be able to talk about algebraic laws and to write them on the board.

We expect an acceptable style

Nobody can learn good style in a week. But you can learn to imitate somebody else’s style, and we expect you to be judicious about what style you imitate. You have access to books by Ullman, Ramsey, and Harper, and to a technical report by Tofte. These sources are not equally good:

On this assignment, we expect you to devote a little effort to good style. Focus on getting your code working first. Then submit it. Then pick up our “Style Guide for Standard ML Programmers”, which contains many examples of good and bad style. Edit your code lightly to conform to the style guide, and submit it again.

In the long run, we expect you to master and follow the guidelines in the style guide.

We expect you to remove redundant parentheses

As a novice, you’ll be uncertain about where to put parentheses—and you may wind up putting them everywhere. We are fine with parentheses used to disambiguate infix operators, but other redundant parentheses are not OK. To help you find and remove redundant parentheses, we provide a tool called sml-lint. We expect you to run

sml-lint warmup.sml
sml-lint mlscheme.sml

and to remove the parentheses that are named there. (The sml-lint program is also run as part of the submission process.)

We expect you to avoid forbidden functions and constructs

While not everybody can learn good style quickly, everybody can learn to avoid the worst faults. In ML, you must avoid these functions and idioms:

Reading comprehension (10%)

These problems will help guide you through the reading. We recommend that you complete them before starting the other problems below.

Do note, if you submit your Reading Comprehension questions one day (24 hours) early you will receive extra credit. This will come in the form of a single grade bump (ex: G to VG) for your overall Reading Comprehension grade.

You can download the questions.

  1. Read section 5.1 of Harper about tuple types and tuple patterns. Also look at the list examples in sections 9.1 and 9.2 of Harper.

    Now consider the pattern (x::y::zs, w). For each of the following expressions, tell whether the pattern matches the value denoted. If the pattern matches, say what values are bound to the four variables x, y, zs, and w. If it does not match, explain why not.

    1. ([1, 2, 3], ("COMP", 105))
    2. (("COMP", 105), [1, 2, 3])
    3. ([("COMP", 105)], (1, 2, 3))
    4. (["COMP", "105"], true)
    5. ([true, false], 2.718281828)

    Answers here:

    You are starting to be ready to use pattern matching.

  2. Read the descriptions of patterns and example values (steps 3 and 2) in the fourth “Lesson in Program Design.” Look at Table 4.1, including the Types of parts column. Using the ideas you find there, prepare to answer questions about this expression:

    case f (x, y, z) 
      of []      => raise Empty
       | w :: ws => if p w then SOME w else NONE

    You are told that the subexpression f (x, y, z) has type 'a list. Using that information, give the type of each of these code fragments, which are built from parts of patterns:

    1. The type of the pattern w :: ws

    2. The type of the variable ws

    3. The type of the expression SOME w

    You are ready to use pattern matching on common ML types.

  3. Read the section on unit testing in the guide to learning ML. Read about infix function names in step 3 of the fourth lesson on program design. And read the section on unit testing in this homework.

    Now, using the interpreter to be sure your answer is well typed, translate the following failing unit test into ML:

    (check-expect (foldl + 0 '(1 2 3)) 7)

    Your translation:

    You are ready to write unit tests.

  4. In chapter 5 of Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare, study the definition of function bindList in chunk 312c. Now show a call to bindList that is well typed (passes type checking) but whose evaluation raises the BindListLength exception:

    (Hint: keep things simple by passing emptyEnv as the third argument.)

    You are ready to write zip and to write environment functions that use exceptions.

  5. “Free” variables are those that are not bound to a value in the current scope. You can find a longer discussion and precise definition in section 5.6 of Build, Prove, and Compare, which starts on page 322. Read the section and identify the free variables of the expressions below. Remember that a name occurring in function position can be a free variable.

    1. Free variables of (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (equal? x y)))

    2. Free variables of (lambda (y) (equal? x y))

    3. Free variables of

      (lambda (s1 s2)
        (if (or (atom? s1) (atom? s2))
          (= s1 s2)
          (and (equal? (car s1) (car s2))
               (equal? (cdr s1) (cdr s2)))))

    You are ready to improve the μScheme interpreter. You may do this with a partner. You and your partner will turn your answers to parts (a) and (b) into unit tests.

