Quasiquotation - Lab

From doing these activities students will

In class Announcements - 5 min (9:00 ~ 9:05)

Warm-up activity - 10 min (9:05 ~ 9:15)

Build a concept map with these vocabulary words as nodes. Feel free to introduce intermediate nodes as needed. E.g. Q Monad -| can expose |-> IO

Groups and Roles




Small group discussion - 20 min (9:15 ~ 9:35)

You have the functions from previous homeworks and the current tooling for Quasiquotation and Template Haskell. Implement a DSL that allows users to: You don't have to be too explicit, pseudocode is sufficient. We will code it together, just have enough detail of how you would change the homework code to both support these new features and also package them up in a quasiquoter.

Large group discussion - 30min (9:35 ~ 10:05)

Reconvene and go over answers.

Cool-down activity - 10 min (10:05 ~ 10:15)

All scribes will get together to start their wiki write up to be finished at latest a week from today.

All managers will get together and make tickets for the course. This can include the tickets from their group discussions as mentioned above, a ticket to follow up on the scribe write up, and any other issues they think will be helpful.

All ambassadors will get together with Matthew and Kathleen and discuss how they think the day went, how they think the pacing went, what they are looking forward to, any worries they might have about the class, etc.

Class Dismissed