COMP40 Assignment: Locality and the costs of loads and stores

COMP 40 Assignment: Locality and the costs of loads and stores

Designs and experimental estimates due Sunday, October 2, at 11:59 PM. Full assignment due Thursday, October 6, at 11:59 PM.

Overview and purpose

This assignment is all about the cache and locality. You'll implement blocked two-dimensional arrays, which you'll then use to evaluate the performance of image rotation using three different array-access patterns with different locality properties. You'll also see how to write code that is polymorphic in an array type.

The assignment has two parallel tracks:

  1. On the design and building track, you will implement blocked two-dimensional arrays and polymorphic image rotation,
  2. On the experimental computer-science track, you will predict the costs of image rotations, and later measure them. Your predictions will be based on knowledge of the cache as covered in Chapter 6 of Bryant and O'Halloran and as covered in class.

As described in Section [->], in this assignment we provide you with a lot of code and information. It will take time to assimilate. You can get some of the code by running the commands

   git clone
   cd locality
which will create and enter a directory called locality. Do this at the start of the assignment.

Table of Contents


Part A (design/build): Improving locality through blocking

In this part of the assignment, you will implement a standard technique for improving locality: blocking. The idea is best expressed in a picture. Here is a 10-by-10 array organized in 4-by-4 blocks:

The idea is simple: the blocked array has a similar interface to UArray2, but a different cost model. In particular, You have just one task for this part:


#define T UArray2b_T
typedef struct T *T;

extern T    UArray2b_new (int width, int height, int size, int blocksize);
  /* new blocked 2d array: blocksize = square root of # of cells in block */
extern T    UArray2b_new_64K_block(int width, int height, int size);
  /* new blocked 2d array: blocksize as large as possible provided
     block occupies at most 64KB (if possible) */

extern void  UArray2b_free  (T *array2b);

extern int   UArray2b_width (T array2b);
extern int   UArray2b_height(T array2b);
extern int   UArray2b_size  (T array2b);
extern int   UArray2b_blocksize(T array2b);

extern void *UArray2b_at(T array2b, int i, int j);
  /* return a pointer to the cell in column i, row j;
     index out of range is a checked run-time error

extern void  UArray2b_map(T array2b, 
    void apply(int i, int j, T array2b, void *elem, void *cl), void *cl);
      /* visits every cell in one block before moving to another block */

/* it is a checked run-time error to pass a NULL T
   to any function in this interface */

#undef T
Interface for blocked arrays [Figure uarray2b]

Required interface

Since you have already been through a very similar design exercise, I will not ask you to repeat it. Instead, I am specifying an interface, and I suggest a design which you may use if you wish. The interface you are to implement, to be called UArray2b, appears in figure "uarray2b". The blocksize parameter to UArray2b_new counts the number of cells on one side of a block, so the actual number of cells in a block is blocksize * blocksize. The number of bytes in a block is blocksize * blocksize * size. The blocksize parameter has no effect on semantics, only on performance.

The UArray2b_new_64K_block allows you to default the blocksize; it is similar to UArray2_new. It chooses a blocksize that is as large as possible while still allowing a block to fit in 64KB of RAM. If a single cell will not fit in 64KB, the block size should be 1. On almost any machine built in the last five years, the L1 data cache will hold 128KB of data, so if you create arrays using UArray2b_new_64K_block, you can fit two blocks in cache at one time.

One possible architecture for your implementation

If you wish, you may use your own design and architecture for the implementation of UArray2b, or you may use one of mine described as follows:

Here is a simple architecture for UArray2b. Because of the many layers of abstraction, it does not perform very well, but it is relatively easy to implement.
If you implement this design successfully, it is not too difficult to modify the code such that your blocked array is stored in a single, contiguous area of memory. Once you have the address arithmetic right, you can get a substantial speedup by avoiding all the memory references involved in going indirectly through the UArray2 and Array abstractions. But the focus of this assignment is not on performance, and a faster implementation is purely optional.

