1-Min Technical Video

Due Friday Nov 15th @ 9 am

From this assignment, students may show...

Language FrontEnd - Reasoning, Radiant

Documentation and Usability - Reasoning, Radiant

... in addition to other learning objectives students feel their work accomplishes.


For your final deliverable, you are asked to submit a well-edited 5-minute tour of your language. This is a tight timeframe to hit, and so we want you to get experience doing a piece of it, and seeing what your peers are doing as well.

Hopefully, from doing this activity, you will be able to test the tools you are going to use to record your presentation and gain practice editing your presentation to fit into tight constraints. (1 min maximum).

Be aware, you will likely not get a 1min perfect video on one take. You may need to stitch together small 20second takes and do editing passes as you would with your writing. Please plan your time management accordingly.

What to turn in

Pick 1 or 2 example tasks in your DSL and record a video of your screen while walking through: You can choose any style of presenting you like, but what Matt did for the lecture videos is easiest: Your resulting video must be under 1 minute in length.

Optional META.md

META.md should include
  1. your name
  2. your utln
  3. how much time you spent on this assignment
  4. the witness "proof" for how you earned each learning objective.

Please Submit

Contents to be submitted

Method of submission

Please commit your changes in the hw19-1 directory of your private repo and push them to the remote server before 9 am.