Peer Review: 1-Page proposal

Due Monday Oct 21st @ 9 am Wednesday Oct 23rd @ 9 am

UPDATE Digital copies of the proposal have been put in your repos under 13-2

From this assignment, students may show...

Documentation and Usability - Recognition

Composing Feedback and Evaluation - Recognition

... in addition to other learning objectives students feel their work accomplishes.

Motiviation and context

You will receive 3 1-page proposals to peer review. You will only have the 2 1-page proposals from in-class to peer review. If you were in class last Wednesday, 2 of them will be your groupmates' proposals, and 1 will be randomly selected from the class. Otherwise, you were not in class last Wednesday and you will be randomly assigned 3 proposals.

How to provide feedback

Please use this opportunity to provide constructive, actionable critique in as positive a tone as possible. Please provide at least 4 individual pieces of feedback that span the scope of the proposal (i.e. try not to focus on just one sentence or paragraph).

For each piece of feedback, reference the appropriate design question or discussion point from previous classes. As concretely as possible, point at what sentences or parts of sentences for which you are providing feedback, and provide an example what prose you expected instead if the feedback is corrective. When appropriate, point out what sentences or part of sentences helped your understanding or clearly tied back to the concepts of the course.

Optional should include
  1. your name
  2. your utln
  3. how much time you spent on this assignment
  4. the witness "proof" for how you earned each learning objective.

Please Submit

Contents to be submitted

Method of submission

Please commit your changes in the hw13-2 directory of your private repo and push them to the remote server before 9 am.