Programming problems to solve individually

Working on your own, please solve the problems below, which are organized into three sections. Place your solutions in file warmup.sml. At the start of each problem, please place a short comment, like

(***** Problem A *****)

At the very end of your warmup.sml, please place the following line:

val () = Unit.reportWhenFailures ()  (* put me at the _end_ *)

This placement will ensure that if a unit test fails, you are alerted.

To receive credit, your warmup.sml file must compile and execute in the Moscow ML system, and your functions must have the right types. At minimum, your code must compile without warnings or errors, it must pass our sanity tests, and it must not have redundant parentheses:

% /usr/sup/bin/mosmlc -toplevel -I /comp/105/lib -c warmup.sml
% ml-sanity-check warmup.sml
% sml-lint warmup.sml

(This code doesn’t run your Unit tests; to run those, look at the section on unit testing above.) SO EXPLAIN HOW TO RUN THEM!!!

Individual section I: Recapitulating prior work (25%)

In this section, you define functions that are either identical to or very similar to functions you have defined in μScheme.

Defining functions using clauses and patterns

Related Reading for problem A: In Learning Standard ML read about Expressions (sections I, II, and III), Data (I, II, and III), Inexhaustive pattern matches, Types (I), Definitions (III, IV), and Expressions (VIII).

A. Define a function mynull : 'a list -> bool, which when applied to a list tells whether the list is empty. Avoid if, and make sure the function takes constant time. Do not call any functions from the Standard Basis library. Make sure your function has the same type as the null in the Standard Basis.


Related Reading for problems B and C: In Learning Standard ML, in addition to the section noted above, read about Types (III), and Exceptions. You will need to understand lists and pattern matching on lists (see Data III). You may also wish to read the section on Curried Functions.

B. Functions foldl and foldr are predefined with type

('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b

They are like the μScheme versions except the ML versions are Curried.

  1. Define reverse : 'a list -> 'a list using foldl or foldr.
    (In ML, the reverse function is in the initial basis as rev.)

    When you are testing reverse, you may get a warning message about “value polymorphism.” This message is explained in Learning Standard ML (Type pitfall II).

  2. Implement minlist : int list -> int, which returns the smallest element of a nonempty list of integers. Use foldl or foldr.

    If given an empty list of integers, your solution must fail (e.g., by raise Match).

    Your solution should work regardless of the representation of integers: it should not matter how many bits are used to represent a value of type int. (Hint: The course solution max* from the hofs homework works regardless of the representation of integers. Perhaps you can steal an idea from it.)

    You may find a use for function Int.min, which is part of the initial basis of Standard ML.

Do not use recursion in either part of this problem.

C. Define a function zip: 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list that takes a pair of lists (of equal length) and returns the equivalent list of pairs. If the lengths don’t match, raise the exception Mismatch, which you must define. Do not call any functions from the Standard Basis Library.

You are welcome to translate a solution from μScheme, but you must either use a clausal definition or write code containing at most one case expression. Do not use if.

Individual section II: Extending prior work (15%)

This section contains two problems, each of which asks you to do something new with a concept you have already mastered. In the first, you use algebraic data types to define a representation of ordinary S-expressions. And in the second, you extend your work on “sets as functions” to define “environments as functions.”

Working with a simple algebraic data type

Related Reading for problem F: In Learning Standard ML, consult section Data IV (Datatypes).

F. Ordinary S-expressions.
Using the sx datatype declaration:

datatype sx
  = SYMBOL of string
  | NUMBER of int
  | BOOL   of bool
  | SXLIST of sx list

define a helper function that is given a list of numbers and creates an ordinary S-expression:

val numbersSx : int list -> sx

Use the initial basis effectively.