My solutions

I have written two solutions to this problem. The one that uses the design sketched above is about 175 lines of C, 50 of which appear at the end of this assignment. I then wrote another, faster solution which is about 130 lines of C. The faster solution has a significantly more complicated invariant and was correspondingly more difficult to get right.

typedef void *A2;  // an unknown type that represents a 2D array of 'cells'
typedef void A2Methods_Object;  // an unknown sequence of bytes in memory
                                // (element of an array)

typedef void A2Methods_applyfun(int i, int j, A2 array2,
                                A2Methods_Object *ptr, void *cl);
typedef void A2Methods_mapfun(A2 array2, A2Methods_applyfun apply, void *cl);

typedef void A2Methods_smallapplyfun(A2Methods_Object *ptr, void *cl);
typedef void A2Methods_smallmapfun(A2 a2, A2Methods_smallapplyfun f, void *cl);

typedef struct A2Methods_T { // operations on 2D arrays

  // it is a checked run-time error to pass a NULL 2D array to any function,
  // and except as noted, a NULL function pointer is an *unchecked* r. e.

  A2 (*new)(int width, int height, int size);
    // creates a distinct 2D array of memory cells, each of the given 'size'
    // each cell is uninitialized
    // if the array is blocked, uses a default block size

  A2 (*new_with_blocksize)(int width, int height, int size, int blocksize);
    // creates a distinct 2D array of memory cells, each of the given 'size'
    // each cell is uninitialized
    // if the array is blocked, the block size given is the number of cells
    //    along one side of a block; otherwise 'blocksize' is ignored

  void (*free)(A2 *array2p);
    // frees *array2p and overwrites the pointer with NULL

  // observe properties of the array
  int (*width)    (A2 array2);
  int (*height)   (A2 array2);
  int (*size)     (A2 array2);
  int (*blocksize)(A2 array2); // for an unblocked array, returns 1

  A2Methods_Object *(*at)(A2 array2, int i, int j);
    // returns a pointer to the object in column i, row j
    // (checked runtime error if i or j is out of bounds)

  // mapping functions
  void (*map_row_major)  (A2 array2, A2Methods_applyfun apply, void *cl);
  void (*map_col_major)  (A2 array2, A2Methods_applyfun apply, void *cl);
  void (*map_block_major)(A2 array2, A2Methods_applyfun apply, void *cl);
  void (*map_default)    (A2 array2, A2Methods_applyfun apply, void *cl);
    // each mapping function visits every cell in array2, and for each
    // cell it calls 'apply' with these arguments:
    //    i, the column index of the cell
    //    j, the row index of the cell
    //    array2, the array passed to the mapping function
    //    cell, a pointer to the cell
    //    cl, the closure pointer passed to the mapping function
    // These functions differ only in the *order* in which they visit cells:
    //   - row_major visits each row before the next, in order of increasing
    //     row index; within a row, column numbers increase
    //   - col_major visits each column before the next, in order of
    //     increasing column index; within a column, row numbers increase
    //   - block_major visits each block before the next; order of
    //     blocks and order of cells within a block is not specified
    //   - map_default uses a default order that has good locality
    // In any record, map_block_major may be NULL provided that
    // map_row_major and map_col_major are not NULL, and vice versa.
  // alternative mapping functions that pass only cell pointer and closure
  void (*small_map_row_major)  (A2 a2, A2Methods_smallapplyfun apply, void *cl);
  void (*small_map_col_major)  (A2 a2, A2Methods_smallapplyfun apply, void *cl);
  void (*small_map_block_major)(A2 a2, A2Methods_smallapplyfun apply, void *cl);
  void (*small_map_default)    (A2 a2, A2Methods_smallapplyfun apply, void *cl);

} *A2Methods_T;

Polymorphic interface for manipulating two-dimensional arrays [Figure a2methods]

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <a2plain.h>
#include "uarray2.h"

// define a private version of each function in A2Methods_T that we implement

static A2Methods_UArray2 new(int width, int height, int size) {
  return UArray2_new(...);

static A2Methods_UArray2 new_with_blocksize(int width, int height, int size,
                                        int blocksize)
  (void) blocksize;
  return UArray2_new(...);

 ... many more private (static) definitions follow ...

