COMP40 Assignment: Macro Instructions in an Assembler

COMP40 Assignment: Macro Instructions in an Assembler

Assignment due Sunday, December 4 at 11:59 PM.
There is no design document.

Table of Contents

Purpose and overview

In this assignment you will get more practice working with machine instructions. I have written an assembler and linker, which you will complete.

Executable binaries in real life

A Universal Machine binary is a sequence of words without metadata. Real executable binaries do have metadata, and they are produced from relocatable object files (``dot-O files'') which also have metadata. In this project, you'll be shielded from the details of relocatable object code; you'll focus on structuring the binary into sections and on creating the illusion of a larger instruction set.

The topics of object code, binaries, and linking are covered at length (30 pages or so) in Chapter 7 of your text by Bryant and O'Hallaron. What follows is a summary of what you most need to know.

Executable binaries

An executable binary is divided into sections. Each section identifies a block of memory and the intended use of that block. At load time, sections are mapped (by the operating system) into a running process image:

Why not just represent a program binary as a single block, as on the Universal Machine? Using three sections saves memory and disk space, and when the three-section format was designed, these resources were scarce.

Feature creep and the proliferation of sections

Three sections were good enough for Ritchie and Thompson, but not for Stallman. If you aim objdump -h at a relocatable object file or especially at an executable binary, you may be overwhelmed by all the sections that you find. Here's a short guide (more on page 544 of the book):

A macro assembler

The Universal Machine has a very limited set of instructions. For example, there is no single Universal Machine instruction that allows you to perform an operation like

  r6 := r6 * 10   // not representable directly on UM
Because you will finish the semester by writing a modest program in UM assembly language, I have created an assembler that borrows temporary registers to make life easier for you in your role as an assembly-language programmer. This technique was first used to great success in the assembler for the MIPS architecture (the CPU of the Sony Playstation).

A detailed description of the UM Macro Assembly Language is online; for here, it is enough to know that you can write

  .temp r7
  r6 := r6 * 10 
  r2 := m[r1][1]  // p = p -> next
instead of the more faithful but painful
  r7 := 10
  r6 := r6 * r7    // r6 := r6 * 10
  r7 := 1
  r2 := m[r1][r7]  // p = p -> next

In order to use the macro features of the assembler, you have to tell the assembler which register contains zero and which register(s) it may use as temporaries. Here is an example:[*]

// copy standard input to standard output

.zero r0   // promise this register will always be zero
.temps r7  // the assembler may overwrite 
           // this register at will
r1 := input()
// if r1 is all ones, goto exit, else goto write
r2 := r1 nand r1
r3 := exit
if (r2 != 0) r3 := write
goto r3
write: output r1
goto L
exit: halt

What we expect from you

Implementing an assembler and linker is a big job. It includes parsing a textual assembly language, which you might have to design yourself; working with an on-disk representation for relocatable object code, part or all of which you might have to design yourself; implementing one or two dozen different kinds of relocation, depending on the number of binary instruction formats in play; searching for undefined symbols in libraries; and implementing the ``macro instructions'' that make it possible to use a literal constant where the machine expects only a register, for example.

In order to create a project that is interesting, teaches ideas of lasting value, and can be completed in your lifetime, we will take several shortcuts:

It remains to you to implement the following:

Because of the magnitude of the project, I am giving you very little freedom of design. I have determined an architecture and set up two interfaces for you to implement.

First interface: Assembler sections

The first interface is specified in /comp/40/include/umsections.h.

/* Full documentation for this interface is at */

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define T Umsections_T
typedef struct T *T;  
  /* A value of type T represents a nonempty *sequence* of named sections.
     Each section contains a sequence of Universal Machnine words.
     In addition, each value of type T identifies one section in 
     the sequence as the 'current' section, and a value of type T
     encapsulates an error function.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>

#undef T

It should be a checked run-time error to pass a null Umsections_T to any of the functions exported from umsections.h.

This interface, although long, is fairly easy to implement. My code takes about 160 lines of C. Please implement this interface, and put your implementation in file umsections.c.

The assembler datatype

To represent the struct Umsections_T you may include any fields you like. Here's some advice:

When an assembler is created, the caller tells the assembler the name of the first section. This section becomes the current section of the assembler, and it is also the first in the assembler's sequence of sections. The section is initially empty.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>= (<-U) [D->]
T Umsections_new(const char *section, 
            int (*error)(void *errstate, const char *message),
            void *errstate);
     /* Create a new assembler which emits into the given section.
        The error function, which is called in case of errors,
        must not return.  

The error and errstate parameters should be stored in the assembler so they can be used to signal errors.