Next, define a function flattenSyms that extracts just the symbols from an ordinary S-expression:

val flattenSyms : sx -> string list
(* equivalent to uScheme (o ((curry filter) symbol?) flatten) *)

To write unit tests on functions that return symbolic expressions, try using this string-conversion function:

fun sxString (SYMBOL s) = s
  | sxString (NUMBER n) = Int.toString n
  | sxString (BOOL b)   = if b then "true" else "false"
  | sxString (SXLIST sxs) = "(" ^ String.concatWith " " (map sxString sxs) ^ ")"

Individual section III: New work (30%)

The next section uses constructed data and pattern matching to implement efficient arithmetic on unbounded natural numbers. Unlike C and C++, which limit arithmetic to only as many bits as are in a machine word, civilized languages support arithmetic on as many bits as will fit in memory.2 Every computer scientist should know how this feature is implemented.

In this assignment, we’ll implement just addition and subtraction on natural numbers. The algorithms are described in Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare in Appendix B on page S15. (The algorithms are the same ones that you may have learned in elementary school.)

Arithmetic by pattern matching on constructed data

Our representation of natural numbers is based on the Decimal proof system from the first lesson on program design. That proof system says the following:

The staff solution chooses to represent a natural number as a data structure defined by an algebraic data type:

datatype nat = ZERO
             | TIMES10PLUS of nat * int

(This data structure is equivalent to a list of digits with the least-significant digit first.) The meaning of the data structure is determined by an abstraction function and representation invariants:

The first representation invariant is maintained by the following function, which is called a “smart constructor”:

fun times10plus (ZERO, 0) = ZERO
  | times10plus (m, d)    = TIMES10PLUS (m, d)

If you like, you can add code to the second case to enforce the invariant on d.

Here are a couple of useful special cases:

(* times10 : nat -> nat *)
fun times10 n = times10plus (n, 0)

(* natOfDigit : int -> nat *)
fun natOfDigit d = times10plus (ZERO, d)

Put the definitions of nat, times10plus, and the special-case functions into your code.

You will define functions for conversion, addition, subtraction. Multiplication is extra credit.

For testing, you will find it useful to convert a list of decimal digits to a natural number. You are welcome to use this code:

fun flip f (x, y) = f (y, x)

(* natOfDigits : int list -> nat *)
fun natOfDigits ds = foldl (flip times10plus) ZERO ds

You may also find it useful to convert a natural number to a string. Here is a function you can pass to Unit.checkExpectWith:

fun rawNatString ZERO = "ZERO"
  | rawNatString (TIMES10PLUS (m, d)) = 
      "(" ^ rawNatString m ^ " * 10 + " ^ Int.toString d ^ ")"

Related Reading:

H. Natural-number conversions.
You will convert between natural numbers, machine integers, and strings.

  1. Define a function

    val intOfNat : nat -> int

    that converts a natural number into a machine integer, or if the natural number is too large, raises Overflow. (Use the built-in operators + and *, which do machine arithmetic and which automatically raise Overflow when needed.)


    - intOfNat (natOfDigits [1, 2, 3]);
    > val it = 123 : int
  2. Write a unit test confirming what the example shows: that intOfNat (natOfDigits [1, 2, 3]) is 123.

  3. Define a function

    val natOfInt : int -> nat

    that converts a nonnegative machine integer into a natural number.


    - natOfInt 2018;
    > val it = TIMES10PLUS(TIMES10PLUS(TIMES10PLUS(TIMES10PLUS(ZERO, 2), 0), 1), 8)
         : nat

    Use pattern matching, not if.

    A nonnegative machine integer is either zero or it has the form n = 10 × m + d. In the second case, d is (n mod 10) and m is (n div 10).

  4. Write a unit test confirming the natOfInt example.

  5. Define function natString, which converts a nat to a string the way we normally write it (with the most significant digit first).

    val natString : nat -> string


    - natString (natOfDigits [3, 2, 1]);
    > val it = "321" : string
    - natString (natOfDigits [2, 0, 1, 8]);
    > val it = "2018" : string

    Function natString must never return an empty string.

    To earn a passing grade, natString must work on 30-digit numbers. It is safe to use Int.toString on a single digit, but if you try to use it on a natural number, the code will fail.