// now create the private struct containing pointers to the functions

static struct A2Methods_T uarray2_methods_plain_struct = {
   ... other functions follow in order, with NULL for those not implemented ...

// finally the payoff: here is the exported pointer to the struct

A2Methods_T uarray2_methods_plain = &uarray2_methods_plain_struct;
Boilerplate for implementing a struct pointer of type A2Methods_T [Figure template]

typedef void Array2_apply(int row, int col, void *elem, void *cl);
extern void Array2_map_row_major(Array2_T a2, Array2_apply apply, void *cl);
struct a2fun_closure {
  A2Methods_applyfun *apply; // apply function as known to A2Methods
  void *cl;               // closure that goes with that apply function
  A2Methods_UArray2 array2;   // array being mapped over

static void apply_a2methods_using_array2_prototype
                (int row, int col, void *elem, void *cl) 
  struct a2fun_closure *f = cl; // this is the function/closure originally passed
  f->apply(col, row, f->array2, elem, f->cl);

static void map_row_major(A2Methods_UArray2 array2, A2Methods_applyfun apply, void *cl) {
  struct a2fun_closure mycl = { apply, cl, array2 };
  Array2_map_row_major(array2, apply_a2methods_using_array2_prototype, &mycl);
Mediating between map/apply functions that use different prototypes [Figure mediate]

Part B (design/build): supporting polymorphic manipulation of 2D arrays

You now have two different representations of two-dimensional arrays: UArray2, which supports column-major and row-major mapping, and UArray2b, which supports block-major mapping. In order not to duplicate code, we want to write image rotations that can operate on either kind of array. To achieve this kind of reuse, we resort again to polymorphism: we define an interface A2Methods that can represent either kind of two-dimensional array. You write one image-rotation program against this interface, and you can use it with two implementations.

The A2Methods interface uses the same principles as the declaration of an abstract class in a language like C++, C#, Java, or Smalltalk. Instead of calling functions by name, you will call through pointers to functions. Those pointers live in a method suite of type A2Methods_T, which is a pointer to a record of function pointers (Figure [->]). For each of these function pointers, you will you will need to create a static function that calls into UArray2. To implement your method suite, you put pointers to those functions into a struct. Looking at a2blocked.c will show you a complete example, and in figure "template" we also provide a template for your a2plain.c.

The interface you are to implement is defined in a2plain.h:

#include <a2methods.h>

extern A2Methods_T uarray2_methods_plain; // functions for normal arrays
You should write file a2plain.c, which implements this interface. It should look something like the template in figure "template". The only tricky bit is resolving differences in your apply functions. Let's suppose that your UArray2 apply and row-major map functions look like this:
typedef void Array2_apply(int row, int col, void *elem, void *cl);
extern void Array2_map_row_major(Array2_T a2, Array2_apply apply, void *cl);
This ``inner'' apply function is compatible with UArray2, but it is not the same as the ``outer'' apply function used in the A2Methods interface shown in figure "a2methods". The exported mapping function will receive an ``outer'' apply function that is compatible with the A2Methods interface, and you will have to create an ``inner'' apply function that is compatible with your own personal UArray2 interface.
  1. Define a new closure type a2fun_closure, which holds the outer apply function and its closure, plus any other information that's expected by the outer apply function but not provided by the inner apply function. In this case, the ``other information'' is the array.
  2. Define a new, ``inner'' apply function that can be passed to your UArray2_map_row_major. This apply function grabs information from the a2fun_closure, and it applies the ``outer'' apply function. In other words, it's just a proxy.
  3. Your A2Methods version of map_row__major, which you'll export a pointer to, builds an a2fun_closure, and then calls UArray2_map_row_major using the new closure and the inner apply function. The new closure always contains the old closure and the outer apply function.
You can see a full example in figure "mediate".