The Umsections_free function, like Hanson's free functions, takes a pointer to a Umsections_T. It is an unchecked run-time error to pass any Umsections_T to any function after it has been freed.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
void Umsections_free(T *asmp);  // destroy an old assembler

For the Umsections_error function, implement a simple function that allows you to signal an error.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
int Umsections_error(T asm, const char *msg);
  /* call the assembler's error function, using the error state
     passed in at creation time */


Like most assemblers, the UM assembler combines ``create new section'' and ``switch to existing section'' in a single operation. If the named section is not already part of the assembler, this operation creates a new section and appends it to the assembler's sequence of sections. The named section is then made the current section.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
void Umsections_section(T asm, const char *section);
  /* start emitting to the named section */

Emitting words

Anything that corresponds to a global variable in C will correspond to initialized data in the assembly language. Initialized data is created by the Umsections_emit_word function, which appends the word to the current section. You will also use Umsections_emit_word to emit instructions.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
typedef uint32_t Umsections_word; // Universal Machine word
void Umsections_emit_word(T asm, Umsections_word data);
  /* Emit a word into the current section */

Support for linking and relocation

You won't need to implement linking and relocation. But you will need to support my implementation of linking and relocation. I need to be able to observe sections and mutate their contents.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
void Umsections_map(T asm, void apply(const char *name, void *cl), void *cl);
  /* for each section name S in the sequence in 'asm', in order,
     call apply(S, cl) */
int Umsections_length(T asm, const char *name);
  /* if 'name' is a named section in asm, return the number of words
     in that section; otherwise call asm's error function */
Umsections_word Umsections_getword(T asm, const char *name, int i);
  /* Return the word numbered 'i' from the section with the given name.
     The first word is numbered 0.
     If there is no section with the given name, or if i is out of bounds,
     call asm's error function. */
void Umsections_putword(T asm, const char *name, int i, Umsections_word w);
  /* In the section with the given name, replace word 'i' with 'w'.
     If there is no section with the given name, or if i is out of bounds,
     call asm's error function. */

Writing an executable binary

Once all sections are complete, my code will backpatch instructions and data as needed to account for relocation. At that point, my code will call Umsections_write to write binary code to disk.

<declarations of functions exported from umsections.h>+= (<-U) [<-D]
void Umsections_write(T asm, FILE *output); 
  /* Write the contents of each section stored in asm,
     in the order in which they appear in asm's sequence.
     Write the words to file 'output' in UM format.

Second interface: Universal Machine macro instructions

The second interface you will implement emits macro instructions.

/* Full documentation for this interface is at */

#include "umsections.h"
#include "um-opcode.h"

<definition of macro opcodes as type Ummacros_Op>

typedef enum Ummacros_Reg { r0 = 0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7 } Ummacros_Reg;
  /* Represents a UM register number, which several functions in this
     interface expect as arguments. */

<declarations of functions exported from ummacros.h>

It should be a checked run-time error to pass a null Umsections_T to any function exported by the ummacros.h interface.

This interface, although shorter than the first interface, is harder to implement. My code is about 110 lines of C, of which about 60 lines are devoted to the two functions that implement macro instructions. Please implement this interface, and put your implementation in file ummacros.c. You'll think carefully about how to emulate the macro operations using the Universal Machine's 14 instructions.

The opcode interface requires no implementation; it defines an enumeration type that is shared by the assembler, the disassembler, and the Universal Machine emulator.


<definition of hardware opcodes as type Um_Opcode>


Here are the opcode definitions:

<definition of hardware opcodes as type Um_Opcode>= (<-U)
typedef enum Um_Opcode {
} Um_Opcode;

By adding the following macro definitions, you will make it far easier to write programs in UM assembly language:

<definition of macro opcodes as type Ummacros_Op>= (<-U)
typedef enum Ummacros_Op { MOV = LV+1, COM, NEG, SUB, AND, OR } Ummacros_Op;
  /* move, one's complement (~), two's-complement negation (-),
     subtract, bitwise &, bitwise | */

The semantics are as follows:
14Mover[A] :=r[B]
15Bitwise Complementr[A] :=¬r[B]
16Two's-Complement Negationr[A] := - r[B] mod2^32
17Subtractionr[A] :=(r[B] - r[C]) mod2^32
18Bitwise Andr[A] :=r[B] /\r[C]
19Bitwise Orr[A] :=r[B] \/r[C]

Implementing macro instructions

The Ummacros_op function is used to emit sequences of UM instructions which implement the six ``macro instructions.'' Some macro instructions, like COM, can be emitted without using a temporary register. Others, like subtraction, require a temporary register. No macro instruction requires more than one temporary register. If a temporary register is available, its number is passed in the argument temporary. If no temporary register is available, the argument temporary contains -1. If a temporary is needed but none is available, this function should call Umsections_error.

<declarations of functions exported from ummacros.h>= (<-U) [D->]
void Ummacros_op(Umsections_T asm, Ummacros_Op operator, int temporary,
                 Ummacros_Reg A, Ummacros_Reg B, Ummacros_Reg C);
  /* Emit a macro instruction into 'asm', possibly overwriting temporary
     register. Argument of -1 means no temporary is available.
     Macro instructions include MOV, COM, NEG, SUB, AND, and OR.
     If a temporary is needed but none is available, Umsections_error(). */

Important: Each macro instruction must be justified by one or more algebraic laws. For example, if I have figured out a way to implement bitwise complement, I can justify an implementation of bitwise AND using the following law, which relies on COM and on the native NAND instruction:

x /\y = ¬(¬(x /\y)).
The laws should appear in the code near the implementations that they justify.