    Hint: Go back to the handout on proof systems for natural numbers. The representation above is based on the Decimal system. But the natString function needs to be based on the DecNumeral system. Find a way to deal with the difference.

  6. Write a unit test confirming the natString example.

The course solutions take 7 lines of code and 18 lines of (paranoid) unit tests.

I. Natural-number arithmetic.
You will add and subtract natural numbers.

  1. Define function carryIntoNat : nat * int -> nat. This function takes a natural number n and a carry bit c, and it returns n + c. A carry bit is a machine integer that is either 0 or 1.

    The function is defined by these algebraic laws:

    carryIntoNat (n, 0) == n
    carryIntoNat (0, c) == c
    carryIntoNat (10 * m + d, 1) == 
         10 * carryIntoNat (m, (d + 1) div 10) 
            + ((d + 1) mod 10)

    To convert these laws into code, you will need to write the natural-number patterns for 0 and for 10 * m + d as constructed-data patterns ZERO and TIMES10PLUS (m, d). And you will need to write the natural-number arithmetic on the right-hand side using the smart constructor times10plus.

  2. Define function addWithCarry : nat * nat * int -> nat. This function takes two natural numbers n1 and n2, and a carry bit c, and it returns n1 + n2 + c. To earn a passing grade, it must be capable of adding 30-digit numbers, regardless of the number of bits available in a machine integer.

    The function is defined by these algebraic laws:

    addWithCarry (n1, 0, c) = carryIntoNat (n1, c)
    addWithCarry (0, n2, c) = carryIntoNat (n2, c)
    addWithCarry (10 * m1 + d1, 10 * m2 + d2, c) = 
       let val d  = (d1 + d2 + c) mod 10
           val c' = (d1 + d2 + c) div 10  (* the "carry out" *)
       in  10 * addWithCarry (m1, m2, c') + d

    To convert these laws into code, you will need to write the natural-number patterns as constructed-data patterns, and you will need to write the final operation between in ... end using the smart-constructor function.

  3. Define function addNats : nat * nat -> nat, as follows:

    fun addNats (n1, n2) = addWithCarry (n1, n2, 0)
  4. Define function borrowFromNat : nat * int -> nat. This function takes a natural number n and a borrow bit b, and it returns n − b, provided that n − b is a natural number. If n − b is not a natural number, borrowFromNat raises the exception Negative, which you will need to define. The borrow bit, like a carry bit, is a machine integer that is either 0 or 1.

    The function is defined by these algebraic laws:

    borrowFromNat (n, 0) == n
    borrowFromNat (10 * m + 0, 1) == 10 * borrowFromNat (m, 1) + 9
    borrowFromNat (10 * m + d, 1) == 10 * m + (d - 1), where d > 0

    Notice there is no law for the left-hand side borrowFromNat (0, 1). That’s because 0 − 1 is not a natural number—so if your code encounters this case, it should raise the Negative exception.

    To convert these laws into code, you will need to write the natural-number patterns as constructed-data patterns, and you will need to write some of the arithmetic on the right-hand side using the smart-constructor function.

  5. Define function subWithBorrow : nat * nat * int -> nat. This function takes two natural numbers n1 and n2, and a borrow bit b, and if n1 − n2 − b is a natural number, it returns n1 − n2 − b. Otherwise it raises the Negative exception.

    Like addWithCarry, subWithBorrow must be capable of subtracting 30-digit numbers.

    The function is defined by these algebraic laws:

    subWithBorrow (n1, 0, b) = borrowFromNat (n1, b)
    subWithBorrow (10 * m1 + d1, 10 * m2 + d2, b) = 
       let val d  = (d1 - d2 - b) mod 10
           val b' = if d1 - d2 - b < 0 then 1 else 0 (* the "borrow out" *)
       in  10 * subWithBorrow (m1, m2, b') + d

    Alert: These laws assume the Standard ML definition of mod, which is not what you get from the hardware. The result of k mod 10 is always nonnegative.

