
Due Monday 21st @ 9 am

From this assignment, students may show...

Technical Reading - Reasoning

Usability and Documentation - Reasoning

... in addition to other learning objectives students feel their work accomplishes.

Let's begin

The Latte paper can be found here in addition to the reading repo.

Reading Comprehension

Look at the language design questions, the vocabulary for the course, and any of the class discussion notes for the previous DSL papers. Write an analysis of Latte with respect to the key concepts we have focused on in class. Your analysis should cover 3 distinct design concepts from the course (e.g. multiple compiled artifacts from a single high-level source), but can include more. Please explicitly reference where in the paper your claims come from. Please explicitly reference past language discussions and compare Latte's design and implementation choices to those DSLs.

User Profile

Please give a profile for the Latte power user. Is there more than one type? What do these users want to do, and how does that workflow manifest in Latte? What might these users want to do that Latte cannot do easily and why?

Optional should include
  1. your name
  2. your utln
  3. how much time you spent on this assignment
  4. the witness "proof" for how you earned each learning objective

Please Submit

Contents to be submitted

Method of submission

Please commit your changes in the hw13-1 directory of your private repo and push them to the remote server before 9 am.