CP4: Dynamic Programming for Hidden Markov Models

Last modified: 2020-04-16 15:57

Due date: Fri. Apr 17, 2020, free late day extension until Tue. Apr. 21, 2020 at 11:59pm



  • 2020-04-12: Not yet.

What to turn in:

Your ZIP file should include

  • All starter code .py files (with your edits) (in the top-level directory)
  • These will be auto-graded. Be sure to check gradescope test results for immediate feedback.

Questions?: Post to the cp4 topic on the discussion forums.

Jump to: Problem 1   Problem 2   Starter Code

Overview and Background

In this coding practical, we will implement 2 possible algorithms for Hidden Markov models:

  • the Forward algorithm (Problem 1)
    • Useful for computing forward marginals over states: \(\log p(z_t =k | x_{1:t}, \theta)\)
    • Useful for computing incomplete log likelihoods: \(\log p(x_{1:T} | \theta)\)
  • the Viterbi algorithm (Problem 2)
    • Useful for inferring "optimal" hidden state sequences: \(\hat{z}_{1:T} = \arg\max_{z_{1:T}} \log p(z_{1:T} | x_{1:T}, \theta)\)

The problems will try to address several key practical questions:

  • How can we use dynamic programming to accomplish these computations?
  • How can I turn written mathematics into working NumPy code?
  • How can we be sure to do all computations without underflow/overflow/NaNs?

Probabilistic Model: Key Assumptions

We are given \(T\) observed feature vectors: \(\{ x_t \}_{t=1}^T\), with \(x_t \in \mathbb{R}^D\).

We assume a hidden Markov model with \(K\) hidden states, and parameters \(\theta = \pi, A, \phi\), where:

\begin{align} p(z_{1:T} | \theta) &= \text{CatPMF}(z_1 | \pi) \cdot \prod_{t=2}^T \text{CatPMF}( z_t | A_{z_{t-1}}) \\ p(x_{1:T} | z_{1:T}, \theta) &= \prod_{t=1}^T \prod_{k=1}^K L(x_t | \phi_k)^{\delta(z_{t},k)} \end{align}

where we are keeping the "data likelihood" or "emission" distribution (also called the data-given-state distribution) general with pdf \(L\), so that we could handle binary data (using \(L = \text{BernPMF}\)) or real-valued data (e.g. \(L = \text{MVNormPDF}\)), or even categorical or something else.

We have three kinds of parameters:

  • Initial state probabilities: \(\pi = [ \pi_1 ~\pi_2 ~\pi_3 \ldots ~\pi_K]\), \(\pi \in \Delta^K\)

  • Transition probabilities: \(A = \{A_j \}_{j=1}^K\), \(A_j \in \Delta^K\)

  • Per-state emission distribution parameters: \(\phi = \{\phi_k \}_{k=1}^K\)

Background on the Forward Algorithm (for problem 1)

For helpful background, review the lecture notes from day 18 as well as Bishop's PRML textbook Sec. 13.2.2 (plus also 13.2.4 for specific notes on numerical stability).


  • \(\pi\) : 1D array, (K,)
    • initial state probabilities (or equivalently, their logs)
  • \(A\) : 2D array, (K, K)
    • transition probabilities (or equivalently, their logs)
  • \(\log L\) : 2D array, (T, K)
    • emission log pdf evaluated at each timestep \(t\) and each state \(k\)
    • \((\log L)_{tk} = \log p( x_t | z_t=k, \phi)\)

Definition of a "forward message" or a "forward marginal probability (over states)"

\begin{align} \alpha_{tk} \triangleq p( z_t =k | x_1, \ldots x_t, \theta) \end{align}

Base case update for \(\alpha\) at \(t=1\):

\begin{align} \alpha_{1k} &= \frac{\pi_k e^{L_{1k}}}{ \sum_{k=1}^K \pi_k e^{L_{1k}}} &&= \frac{ p( z_1=k, x_1 | \theta) }{ p( x_1 | \theta) } \end{align}

Recursive case for \(\alpha\) at \(t \geq 2\):

\begin{align} \alpha_{tk} &= \frac{\sum_{j=1}^K \alpha_{t-1,j} A_{jk} e^{L_{t,k}} }{\sum_{k=1}^K \sum_{j=1}^K \alpha_{t-1,j} A_{jk} e^{L_{t,k}} } &&= \frac{ p( z_t=k, x_t | x_{1:t-1}, \theta) }{ p( x_t | x_{1:t-1}, \theta) } \end{align}

You can see how the denominator in this update already computes \(p( x_t | x_{1:t-1}, \theta)\) as a "side effect". If we are careful to track this denominator term as we compute all the \(\alpha\) terms, we can compute the incomplete log likelihood of the whole sequence:

\begin{align} p(x_{1:T} | \theta) = p( x_1 | \theta) \prod_{t=2}^T p( x_t | x_{1:t-1}, \theta) \end{align}

This is just a statement of the product rule. Note: you'd want to do this computation using sums of logarithms to avoid underflow!

Background on Viterbi Algorithm (for problem 2)

For helpful background, review the lecture notes from day 19 as well as Bishop's PRML textbook Sec. 13.2.5 on the Viterbi algorithm.

For a concise write-up of the Viterbi algorithm as a dynamic programming algorithm, see Page 8 of day 19:


Note that here in this CP4 spec, we've written \(\log L\) to remind us that this value will be computed in log space, but in the lecture notes the same quantity (in log space) is just noted as \(L\).

Hints for Implementation

Scalability : Avoid for loops as much as possible. Anything you can do with predefined numpy functions that are vectorized (e.g. using my_sum = np.sum(vec_K) instead of for v in vec_K: my_sum += v), please do so. In our solutions, we have for each algorithm exactly one for loop over timesteps \(t\), and zero for loops over clusters/states \(k\). Recommended reading on vectorization: https://realpython.com/numpy-array-programming/.

Numerical stability : For the Forward Algorithm, you should either try to use the logsumexp trick, or otherwise smartly deal with the fact that the log likelihood probabilities provided by the emission distribution \(G\) may be quite small and vulnerable to underflow.

Starter Code

You can find the starter code and datasets in the course Github repository here:


Starter Code Installation Notes:

  • If you have the spr_2020s_env conda environment installed from CP1 or any other previous CP, you don't need to do anything else.

  • If not, follow directions in the starter code README for how to install the required Python environment

Problem 1: Forward Algorithm Implementation

In problem 1, you'll do the following coding tasks only (no additional figures to produce or report to write)

Tasks for Code Implementation

(All code steps will be evaluated primarily by Autograder, but also read thru by Instructor/TA).

WRITING CODE 1 Implement the run_forward_algorithm method of starter code forward_alg.py. Make sure it passes all test cases.

Problem 2: Viterbi Algorithm Implementation

In problem 2, you'll do the following coding tasks only (no additional figures to produce or report to write)

Tasks for Code Implementation

(All code steps will be evaluated primarily by Autograder, but also read thru by Instructor/TA).

WRITING CODE 2 Implement the run_viterbi_algorithm method of starter code viterbi_alg.py. Make sure it passes all test cases.