Here is a summary of your obligations for this part:

Part C (design/build): ppmtrans, a program with straightforward locality properties

Using the A2Methods abstraction, implement program ppmtrans, which is modelled on jpegtran and performs some simple image transformations. Program ppmtrans offers a subset of jpegtran's functionality. The image-transformation options you may support are as follows:

   -rotate 90
          Rotate image 90 degrees clockwise.

   -rotate 180
          Rotate image 180 degrees.

   -rotate 270
          Rotate image 270 degrees clockwise (or 90 ccw).

   -rotate 0
          Leave the image unchanged.

   -flip horizontal
          Mirror image horizontally (left-right).

   -flip vertical
          Mirror image vertically (top-bottom).

          Transpose image (across UL-to-LR axis).
You must implement both 90-degree and 180-degree rotations. Other options may be implemented for extra credit; if you choose not to implement them, reject the unimplemented options with a suitable error message written to stderr and a nonzero exit code.

Significant requirements:

Your ppmtrans should read a single ppm image either from standard input or from a file named on the command line. Your ppmtrans should write the transformed image to standard output. For help handling command-line options, see the suggested code at the end of this assignment.

Why this problem is interesting from a cache point of view:

If cells in a row are stored in adjacent memory locations, processing cells in a row has good spatial locality, but it's not clear about processing cells in a column. If cells in a column are stored in adjacent memory locations, processing cells in a column has good spatial locality, but it's not clear about processing cells in a row. In a 90-degree rotation, processing a row in the source image means processing a column in the destination image, and vice versa. Thus, the locality properties of 90-degree rotation are not immediately obvious.

In a 180-degree rotation, rows map to rows and columns map to columns. Thus, whatever locality properties are enjoyed by the source-image processing are enjoyed equally by the destination-image processing. If you understand how your data structure works, then, you should find it easier to predict the locality of 180-degree rotation.

In a blocked representation, the mapping of blocks to blocks is not obvious. To understand the locality properties of blocked array processing, you will have to think carefully.

My solution to this problem is about 150 lines of code.

Part D (experimental): Analyze locality and predict performance

This part of the assignment is to be completed at the same time as your design work for parts A and C. Please estimate the expected cache hit rate for reads of each of the six operations in the table below. Assume that the images being rotated are much too large to fit in the cache.

row-major accesscolumn-major accessblocked access
90-degree rotation
180-degree rotation
Your estimate should be a rank between 1 and 6, with 1 being the best hit rate and 6 being the worst hit rate. If you think two operations will have about the same hit rate, give them the same rank. For example, if you think that both column-major rotations will have the most cache misses and will have about the same number of cache misses, rank them both 5 and rank the other entries 1 to 4.

Justify your estimates on the grounds of expected cache misses and locality. Your justifications will form a significant fraction of your grade for this part.

Unfortunately, measuring hit rates is not so easy (although valgrind can do a lot). But what we are really interested in is the effect of locality on performance. We are therefore also asking you to predict the relative performance of each algorithm. But do make some simplifying assumptions:

Under these assumptions, estimate the following quantities for each algorithm:
  1. How many addition or subtraction operations are done for each pixel in the image?
  2. How many multiplication operations are done for each pixel in the image?
  3. How many division or modulus operations are done for each pixel in the image?
  4. How many comparison operations (equality, less than, and so forth) are done for each pixel in the image, not forgetting any loop-termination conditions? [*]
  5. How many loads are done for each pixel in the image? [*]
  6. Of the loads in question [<-], what fraction hit in the cache?
  7. How many stores are done for each pixel in the image? [*]
  8. Of the stores in question [<-], what fraction are to lines that are already in the cache?
If the answers to questions 1–[<-] and [<-] are the same for two different algorithms, the relative performance will be determined only by the cache performance. If the answers to questions 1–[<-] and [<-] are significantly different, you may find that a lot of arithmetic may cost more than a modest difference in the cache-miss rate. (As a rule of thumb, add and subtract cost the same as a load that hits in the cache, a multiply costs a bit more, and division/modulus cost even more. Comparisons vary, but in a well-behaved program a comparison typically costs about the same as an add or subtract.)