The Ummacros_load_literal function emits code to load a 32-bit literal value. If the literal value k fits in 25 unsigned bits, Ummacros_load_literal can use a single Load Value instruction. Otherwise, it will have to use a sequence of instructions, possibly requiring a temporary register. (Hint: if the complement of k fits in 25 unsigned bits, no temporary register is needed. You must handle this case without a temporary.)

<declarations of functions exported from ummacros.h>+= (<-U) [<-D]
void Ummacros_load_literal(Umsections_T asm, int temporary,
                           Ummacros_Reg A, uint32_t k);
  /* Emit code to load literal k into register A. 
     Must work even if k and ~k do not fit in 25 bits---in which
     case temporary register may be overwritten.  Checked RTE if
     temporary is needed and is -1 */

Your implementation of Ummacros_load_literal must also be justified by algebraic laws.

Your design document

Most of the assembler is built for you, and most of the rest is designed for you. Moreover, I also provide the outline of an implementation plan. I therefore see little purpose in having you submit a design document before the assignment is due. But I recommend that before you start coding, you create an abbreviated design document covering just these points:

  1. How will you represent the sequence of sections of type Umsections_T?
  2. How does your representation of Umsections_T relate to the world of ideas (sections and instructions)?
  3. What are the invariants of your representation of Umsections_T?
  4. [*] For each function that you have to implement, what part(s) of which representation(s) do you expect it to depend on?
Except for item [<-], these questions should be answered in the documentation of the code you eventually submit.

What we provide for you

The rest of the assembler

We provide a program that runs the assembler and calls your routines.


extern int Umasm_run(int argc, char *argv[]);
  /* run the Universal Machine macro assembler as the main program */


Your main function can simply call Umasm_run, passing argc and argv unchanged.

List of interfaces

We provide these interfaces:
um-opcode.hAn enumeration type for opcodes
umasm.hDeclaration of Umasm_run, to be called from main
umsections.hOne interface you are to implement
ummacros.hThe other interface you are to implement

You can compile against these interfaces using -I/comp/40/include. To link against them, you will need

  gcc ... -L/comp/40/lib64 -lumasm -llua5.1-lpeg -llua `pkg-config --libs cii40` ...
You will probably also need to link against the math library (-lm).

Dummy implementations to get you started

I provide ``dummy'' implementations of the two interfaces; these implementations write to standard error. The purpose of these implementations is to enable you to learn, by experiment, how an assembly-language program affects what functions are called. You can use the dummy implementations by linking with -lumasm-dummy immediately after -lumasm. Code using only the dummy implementations will halt at link time with an assertion failure.

Implementation plan

I recommend this implementation plan:

  1. Link with the dummy implementations, and experiment until you get an idea what is going on.
  2. Build the first version of your own code so that it implements sections correctly, uses the dummy version of Ummacros_op, and uses a version of Ummacros_load_literal that handles only 25-bit unsigned literals. If I am right, you should be able to test your code on the <cat-abbrev.ums> presented in class and in this handout on page [<-], which you should be able to run.

  3. To unit test your code, create an assembly-language program in file test.ums. The program should contains one each of the UM machine instructions, but the program need not do anything when run. Do not use any macro instructions! You can test your assembler as follows:
      use comp40
      ./umasm test.ums | umdump -bare | diff test.ums -
    If everything is implemented correctly, the ``bare dump'' of your executable binary should be identical to the input file test.ums, and you should see no output.
  4. System test your code by disassembling, reassembling, and then re-disassembling the a binary such as
      use comp40
      umdump -bare | ./umasm | umdump -bare > /tmp/midmark.ums
      umdump -bare | diff - /tmp/midmark.ums
    You should see no differences. Note well that umasm and umdump are not half-inverses. [Since this point is frequently overlooked, I put it another way: running umdump -bare | umasm is not the identity function on UM files. In particular, if you run umdump -bare | ./umasm, you will not recreate the binary. In fact, you will not create any runnable binary at all. Trying to run a binary created from the output of umdump may result in frustration, lost sleep, and other bad outcomes. ] But umasm and umdump are half-inverses on the output of umdump -bare. That's why a three-stage test is required.
  5. Submit.

  6. Implement Ummacros_load_literal so that it handles fully general 32-bit literals. Unit test it using both positive and negative literals in the assembly source.
  7. Submit.

  8. Implement the macro operations in Ummacros_op. Write a test file that tests all six macro operations for correctness. Assemble, link, and run the file.

  9. Submit. You are finished.

Avoid common mistakes

Avoid these common mistakes:

What to submit


By Sunday, December 4 at 11:59 PM, use the script submit40-asm to submit