For the most part, we will be running a consistent, weekly schedule of office hours. However there may be some minor adjustments from week to week. This page will be updated every Wednesday, and any further adjustments will be posted on Piazza.

Instructor: Megan Monroe
Office: Halligan 238
Office Hours: Thursday 9-11am

Instructor: Richard Townsend
Office: Halligan 230
Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-4:30pm

Updated as of: 12/10

 Schedule for Monday:

  09:00:  Office Hr TAs: Gkitch01

  10:30:  Office Hr TAs: Cfrone01

  13:30:  Office Hr TAs: Ssmith25, Yang_Lowe

  15:00:  Office Hr TAs: Rachel_Ginsberg, Sberma04

  16:30:  Office Hr TAs: David_Massart, Emily_Tran, Ssmith25

  18:00:  Office Hr TAs: Aagarw08, David_Massart, Tprebe01

  19:30:  Office Hr TAs: Jkanov01, William_Rusk

  21:00:  Office Hr TAs: Amalen01, Margaret_Farley

No more office hours for the semester after this point