
Jump to: SoftwareJupyter NotebooksRelated CoursesMachine Learning at TuftsSelf-Study Resources


For this course, we require programming assignments to be implemented in Python 3.6+. Using a consistent language allows us to talk about implementation details in class and makes grading solutions more consistent and time-efficient.

Students are responsible for maintaining their own software environment on their personal computer. We highly suggest that you consider the free 'conda' environment manager from Anaconda, Inc.:

For detailed instructions, see the [Python Setup Instructions page]

Starter code is all available in our public Github repository:

Jupyter Notebooks

For many in-class breakout sessions, you'll want to work through a provided notebook, distributed as a `.ipynb' file from our course starter code repository on Github.

You'll want to download this file and run it on your machine.

To launch a specific notebook file named MyNotebook.ipynb, here's what you'll do in your Terminal (Linux/Mac) or Command Prompt (Windows):

# Before we can start, be sure your current directory contains `MyNotebook.ipynb`

# First, activate our course conda environment
$ conda activate spr_2021s_env

# Second, launch the notebook server and direct it to open `MyNotebook.ipynb`
$ jupyter notebook MyNotebook.ipynb

# Should automatically open a browser and take you to an interactive notebook session. Or click `localhost:8888` link below.

For more help on launching a notebook, see Jupyter notebook documentation

Jupyter Resources

If you don't know much about Jupyter, the resources below might be helpful

How to download a Jupyter notebook and open it in your browser

'Play with Data in Jupyter' lessons by Lorena Barba

Python Resources

To gain some fundamental Python skills (assuming you know other programming), we recommend:

Related Courses

Statistical Pattern Recognition (COMP 136) at Tufts

Previous offerings:

Related courses at other universities

Machine Learning at Tufts

For machine learning research activity at Tufts, see the ML Research Group Website:

For a recent listing of ML courses, see:

For current ML research opportunities for students, see:

Self-Study Resources

Here are some useful resources to help you catch up if you are missing some of the pre-requisite knowledge. Please contribute new resources by starting a topic on the class discussion forum.


First-order gradient-based optimization

Linear algebra

Basic supervised machine learning methods

  • Key concepts:
    • Linear regression
    • Logistic regression