    To convert these laws into code, you will need to write the natural-number patterns as constructed-data patterns, and you will need to write the final operation between in ... end using the smart-constructor function.

  6. Define function subNats : nat * nat -> nat, as follows:

    fun subNats (n1, n2) = subWithBorrow (n1, n2, 0)

    Here is a unit test to confirm that subtracting too large a number raises the proper exception: it should raise Negative and not Match:

    val () =
      Unit.checkExnSatisfiesWith natString "1 - 5"
      (fn () => subNats (natOfDigits [1], natOfDigits [5]))
      ("Negative", fn Negative => true | _ => false)

If you trust your conversion functions from the previous problem, you can write unit tests using higher-order functions. Here is an example:

fun opsAgree name intop natop n1 n2 =
  Unit.checkExpectWith Int.toString name
  (fn () => intOfNat (natop (natOfInt n1, natOfInt n2)))
  (intop (n1, n2) handle Overflow => 0)

This function has type

val opsAgree : 
   string -> (int * int -> int) -> (nat * nat -> nat) -> 
   int -> int -> unit

And it is used as follows

val () = opsAgree "123 + 2018" (op +)  addNats 123 2018
val () = opsAgree "2018 - 123" (op -)  subNats 2018 123
val () = opsAgree "2018 * 123" (op * ) mulNats 2018 123
val () = opsAgree "100 - 1   " (op -)  subNats 100 1

(Multiplication is for extra credit.)

The course addition functions total 14 lines of code, not counting unit tests. The course subtraction functions also total 14 lines of code, not counting unit tests.


New work you can do with a partner (20%)

As noted above, ML-like languages excel at analyzing and manipulating programs. In the coming month, you will write many functions that analyze expressions; this problem will get you off to a good start. The problem uses the idea of “free variables” which you may remember from the operational-semantics homework, but in the presence of let and lambda forms, the definition of free variables is much more nuanced than it is in Impcore.

Related Reading for exercise 10: Build, Prove, and Compare, section 5.6, which starts on page 322. Focus on the proof system for judgment y ∈ fv(e); it is provable exactly when freeIn e y, where freeIn is the most important function in exercise 10. Also read function eval in section 5.3. You will modify the case for evaluating LAMBDA.

10. Improving closures.
When a compiler translates a lambda expression, it doesn’t store the entire environment in the closure; it stores only the free variables of the lambda expression. Interpreters for languages like Lua and Python work in the same way. You’ll implement this code improvement in an interpreter for μScheme.

This problem appears in Build, Prove, and Compare as exercise 10 on page 332. You’ll solve it in a prelude and four parts:

  • The prelude is to get a fresh copy of the book code:

    git clone

    (If you use an old copy, it will have redundant parentheses.)

    Now copy the file build-prove-compare/bare/uscheme-ml/mlscheme.sml to your working directory. (This file contains all of the interpreter from Chapter 5.) Then make another copy and name it mlscheme-improved.sml. You will edit mlscheme-improved.sml.

  • The first part is to implement the free-variable predicate

    val freeIn : exp -> name -> bool.

    This predicate tells when a variable appears free in an expression. It implements the proof rules in section 5.6 of the book, which starts on page 322.

    During this part we recommend that you compile early and often using

    /usr/sup/bin/mosmlc -c -toplevel -I /comp/105/lib mlscheme-improved.sml

    We also require unit tests for freeIn. At minimum, write two tests for each short example in the reading-comprehension questions: one for a variable that is free, and one for a variable that appears in the expression but is not free. (If you get these examples right, you have a decent chance of getting the whole problem right.) Additional unit tests for LET forms are recommended but not required.

  • The second part is to write a function that takes a pair consisting of a LAMBDA body and an environment, and returns a better pair containing the same LAMBDA body paired with an environment that contains only the free variables of the LAMBDA. (In the book, in exercise 9 starting on page 331, this environment is explained as the restriction of the environment to the free variables.) We recommend that you call this function improve, and that you give it the type

    val improve : (name list * exp) * 'a env -> (name list * exp) * 'a env
  • The third part is to use improve in the evaluation case for LAMBDA, which appears in the book on page 316e. You simply apply improve to the pair that is already there, so your improved interpreter looks like this:

    (* more alternatives for ev for uscheme 316e *)
    | ev (LAMBDA (xs, e)) = CLOSURE (improve ((xs, e), rho))

    If there’s a fault in improve, your measurements won’t mean anything, and your code won’t pass our tests. So at this point, you must test the interpreter on your Scheme homework.