Please submit the expected work per pixel in a table like the following:

Kind of rotationadds/subsmultipliesdivs/modscomparesloadshit ratestoreshit rate
180-degree row-major
180-degree column-major
180-degree block-major
90-degree row-major
90-degree column-major
90-degree block-major

Once you have estimated the expected cost per pixel, please estimate the expected speed of each of the six operations in the table below. Your speed estimate should include the cost of stores as well as the cost of loads.

row-major accesscolumn-major accessblocked access
90-degree rotation
180-degree rotation
Your estimate should be a rank between 1 and 6, with 1 being the fastest and 6 being the slowest. If you think two operations will go at about the same speed, give them the same rank. For example, if you think that both column-major rotations will be the slowest and will run at about the same speed, rank them both 5 and rank the other entries 1 to 4.

To complete this problem successfully, you will need to understand the material presented in class and in Chapter 6 of Bryant and O'Hallaron.

Part E (experimental): Measure and explain improvements in locality

This part of the assignment is to be completed after you have a complete, working implementations of ppmtrans. Please measure the speed of each of the operations in following table:

row-major accesscolumn-major accessblocked access
90-degree rotation
180-degree rotation
In detail,

In order to see any effects, you must use images that are too large to fit in the cache. Your fastest rotation should take several seconds; if it does not, you need a larger image.

Be sure all your measurements are done with the same image to the same scale.

Infrastructure that we provide


This section identifies infrastructure you can use for this assignment.

A polymorphic interface to two-dimensional arrays


  1. figure "a2methods" on page [->] gives a polymorphic interface that describes a method suite for two-dimensional arrays. You will provide a method suite that works with your design and implementation of UArray2; we provide an implementation that works with UArray2b. For a rather simple example of how to use the 2D-array methods, see sample file a2test.c (item [->] below). The file a2methods.h appears in /comp/40/include and should not be copied.

    Other interfaces we have designed for you

    The interfaces below appear in /comp/40/include. Do not copy these files. You should be able to compile against any of these interfaces by using the option -I/comp/40/include with gcc.

  2. Files a2plain.h and a2blocked.h define two interfaces that promise method suites. We implement a2blocked.h; you should be able to link against it by using the options -L/comp/40/lib64 -l40locality with gcc.
  3. File uarray2b.h defines the UArray2b interface. (You write the implementation.)
  4. File pnm.h defines functions you can use to read, write, and free portable pixmap (PPM) files. It defines a representation for colored pixels. The pixmap itself is represented as type void *; you will use this code with the A2Methods_T methods.

    The Pnm interface uses the A2Methods interface.

    You should be able to link against our implementation of pnm.h by using the options

      -L/comp/40/lib64 -l40locality -lnetpbm
    with gcc.

    Test code for two-dimensional arrays

  5. [*] As usual when implementing polymorphism in C, it is possible to make a mistake with void * pointers. You will therefore want to run small test cases using valgrind in order to flush out potential memory errors. We provide one sample test case in file a2test.c; it tests the cell and at methods as well as row-major mapping, if present. Before you can use it you will need to implement uarray2b.c or a2plain.c or both.

    Once you can build a2test, run valgrind ./a2test.

    Other source code

  6. We provide C source code for a2blocked.c, which you don't need to compile, but you might find useful to study. We also provide incomplete versions of a2plain.c and ppmtrans.c.

