Designing and Instantiating Monads

Due Wednesday, Oct 2nd @ 9 am

From this assignment, students are likely to show...

functional programming - recognition

by recognizing what functional programming patterns to use in designing the Logger Monad.

Let's begin

  1. Pull the latest Exemplars Github Repo
  2. Optional

Step-by-step instruction

Playlist of all the videos

Context and Motivation


Recall: An evaluator for our Arith language


Example: The Hopefully Monad

Slides that cover this topic


Your turn: The Logger Monad

TL;DW: should include
  1. Your name.
  2. Your utln.
  3. How much time you spent on this assignment.
  4. The witness "proof" for how you earned each learning objective with a note of what design pattern you recognized in the recognization objectives.

Please Submit

Contents to be submitted

Method of submission

Please commit your changes in the hw08-1-design-monads directory of your private repo and push them to the remote server before 9 am.