    The source code you have doesn’t include implementations of record definitions or short-circuit Booleans, but these forms can be “desugared” into core μScheme. We provide a script for that, so you can test as follows:

    mosmlc -o improve-test -I /comp/105/lib mlscheme-improved.sml
    desugar-uscheme solution.scm | ./improve-test -q
  • The fourth and final part is to see if it makes a difference. You will compile both versions of the μScheme interpreter using MLton, which is an optimizing, native-code compiler for Standard ML. The compiler requires some annoying bureaucracy, but it compensates by providing native-code speeds.

    The original file, which has no unit tests, can be compiled without bureaucracy:

      mlton -verbose 1 -output mlscheme mlscheme.sml

    (If plain mlton doesn’t work, try /usr/sup/bin/mlton.)

    Compiling your improved version requires some bureaucracy to incorporate the Unit module.

      mlton -verbose 1 -output mlscheme-improved

    The file tells MLton to compile your code with our Unit module. If you wish to do this on your own computer, you will also need files and unit-mlton.sml from /comp/105/lib, and you will have to edit to refer to your local copy of, not the one in /comp/105/lib.

Once compiled, you will run both versions and see if the “improvement” is measurable. For measurement, we have provided a script you can use. We also recommend that you compare the performance of the ML code with the performance of the C code in the course directory.

To get a good measurement, you will need to turn off the “CPU throttling” feature that is built into our interpreters. Use the following arcane Unix commands:

env BPCOPTIONS=nothrottle time run-exponential-arg-max 22 ./mlscheme
env BPCOPTIONS=nothrottle time run-exponential-arg-max 22 ./mlscheme-improved
env BPCOPTIONS=nothrottle time run-exponential-arg-max 22 /comp/105/bin/uscheme

(If you get an error message along the lines of “CPU time exhausted,” something is wrong.)


  • Focus on function freeIn. This is the only recursive function and the only function that requires case analysis on expressions. And it is the only function that requires you to understand the concept of free variables. All of these concepts are needed for future assignments.

    Once you understand free variables, the coding is relatively easy.

  • In Standard ML, the μScheme function exists? is called List.exists. You’ll have lots of opportunities to use it. If you don’t use it, you’re making extra work for yourself.

    In addition to List.exists, you may find uses for map, foldr, foldl, or List.filter.

    You might also find a use for these functions, which are already defined for you:

    fun fst (x, y) = x
    fun snd (x, y) = y
    fun member x = 
      List.exists (fn y => y = x)
  • The case for LETSTAR is gnarly, and writing it adds little to the experience. Here are two algebraic laws which may help:

    freeIn (LETX (LETSTAR, [],    e)) y = freeIn e y
    freeIn (LETX (LETSTAR, b::bs, e)) y = freeIn (LETX (LET, [b], LETX (LETSTAR, bs, e))) y
  • It’s easier to write freeIn if you use nested functions. Use nesting to avoid passing the variable y, which rarely changes. You’ll see the same technique used in the eval and ev functions in the chapter, as well as the model solution for eval-formula on the continuations homework.

  • If you can apply what you have learned on the scheme and hofs assignments, you should be able to write improve on one line, without using any explicit recursion.

  • Let the compiler help you: compile early and often.

  • Once you have the interpreter working, test it by running it on your solutions from the scheme, hofs, or continuation assignments. (It’s possible to get freeIn right but to break everything by making a bad mistake in improve. Testing on a full solution set will reveal the problem.)

The course implementation of freeIn is 21 lines of ML.

Extra credit

There are two extra-credit problems: MULTIPLY and VARARGS.