    Where to get what

  7. All of the C source we provide for you is in a git repository. That repository also contains a compile script that builds a2test; you will need to extend the script to build ppmtrans. You will want to remember options like
      sh compile uarray2b.c     # compile just the one .c file
      sh compile -nolink       # compile all .c, but don't link anything
      sh compile -link a2test  # build executable binary a2test
    You get all these sources by
       git clone
    which will create a subdirectory locality. We recommend you begin the assignment by creating a directory using git clone.
  8. Interfaces uarray2b.h, a2methods.h, a2blocked.h, and a2plain.h all appear in /comp/40/include. Don't copy these interfaces.

    Geometric calculations we have done for you

    What's important about this assignment is how locality stores affects performance, not how to rotate images. We therefore inform you that we believe

  9. If you have an original image of size w ×h, then when the image is rotated 90 degrees, pixel (i, j) in the original becomes pixel (h-j-1, i) in the rotated image.
  10. When the image is rotated 180 degrees, pixel (i, j) becomes pixel (w-i-1, h-j-1).

What we expect from your preliminary submission

Your preliminary submission should include your design work for parts A and C as well as all of part D.

Please submit two files:

Submit using submit40-locality-design.

What we expect from your final submission

Your implementation, to be submitted using submit40-locality, should include

  1. A README file which
    • Identifies you and your programming partner by name
    • Acknowledges help you may have received from or collaborative work you may have undertaken
    • Identifies what has been correctly implemented and what has not
    • Documents the architecture of your solutions.
    • Gives measured speeds for Part E and explains them.
    • Says approximately how many hours you have spent completing the assignment
  2. The file ppmtrans.c.
  3. File uarray2b.c, which implements the UArray2b interface. This file should include internal documentation explaining your representation and its invariants.
  4. File a2plain.c, which provides a method suite as described by the a2methods.h interface.
  5. Any other files you may have created as useful components.
  6. compile script which when run using
      sh compile
    encounters no errors and builds two executable binaries: a2test and ppmtrans.
    • ppmtrans should be linked with ppmtrans.o, uarray2.o, arrayb.o, a2plain.o, a2blocked.o, and probably with other relocatable object files and libraries.

Avoid common mistakes

Here are the mistakes most commonly made on this project:

Code to handle command-line options and choose methods

To deal with command-line options in ppmtrans.c, consider the code below. This code does not help you decide if a file has been named on the command line, which determines whether you read from that file or from standard input. To make this decision, you will need to examine the values of i and argc.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "assert.h"
#include "a2methods.h"
#include "a2plain.h"
#include "a2blocked.h"
#include "pnm.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int rotation = 0;
  A2Methods_T methods = uarray2_methods_plain; // default to UArray2 methods
  A2Methods_mapfun *map = methods->map_default; // default to best map
      methods = (METHODS); \
      assert(methods); \
      map = methods->MAP; \
      if (!map) { \
        fprintf(stderr, "%s does not support " WHAT "mapping\n", argv[0]); \
        exit(1); \
      } \
    } while(0)

  int i;
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-row-major")) {
      SET_METHODS(uarray2_methods_plain, map_row_major, "row-major");
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-col-major")) {
      SET_METHODS(uarray2_methods_plain, map_col_major, "column-major");
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-block-major")) {
      SET_METHODS(uarray2_methods_blocked, map_block_major, "block-major");
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-rotate")) {
      assert(i + 1 < argc);
      char *endptr;
      rotation = strtol(argv[++i], &endptr, 10);
      assert(*endptr == '\0'); // parsed all correctly
      assert(rotation == 0   || rotation == 90
          || rotation == 180 || rotation == 270);
    } else if (*argv[i] == '-') {
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[i]);
    } else if (argc - i > 2) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-rotate <angle>] "
              "[-{row,col,block}-major] [filename]\n", argv[0]);
    } else {