MULTIPLY. Multiplication of natural numbers.
Define a function

val mulNats : nat * nat -> nat

that multiplies two natural numbers. Multiplication obeys these algebraic laws:

0 * n == 0
n * 0 == 0
(10 * m1 + d1) * (10 * m2 + d2) == 
         d1 * d2 + 
         10 * (m1 * d2 + m2 * d1) +
         100 * (m1 * m2)

Each of the summands has to be represented as a natural number:

  • Number d1 * d2 can be computed using machine multiplication and natOfInt.

  • You can multiply m1 * d2 and m2 * d1 using natOfInt and mulNats. The recursive call is guaranteed to terminate because at least one argument is getting smaller.

  • You can multiply m1 * m2 using mulNats. The recursive call is guaranteed to terminate because both arguments are getting smaller.

The course implementation of mulNats is seven lines of ML, plus a couple of one-line helper functions.

VARARGS. Variadic functions in Scheme.
Extend μScheme to support procedures with a variable number of arguments. This is Exercise 2 on page 329 of Build, Prove, and Compare.

Avoid common mistakes

Don’t use any of the functions length, hd, and tl. Instant No Credit.

If you redefine a type that is already in the initial basis, code will fail in baffling ways. (If you find yourself baffled, exit the interpreter and restart it.) If you redefine a function at the top-level loop, this is fine, unless that function captures one of your own functions in its closure.


fun f x = ... stuff that is broken ...
fun g (y, z) = ... stuff that uses 'f' ...
fun f x = ... new, correct version of 'f' ...

You now have a situation where g is broken, and the resulting error is very hard to detect. Stay out of this situation; instead, load fresh definitions from a file using the use function.

Never put a semicolon after a definition. I don’t care if Jeff Ullman does it—don’t you do it. It’s wrong! Write a semicolon only when you are deliberately using imperative features.

It’s a common mistake to become very confused by not knowing where you need to use op. Ullman covers op in Section 5.4.4, page 165.

It’s a common mistake to include redundant parentheses in your code. To avoid this mistake, use the sml-lint tool, and consult the checklist in the section Expressions VIII (Parentheses) in Learning Standard ML.

It’s a common mistake to do both your pair work and your solo work in the same directory. The submit scripts will balk.

It’s not a common mistake, but it can be devastating: when you’re writing a type variable, be sure to use an ASCII quote mark, as in 'a, not with a Unicode right quote mark, as in ’a. Some text editors, web browsers, or Bluetooth keyboards may use or display Unicode without being asked.

It’s not a common mistake, but do not copy Unit.sml into your submission directory—you won’t be able to submit.

What to submit and how to submit it

Submitting Reading Comprehension early

If you wish to submit your reading comprehension early to get some extra credit, you may do so by using the script submit105-ml-cqs.

Submitting your individual work

Please submit a README file containing the names of the people with whom you collaborated and a list identifying which problems that you solved—including any extra credit.

For your individual work, please submit the files and warmup.sml. If you have implemented mulNats, please include it in warmup.sml. If you have done the VARARGS extra-credit problem, please submit it as varargs.sml.

In comments at the top of your warmup.sml file, please include your name and the names of any collaborators, and a note about any extra-credit work you have done.

As soon as you have a warmup.sml file, run submit105-ml-solo to submit a preliminary version of your work. As you edit your files, keep submitting; we grade only the last submission.

Submitting your improved μScheme interpreter

For your your improved μScheme interpreter, which you may have done with a partner, please submit the file mlscheme-improved.sml, using the script submit105-ml-pair.

How your work will be evaluated

The criteria are mostly the same as for the scheme and hofs assignments, but because the language is different, we’ll be looking for indentation and layout as described in the Style Guide for Standard ML Programmers.

  1. Using Unit tests at the interactive prompt is a little wacky. If you really want to do it, you can figure out how, but I’m going to discourage you—the mechanism you would need could creep into a .sml file, and if used there, it will create chaos and confusion. Just leave your Unit tests in files, where they belong.

  2. Such languages include Haskell, Icon, and Python. But sadly, not Standard ML, because in ML, the so-called “large-integer arithmetic” is optional.